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Email from a Crackpot
A Horror Author Dispensing Advice?
© 2014 James LaFond
I know it’s scary. A young man with multiple masters degrees who I have coached has been discussing his prospects for employment as well as world events that our very much disturbing to him. This has darkened his outlook on life so I tried to cheer him up with the following:
It is a very interesting fact that the Islamist versus Materialist war—which is what I am calling WWIII—was being planned for by Islamists in the late 19th Century. They knew the West would push too far and took the long view. We see this as the West going in to insure oil supplies. The Islamist of the 19th Century did not know what the West would come for, but knew that they would be coming in a more intrusive way due to the level of avarice built into the system. I have read excerpts from 100+ year old books that stated that any eventual counter attack should be conducted in such a way as to get the West to focus on the Middle East and then take Black Africa.
The Islamist belief in paradise makes their human casualties more sustainable then the West's economic loss fighting a negative-sum war. The winners will be the Chinese, who have the ultimate long view among the material cultures. The Chinese leadership really cannot believe that America has squandered its WWII ghoul [the ultimate parasitic nation, having grown great on the bones of 60 million souls] points so quickly and to so little effect.
Do you watch RT? The broadcasts are jammed regularly by U.S. entities, but the articles are always readable and the older archived broadcasts don't get scrambled. I never suggested it to you before because of your pending application with the Nazi Surveillance Army [I won't use the acronym on line]. But, based on this email I think you've figured some things out on your own.
The debt bubble is significantly higher than it was in 2007, so don't go into debt and do get into something that does well in bad times. That biz my son is in is growing in bad times as dwindling fortunes in erratic markets require more care to survive. Teaching of course is also good because it is part of the make-believe centrist economy that will be the last portion to die since it is parasitic.
The pain of being intelligent enough to see through the veils that blind most of those around you will get worse if you do not learn how to enjoy the show. We are lucky enough to see more change in a year than our ancestors used to see in a lifetime.
This is the kind of opinion that causes groans around the Thanksgiving dinner table in my family. It is kind of strange when you get to the age that people start asking what you think, and a relief when they recoil from the answer. That is one of the many aspects of life that I had not considered as a youth and which still leaves me wondering.
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Dominick     Jul 29, 2014

"Learn how to enjoy the show".

This is the secret of life for the intelligent..
James     Jul 29, 2014

By implication then, those who are tormented—oh, never mind, they have enough woes already.
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