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Temporary Shill
Thoughts on Mortality, Myth, Hierarchical Cannibalism and Social Grace: 9/13/2022
© 2022 James LaFond
In Holiday Blue, The Deathless Ones, being ancient gods as alien beings that serve Eternity, and their slaves, The Ageless Ones, who farm humanity in service to those higher powers, are fed and served and entertained, ultimately by “temporaries” that is mortals, humans.
These titanic races, in rare cases, may achieve true eternal state. But, in their Ageless and Deathless sates they are essentially titans, very much the Nephelim and or angels of the Bible, and the ascendant deities of heathenry, as reflected by Zeus Eternal’s assertion that he is more powerful than all of the other gods, who are lesser beings and may even be killed by mortals despite being “Deathless.” [1]
Together with the human sacrifice, being explicit and implicit in seeded earth religions, from the Judeo-Christian, Egyptian, Arуan and Aztec cosmology, having cannibalistic overtones and undertones [2], along with the myths of Sky beings lain by Time and Time eating his children, [3] has long suggested that early civilized societies and faiths practiced the eating of lower class humans of the same society and of upper class humans of enemy societies. [4]
In Holiday Blue, three temporary hounds, or human man-hunters, are used by their Ageless titan masters, who are not immortal but have life spans similar to Biblical patriarchs, to hunt Earth for their Deathless [5] masters for food, sport and servant stock.
I used three different personality types:
-1. Temporary Jack is a loyal and eager slave that exceeds the adore of his master, an alpha slave, a potential problem.
-2. Temporary Bill is a loyal but not eager slave who develops critical thinking due to a triangulation of his perspective, his master’s perspective, which he must understand to a certain extent to serve, and the nature of his two eager peers, Jack and Blackie.
-3. Temporary Blackie, has not been bred from farm stuck like Jack and Bill, but captured for use as a ‘Judas animal’ by his master. His eagerness is a hopeless expression of wanting to become morally one with his master as a sycophant.
These subjects and servants of the higher order interested me at different levels, with my preference being for Jack. However, I noted early on that I a more like Bill, that Jack was a lot more fun to write.
This morning, before writing Chapters 12, 12.1 and 13, I viewed an interview by three believers, loyal, eager servants of our economic nation state system. The lead investigator had that jack personality, the drive to serve the higher powers by exceeding their efforts and their effectiveness. I have only experienced this as a grocer, when I worked with and four mental, motivational and moral retards who were all critically demoralized by having found themselves locked into the lowest trade other than sanitation in modernity.
Then I saw Bill. The man being interviewed as an architect who understood the physical science of the 911 Twin Towers collapse. The interviewers were not interested in this. They would not sign off on the debunking of the false government narrative on scientific grounds until this science person could provide a personality and moral interaction social control motive and operational plan which re totally out of his field of experience.
In other words, the teacher of Is, Did, Was, was not believed because he could not explain the morality and personality dynamics of the fantasy planes of operation describe as Could, Would and Should.
Their extrapolations and objections were all based on emotional beliefs that the moral make up of human sheep, human wolves, human sheep dogs and human shepherds, could not differ—when in fact, they do, because they must.
That is how I found the internal character of temporary Bill, the architect that is not believed when he describes structural integrity, because he is not capable of ideological fantasy. The dissident architect who does not possess the personality necessary to impose his alternative view of reality, of doing the dance of should, why and could, who breathed life into Temporary Bill, is Richard Gage.
Thank you, Richard.
-1. God’s command of preexisting powers to create man in “our image” and his construction of man by two different means, through the word and as a golem made from clay is congruent wit heathen creation mythology from Gilgamesh, with most pagan gods actually confirming more or less to the role of angels, Satan and devils and demons. A heathen understanding of the commandment against false gods does not deny other powers, but assigns them an ancillary or enemy role.
-2. The test of Abraham and the ruling of the 4th lantern Council in 1214 on the doctrine of transubstantiation, as well as the overtly hierarchical dietary/ritualistic cannibalism of the Aztec priesthood and warrior elite. See Marvin Harris, Our Kind, the Odyssey references of slaves being “bundled off” to be devoured by titan kings.
-3. The Iliad references Zeus defeating all other powers combine din tug of war
-4. I have suspected that the consumption based economics of Modernity, the eat the rich hatred of the poor, and the actual economic devouring and profiteering upon death via medical, industrial and military means practiced by our ruling elite are ages old sublimations of the cannibalistic origins of civilization as people farming, first and foremost.
-5. Note that the gods of War and Love, are both mortally wounded by a human hero, Diomedes and that these deities may only be healed by Zeus Time-Holder
Morpheus Rising
upon the earth
Water and Wine
barbarism versus civilization
sons of arуas
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your trojan whorse
song of the secret gardener
masculine axis
the lesser angels of our nature
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