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Understanding the Groe
Lynn Cues the Crackpot on A Pastime of the Martyr Race: 2/21/2023
© 2023 James LaFond
“Your melinated individuals have developed a new past time whereby they go to a restaurant and video themselves taking a drink from a white man’s table and them baiting him, trying to get him to say the n-word, or admit that he is racist. As America’s premier negro-wrangler, is there anything that you can say to help people who might find themselves in this position?”
Lynn, a few days ago a black woman in my home state shot a white woman in the brain because she said she spat at her. Although spitting is a crime, admitting to not worshiping African Americans as a martyr race, and refusing to apologize for the crimes of somebody else’s ancestors, is a greater crime. Since 2008, in Baltimore, it became common for groups of Bantus to openly attack pale individuals who, through lack of fear or apology, were guilty of “inferring the n-word.”
Canadians, Hoodrats, Dindus, Basketball Americans—we have tried to step around the sainted race in our discourse and I have decided on a new name. The 14th letter of the alphabet must be dispensed with. Also, more than one syllable should not be expended upon the Mameluke Lords of our crimescape. Henceforth, the designation for the ebony mastery race is, “Groe.”
So, how does one deal with a group of Groes being aggressive and threatening or argumentative in a social setting in a public space?
#1. Do not go to public spaces frequented by Groes.
#2. If you must, never do it with a woman, especially a white woman. She will make everything worse.
#3. Attend such spaces with no noncombatants.
#4. Stand, do not sit, at the bar. You are in a public space in a nation where any Groe who claims you said the magic word, has license to attack you and if you fight back you are the devil.
#5. Only verbalize with Groes when they approach you respectfully and then, if they ask for something or threaten or accuse go totally silent. I have made friends with strange black men at bars. It is generally easier than with whites. But do not reward aggressive or disrespectful words with words for them to chew on and twist and use. Groes build courage, boldness and cohesion through verbal exchange. Arguing with a grow to avoid a fight is like giving a shanty Irishman a shot of whiskey to get him to back down.
#6. Any strange man who takes your drink must be immediately struck while he is conducting the theft, hit while he is holding your drink. If you choke here, then order a replacement glass mug and punch him in the face with it. Do not neglect the lateral hammer fist to the teeth. An alternative is to pick up your chair and beat him with it, or tip over their table and just wade in throwing hands and head butting.
Once, Oliver AKA Incognegro and another bad-ass Jamacian, and a bad-ass paleface, were coming from a back alley fight venue to a Chinese eatery. Paleface was hungry after whooping ass, so bought a plate of General Tsoas. He was the only paleface in sight. A group of three Groes saw him, and detailed their lesser light to harass him. I have dozens of such tales through Harm City journals. The Groe grabbed some chicken with his hand and ate it and that chin was punched and he ate the pavement and his friends made fun of him.
The craven nature of the Gutless Groe is generally such that he will abandon his fellow Groe after things have gone bad for their caper. In many cases, this is part of the game, the guarantee that someone will be shamed, whoever goes down is the zero and the conqueror the hero.
Now, I suspect with what Lynn is describing that any thumping of the instigator is going to fall into the plan of the group, which is to get video of a paleface beating a Groe. This is group aggression and should be treated as so. So, as soon as you close-line, face-smash, hammer-fist, or poleaxe the drink thief, you need to be “in great fear for your life” and take that chair or beer mug downside the heads of your additional attackers. The more of them you injure, the fewer of them can pretend to be witnesses. It will go better for you in court if you get banged up as well—so have a good time!
Look, faɡɡots who do this kind of stuff do not like to fight. You have to like to fight, then put out the invite. Yes, you will get arrested, sued, banned from gaybook, maybe even shot and killed. But, do you want to live on your knees praying to a Groe Master?
When I began writing this kind of advice the choice was not so simple, was indeed highly nuanced.
Things have improved and the current world demands that you do one of the following when faced with Groe aggression:
-1. Declare your racial privilege and historical guilt, apologize to the object of your prenatal oppression, and beg and submit to the will of your Groe Master.
-2. Or, do anything else and be a thought criminal at least, a hate criminal at worst, and possibly a felonious criminal.
Why not go out in a blaze of Goe Gore Glory?
Life has become simple again. You are a hunted animal:
-1. run
-2. hide
-3. fight
-4. or be eaten.
Far from encouraging you to get in trouble, I am encouraging you to stay out of trouble by becoming That Guy, the person that the prey-seeking instincts of the feral Groe will sense as toxic to his soaring ego and weak will. One must cast away the idea that this is your country, that you have rights, that after a hard week’s work you are entitled to the protection of civil society.
The only sure way I know to keep the Groes at bay in a social setting, is from my experience, to accept that: [1]
The World Hates You
The Groes are Hell Sent to Rape You
The Policeman is not Your Friend
America Hates You
No Man Will Help You
The Government Fears You
Life Is Nasty, Slavish and Short
You Are the Enemy of the World
Okay, if you are that guy marked out above, the Groes will smell it and pick on some one who has bought into the fantasy of rights, who puts on the psychic feedbag at the Stall of Law and Order, in the Slaughter Yard of Souls.
-1. Once I became that guy Groes never messed with me in a social setting, ever. This did not prevent them from attacking me in straight up hunts when I was identified as old, small, pale and alone. But that, is a different game.
Life, Portland
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‘Weird Like Us’
the greatest lie ever sold
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on the overton railroad
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Webmaster     Aug 6, 2023

The World Hates You

The Groes are Hell Sent to Rape You

The Policeman is not Your Friend

America Hates You

No Man Will Help You

The Government Fears You

Life Is Nasty, Slavish and Short

You Are the Enemy of the World

are these the titles for the next PDFs brother?

Sam J.     Sep 10, 2023

I use, "Groid", I think it's far more descriptive.
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