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Part 1 of 2: Our Real and Proximate Master: Case Studies, Rome & Moby Dick
© 2022 James LaFond
We moderns have been birthed and weened and raised as children of a Nation State and inculcated with the belief that like a dotting parent, this great nation state thinks of us first and always above itself. Thus is the absurdity of our foundational Modern superstition. Reading history, one finds actors that pilot states in general, serving either themselves at the expense of the subjects or citizens of the state, or serving the state at the expense of themselves and the subjects or citizens. But to consider the mechanisms of the state power, I would like to look at two things treated towards the end of this book:
-Moby Dick, a novel extolled by numerous literary critics as a metaphor for modernity, and [0]
-The Roman Legion, the central institution of the world’s most documented and renowned empire before the modern era. The Legion, as an institution began under the Roman Republic and continued at the very center of the Roman Imperium.
Only an idiot would assume that National Government is formed and continues as a selfless servant of The People. However, some states have been constituted by a race, or a tribe, to benefit that race or tribe, and in some cases have been very potent. Sparta is one of the best ancient examples, as the city states of Hellas, in the main, were constituted as ethnic refuges and Sparta was the most extreme case. We currently have a few nations that are ethnocentric in this ancient way, having generally served their ethnicity rather than extra-national masters: [1]
-North Korea
Due to media inculcated opinions, readers will disagree with these. Haiti may not serve its people well, but it serves Africans better than most African nations who serve global masters, and has so through most of its composition. For instance, the leading pervert child rapists of America, the Little Rocks, were once foiled by the Haitian government which blocked the export of some of its children for the elite sex trade. Every small nation must in some way serve a greater power to be able to serve its own agenda. I have merely named a handful of nations that seem to be 51% or more devoted to their ethnicity.
A good example of the pre-modern type of Nation State, is one which lived and died in our lifetime. Iraq under the Baathist party, had as its internal mission the service of Sunni and the oppression if Shia religious enemies and Kurdish racial enemies. Iraq had been created by external forces to preserve regional discord, and yet found for itself its own internal purpose for two generations. The Baathist State rose and fell in service to greater external powers, yet still sought an internal identity, a ruinous ambition.
There may be more. In any case, they are few, most nations being more slaves to globalist oligarchs then vehicles of ethnic or religious purpose.
The question I wish to pose, is does power itself corrupt the purpose of a power structure, even when it is constructed to benefit certain parties.
Moby Dick
In this classic novel, the whaling ship Pequod, constructed and sailed for the benefit of certain wealthy Puritans of Nantucket, whose trade is regarded as necessary for the very lighting of modern streets and the expansion of modern life itself, is misused by Captain Ahab, not for material wealth, which is the guiding faith of the Puritan ethos and of the mongrel crew, but for personal vengeance against the white whale.
Interestingly, the doomed crew is seduced by Ahab by way of the offer of a rare gold coin nailed to the mast. This pact is sanctified in a tribal way with oaths. Ahab reaches below the monetary and corporate horizon, represented on board by Starbuck, the First Mate who tries to resist the monster hunt.
Ahab seduced the crew in large part by playing its components against each other, as the industry was so intended to take individuals and make of them tribal hunters, in service to post tribal society. For instance, Ahab entertains the three mates and the three harpooners as companions, as Alexander would his leading men on campaign.
The harpooners are the key demographic, three men with no racial companions on the ship and placed in concord and competition by their roles at the point of the spear. One is Polynesian, one African and one Amerindian, each a man without a tribe, but with a chief. Ahab, in a period marked by clear institutional racial boundaries, when the men of his pale race were supposed to rule over those of darker races, favors these savages over all the men of is own race.
On a larger scale, societies tend to import police from among men of races other than those they are intended to police. I have well documented this in other works. The Athenians using Scythian slaves to police their own citizens is the most glaring example. Likewise, the use of barbarian body guards among Roman elites, the use of European mercenaries by African elites, and of English and American mercenaries by the Chinese Empire during the Taipang Rebellion, accounting for some millions killed by the few thousand foreign mercenaries, are stunning examples of this.
In America, white men from rural and suburban areas are typically brought in to police black inner cities. Currently, majority Black Baltimore, Maryland, run by black politicians, has signs posted in majority white Portland, Oregon, seeking to recruit police [pictured as white on the billboard] for six figure salaries. This is mercenary recruitment as far away from the work site as possible!
In the next part I will use the Roman Legion as an example of how the simple function of power, and of economy of scale born of the necessities commensurate with success, will turn an ethnocentric or tribal organization, over time, into a rabidly diversifying entity, operating according to the law of power, and under only one master, its self. [2]
-0. Do note how common it is for an individual to start a business, and then take it corporate, and then to have the board of directors of the very company he created force him out into retirement, or buy him out, or even fire him.
-1. For instance, though Vietnam has been an ethnocentric state, it sacrificed a large portion of its people on behalf of an international ideology. Likewise South Korea serves the U.S. and China farms its population for the elevation of its oligarchy. It is not really possible for a major Modern nation to be truly ethnocentric, otherwise it will invite the ire of oligarchical states, including the Ethno-oligarchy of China and Russia and the Global oligarchy of the U.S.G. However, minor nations may, in odd circumstances, serve an ethnic or otherwise collective agenda.
-2. The history of the Roman state is one of heads of state being constantly killed and discarded and only occasionally acting as pilots of the ship of state. The metaphor of the whaling ship as state, corporation or of a society, works so well due to the fact that the head of state and the subjects of the state, are contained within the same vessel, with both sharing the perils of the wider world, putting otherwise opposing persons and factions of that miniature society in fleeting alliance against an existential menace. In many ways, the only hope the captain has is an external menace with which to unite the crew. External temptations, as those that enticed captain Bligh’s crew to mutiny, served a captain or head of state far less than a shared enemy.
Am I A Dissident Mind?
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