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The Iron Dildo
Devil Dick Prompts the Crackpot on Pseudo-Masculine Negroidaltry: 12/29/2022
© 2023 James LaFond
[Crackpot comments in brackets]
Hey James,
I've done some more reflecting on white guys turning to Kevin Samuel's (pouring some drink) and more recently, the quarterish black Andrew Tate. Recently Andrew converted to Islam.
[Black men are in general more feminized than others because of the higher incidence of single fatherhood there. It is no accident that these men have become worshiped as the paragons of male prowess in all things. The NFL has pushed black quarterbacks to the point where entire teams have been restructured to make up for lack of passing ability and a running quarterback. Teams are choosing to lose for wokeness. The NFL had Morgan Freeman read a letter by Tom Brady to black youths naming them the quarterbacks—the metaphorica American captains—of the future.]
I remember in a podcast you did you once mentioned Christianity spread by priests converting the daughters or queens of chieftains/kings, who then spread this feminized religion among his own people, and that feminism ultimately evolved from this.
[Of interest is the passive sacrifice of Christ and how worship of him is now being replaced by worship of black men martyred as the only race ever enslaved.]
Well as it happens, in a book I read about the Amazon's (Greek mythological ones), and eventually how Islam spread among certain Berber tribes was brought up.
[There was a Berber queen with red hair who resisted Islam.]
Islamic proselytizers (perhaps Ibn Ali Tyrone Tate) convinced the men that the beliefs of their women were silly and superstitious by introducing them to philosophy and science. This is in direct contrast to how Christianity spread with the women selling out the men.
[You are putting your finger on a reactionary trend that is feminized but less feminine than the main current. Note that half of masculinity experts are homos, as are some European identity leaders. The Homo rulership is supplying the faux opposition to its own Few World Order. This is genius stuff.]
I propose then that what's going on is that the islamization of whitoid and western "men,” as proven by Imam Samuels and Muhammed Tate, is a dark skinned reaction to annoying white women who they do not view as their own, and other groups of non chocolate people are going along with it because the last 60 years of feminism has created unbearable pig women. And as this form of secularized bromo Islam appeals to weak men, then it must by default appeal to western """"men"""" as well, especially the disenfranchised chocolate male race.
[I agree, that Islam appeals to weak men, as do the other two Near Eastern Faiths, and that these faiths produce weak men. Islam, at least, does not produce annoying karens as do the other two faiths.]
I am interested to hear what you think of this theory, and what the consequences will be between the clash of these two evolving religions turned secular ideologies if you think there is some merit to it.
[Islam, as Howard pointed out in his Solomon Kane African adventures, is a very materialistic faith. It is also built around the idea of a house, compared to the garden based ideology of Judaism and Christianity. This makes it well suited to appeal to people raised in consumptive capitalistic societies, who are now being failed by capitalism. The current counter religion to capitalism, or The God of Things, currently expressed medically as stridently as economically, is Morpheus. Dream is the number two god of post modernity. Thing is still number one. Yahweh, Christ and Allah have less traction and are eroded in power by Morpheus rising, as he takes the young men away and also, in the case of Islam, invades the House of Submission to Allah and subverts and weakens it. I see a future where the two mainstream faiths are submissive, Corporate Medicine and Despairing Medicine, all dreams of flesh and stone.]
There is one more point I'd like to bring to your attention. Having been born here to a retarded single mom who I love, I have been cursed to have to mate with disgusting Americanized whore pig women. However, immigration by our homosexual elite overlords is not mainly male like it was in buttsex plantation America as you've described in your book. Because of this, I've met a foreigner that isn't mad that I would defend her physically like the last pig who felt I was violating her strong woman fantasies.
[Women are easily salvaged from the social wreckage by a strong and caring man. Men are much harder to salvage from the matrix because they are more cerebral and ideological and women are more adapted to reassigning their submission than ideologically farmed men are to retooling from submission to action.]
I'm done with my fooling around so I plan on sticking with just her. However, do you think our homosexual overlords wielding the iron dildo intended to essentially be importing harems for guys like me?
[Working on such a vast scale manipulating a self aware system and its feedlot of souls is a very inexact art with tidal, polar and reactionary aspects. Our masters are in a constant race to predict the next unintended side effect of their satanic, social golem building. Like in boxing, when every punch thrown by the foe is also an opportunity for you to counter, the war on humanity and individuality makes gaps where the human and the individual can find some autonomy. I regard most people as subhuman or posthuman. I suggest that something like 70% of western human bodies have already had their souls fed into darkness not to return and are merely socially conditioned semi intelligent bodies.]
Will white women demand this be put an end to?
[White women, are by definition a blank bot upon which the system may imprint a social identity. This started with the invention of the term White as a racial noun, in the 1600s, which was intended to erase Christian and European identity. White women are now playing The Queen, but are the most afflicted victims of this dastardly scheme. For every Nancy Crowski there are a hundred white bitches being fucked to death in the sex trade. In the future they will only be political and PR puppets and sex bots. They have no power and are compromised in every meaningful way by the illusion that they have power. They are the puppets of the homo elite who seek self replicating immortality.]
Will the men who listen to Imam samuels demand this be put an end to as it makes their "high value" to attain annoying white women not as valuable when you can have just as much fun as a filthy peasant such as myself?
[Followers of such self-help icons may make no demands and are merely feedlot souls being drained of spirit in advance of their physical passing by the vampires they follow. Just as women have the illusion of holding power, beta males who worship alpha males are seduced by the illusion that their approval is more than the extraction and feasting upon of their essence and identity.]
I never knew you writing about how our pagan ancestors viewed masculinity would be so topical in our current cucked world. You are truly a visionary.
[Thank you, Sir! From one filthy peasant to another, it has been an honor to correspond with you.]
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