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Teutonic Fist Cues the Crackpot on Organized Metaphysics: 12/29/2022
© 2023 James LaFond
At the moment i am writing something about Ritual for my native outlet. This is because on solstice the azov battalion burned a longboat as ritualistic burial for its dead, and how a ritual gets meaning by what is at stake, quite literaly. Meaning in the nietzschen sense that god does not justify/gives reason to war, but that war will justify and give reason to god.
One can see the burning of the ship as either metal or corny but nonetheless its a real thing. I read  a while ago about how german military personal in afghanistan copied rituals from american military personal, since they have no ritualistic warrior rites of their own anymore. There are still pictures around of ww2 german soldiers burning a casket before battle as "burning of woes". Maybe you remember when alex jones snug into Bohemian Grove and recorded such a "burning of woes" rite. Rituals are important for any cult, culture even if its just the Bushes jerking off into the Skull of an Indian Chieftain.
That said these modern cults you refer to with egalitarianism and so on and so forth are not really cults. They have no rites, no real rites, they have no sacraments, they have nothing. And thats why they all spin out of control when a charismatic leader leaves, dies, disappears. Q Anon was a basic bitch christian bait op based on "Operation vampire killer" from the 90s, pacification rumor mongering that in secret military and police would be on "our side" and any day now arrest the pedo elites.
There was also "Operation Trust" during the early soviet era and when you read the monthly reports of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt about how the mood in the population of nazi germany was, even back then many people believed what basically amounts to Q anon worldviews. All of these "world explaining" "cults" spin nuts at some point because they infuse their followers with wrong intuition, wrong consciousness and the inability to form anything of substance around a common denominator of ritual. All that is left is the death drive of their followers waiting for apocalypse/military takeover/arresting tom hanks. They were never ment to have so much synthetic "information" and it fried their brain.
So i take longship burning viking larpers, who at least do something real such as fighting, killing and dying, over enranged proles, who live extremly online and therefor lack all the positives sides of cult and culture, any day.
In other news; germany will have the warmest new years eve since the record started while america is ravaged by a blizzard and everyone told me without russian gas i would freeze to death.
You make some very good points here. However, I stand by my assertions that we have ideological cults all through modernity and that they do practice rituals [such as confessions of hereditary guilt, voting and demonstrations], wear vestments [such as suits and ties and masks], tithe to their governments and avoid critical thinking and cling to faith and the proclamaitions for their priesthood of experts, and also conduct purges and witch hunts. Now, I grant that these are cults prone to weakness, lack of truth and depth, fracture and negativity. But how many times has Christianity fractured and split into another denomination?
However, perhaps this is their purpose, to divert cultic energy away from real metaphysics, away from proximate community, and to dissipate the mind and feast upon the agonized souls of these dissipated minds?
What is more, the lack of substance that you describe and the thanatos urge will serve the homo elites who have set up these ephemeral cults as finishing feed lots for souls to be consumed, to feed their increasingly self aware leviathan system. The new Canadian public health initiative focusing on government assisted suicide for depressed women is one example of a governmental good, a transfer upward of death power and a devouring of sacrificial victims, of the transmogrification of potentially eternal or autonomous souls into meaty sacks of ashen damnation. Such fiendish plots in open execution, like the brazen Punic bulls that babies were once burned in, are a 100% good to the government and a drain on its food source and potential enemy, The People.
At the very least these are counterfeit cults, and yes they are weak. But when the purpose of a cult is to prepare the cult members for consumption by the priesthood and feeding of them into a gestational god, then weak cults are a good. I truly believe that our crypto elites are trying to develop an actual, physical, systemic, autonomously intelligent deity. I suspect that the memory of the hydra, of Tiamat, of dragons and titans, of gods that can be killed and yet bleed blood so caustic that it will kill mortals like white phosphorus or napalm, is a garbled memory of an earlier such attempt to raise a man-made deity upon the bent back of humanity. The reality of mass human sacrifice to appease dark and devil like gods in Mexico, might be, I suspect another such Atlantean thread.
While cosmic oatmeal cookies like Randal Carlson and Graham Hancock believe in a golden age of sacred geometry when experts worked for the people and the people worked in concord with Mother Earth, I suspect this was the opposite of prehistoric reality. Rather, I suspect, that mechanical monsters, such as tanks, planes, robots, automated ships and drones, once stalked the planet and devils and demons and dark gods waxed strong waiting at the gates of eternity like gulls for baby turtles at the ocean’s edge, and feasted upon a harvest of screaming souls.
Fortunately, I am just a crackpot and my guesses about the deep past and our cyclic return to earlier conditions will most likely be no more accurate than my predictions about urban and suburban blight.
Thank you, sir. It has been a pleasure corresponding with you over these past handful of years. I also view the icing of America as the hand of God punishing the closest thing to Leviathan we have seen in recorded history. May Uncle Satan freeze in his striped tights.
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