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Pale Face?
A Readers Asks about the Plantation America Book: Paleface 10/3/2022
© 2022 James LaFond
Hey Lynn, I hope you, your family, and James are well. I've been long wondering, do you know how far along James is on "Paleface"? I have been itching to read that book, and intend to be first in line when its ready to print.
-Sent by Lynn via Skype message
My immediate response is below:
3:21 PM
I at one time entertained it as a book title for a study of European Indian Tribesmen in the Eastern Woodlands. As this process was so intricate to Plantation America, I have since treated this subject in a segment of each of my last 4 Plantation America books, with Search For an American Spartacus most heavily reliant on tribal material.
There are a few reasons why I have veered away from this title:
-The subject itself, of tribal peoples of fractional to majority European descent, is taboo in the extreme and the notion is hated to the point where I would expect persecution and censorship from:
-Academics [who are now entirely politicized as thought doctrine gate keepers]
-Native Americans [due to the suggestion that tribes were uncivilized, indeed “tribe” is now an insult to First Nation and Native folk]
-Progressive Liberals [due to the suggestion that 100% evil Christian gunman actually went native]
-Christian Conservatives [due to the example of so many early American Christians leaving Christ for Heathen theology]
-Civic Nationalists and Patriots [due to the negative depiction of early American Government implicit in the fact that “whites” abducted by Indians almost never wanted to return once rescued]
-White Nationalists [as the fact that eastern Tribes were 40 to 60% European, racially and that pure blooded tribes and elite whites allied against working whites, shatters their racial narrative, along with the false notion that period tribesmen called Europeans “white” as a predominant term.
-Cultural Conservatives, who have debunked the depiction of TransMississippi tribes as innocent, vegan flower children who never attacked civilians, and who believe that these tribes were racially and culturally identical to earlier Eastern Tribes, reject the fact that eastern Tribes as a general rule avoided harming noncombatants and had strict prohibitions against rape. These types are aggressive and will agree with academics that Tecumseh, Mosca, Henry, Dragging Canoe, Big Bill, Joseph Brant, Pontiac, Massaiot, Metacomet, Blue Jacket, The Half King, Powhatan, Captain Will Emery [WTF?] and a legion of other Tribal chiefs looked like Geronimo and not, well, what they actually looked like…
There is no readership outside of our Plantation America audience for such a book on runaway Plantation slaves of European descent joining tribes and actually leading many such tribes in revolt against Anglo-American domination. Additionally, such a book might get me back on the ban list. I’m trying to be a good boy.
Also, 3.5 years ago, two people who are very close to me took great exception to this project, as well as my editor suggesting that I was idealizing tribal life and losing objectivity. This lady supported my on hundreds of books and helped edit dozens and even co-wrote some. This book, and a book on Carl Panzram, I wanted to write and abandoned based partially, in the case of Paleface, and totally, in the case of Panzram, because this lady who supported me in everything else had strong objections to the subject.
Her instincts are right. Panzram, since he was a homosexual rapist and murderer, should be covered by someone who does not write masculine advice. Paleface, sharing a title with a book from about 1930 in which the author cannot go a page without using the N-word, would bring a lot of heat.
I have never pretended to be heroically dissident. I must make a living as a writer and have, over these past four years, declined to write hundreds of articles, and a handful of books, out of fear, yes fear. I remember when The Eye in the Gay Sky took away half my income and made me homeless. I’m still homeless. So, I do not need to tempt Dark Fate, slathering for another identity to take.
I am though, sneaky. My war-gaming friend, Sensie Steve always complained that I was a snake in the grass, “a sneaky little fucker.” Last year he almost hit me when I wiped out a U.S. Marine regiment in the mountains above Wanson with three Chi-Come divisions while playing a Korean War simulation!
For this reason, I hide in written sight:
-Inserting my actual beliefs in fiction,
-Writing in Comic Cant on touchy news subjects and not publishing them until beyond the six month long news cycle, when the thought bots have been directed at new prey,
-Inserting a section, in each of the last four and all of the upcoming Plantation America books that addresses the Amerindian condition.
I reject the following Amerindian terms for the following reasons:
-First Nation, because North American tribes often annihilated tribes that were in their way, being roughly as genocidal as neolithic and Iron Age European tribes. So, we don’t know who the real first nations were, because most of them got wiped out in one of the ten major migrations out of Asia.
-Native American, because only migrants from Europe are barred from this distinction. Polynesians and Japanese migrants who became part of tribes in the west long after Norse intermarried with Tribes in the east, may be native. But I, whose ancestors have lived in America since 1634, may not be a native. This is a sham term of exclusion that twists the meaning of Native, which is to be born in a land.
-Indian, I use, but am not comfortable with Indian, because it was a mistake and was not used by people other than Spanish in the first centuries of contact as a general designation.
-Savage, is an accurate term that was applied to rural Frenchmen in France, and meant Forest Dweller, and is accurate for eastern tribes.
-Heathen, is an accurate term that was preferred by early Christians in America, that is based on the term meaning Heather [Highland] Dweller and reflected the early Anglo hatred of Amerindians as being religious and not racial, with most early writers commenting on the splendid physical form, “white skin” [when not wearing paint and when born] of the natives, but being disgusted with their faith.
-Amerindian is a made up academic term that at least addresses Indian as a mis-attribution and does not require multiple words, so I sue it some.
-Tribal, is my preferred designation for those generally known as Native American, because of the fact that many tribe members were not native to North America, but runaway European slaves! Tribal is also an accurate term for the life way of all of these peoples. It is hated by modern tribe members and academics only because academics have used “tribal” as an insult for people who believe in race-based societies, ethnic warfare, gang feuding, and racial revenge etc.
Do note that the roughly 700 tribes of North America did believe in the above activities, especially ethnic warfare and racial revenge. Interestingly, such tribesmen, especially east of the Mississippi, tended to be most liberal on the first account, routinely admitting people of alien racial stock into their tribal societies.
So, Sir, I am sorry for bailing on paleface as a concept book, an act I committed mostly our of cowardice and insecurity. However, I do think that having a tribal segment in each Plantation America book, fits with the theme of the series, which has expanded beyond “white slavery” for the very real reason that I have discovered, in examining the period sources, that our historians have lied about or obfuscated almost every facet of pre-1775 American History.
As a parting note, last November I was drinking in a dive bar with a First Nation babe, when one of her friends began questioning my unique racial evil, being a Yeti. I then brought up Ron West’s book, Pemican Speaks, which she had read, being a member of his tribe, and reeled off three biographies of great chiefs I had recently listened to on audio-book dozens of times. She grew fearful of me and gawked at me like I was a necromancer. She was a Blackfoot and claimed that she had been married to a Dine skin-walker. She could not understand why Geronimo hated Mexicans [because they killed his wife and child] and insisted that his Mexican hate was wrong, because all none-whites should make common cause against evil [being exclusively white]. She did threaten to “cut your fucking throat.” But I laughed, because she was also jamming her very plump European-sized breast [she looked Irish-Italian] into my side while hissing seductively in my ear, and I thought she liked me.
I am not willing or qualified to address the latest American crimes against this land’s elder tribal inhabitants, that they have been tricked into “thinking white” by American and Canadian academics. That minefield awaits me if I were to go ahead with a book with the focus imagined some six years ago for Paleface, a book that will not be written by this paleface.
Real History Month
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Yeti Waters     Feb 16, 2023

The Indian Chief Tobacco informed General George Rogers Clark of tradition in which it was stated that there was a battle at Sandy Island that decided the fall of the ancient inhabitants. The Indian Chief affirmed that that Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee had once been inhabited by a white people who are familiar with the art of which the Indians knew nothing and that after a series of battles with the Indians, they were exterminated. He also declared that the old burial places were the grades of an unknown people; that the Fords had not been built by the Indians but belongs to a “very long ago” people who were of white complexion and skilled in arts.

In “The Evening Call” by John S. Cole, Charleston, West Virginia, August 1882, is the reference in the Draper papers to Bullet’s attempt to buy land in Kentucky from the Shawnee who were living on the Scioto at the time. “They then informed him that the Indians never owned Kentucky, and that it belonged to the ghosts of murdered white men, women, and children that they called Azons or “people from on Eastern Sea”; that their bones and ghosts owned and occupied every acre of the country, and that they protected the game and had more and better right than any Indian tribe or nation because they didn’t need material food themselves and never liked it.
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