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Gaming You Got Grain
Near Future Speculations on the Sport of Kings: 1/31/2023
© 2023 James LaFond
I cannot see doing more than one article a year on The Forever War. Orwell was right, the World Wars had to be followed by The Cold War, that had to be followed by The War on Terror. That, having grown stale, fewer Muslim fall guys incited to fight the imperial derth star and its drones, its aircraft carriers, each of the dozen being the second most powerful air force in the world, new bad guys must be found.
Imagine if you will, a heavy weight champion, who is faster, longer, stronger, taller, bigger and harder hitting than all opponents, a combatant who so over matches his foes that to gain the approval of his home town he must trick or pay dupes to slap old ladies crossing the street, to mug polio patients and, to deface church doors, in order to drum up interest in his next squashing of bad guys. Imagine further, that our champ does not work, that he is supported by taxes paid by us, his fans, and that our sons and daughters take turns working at his training camps, selling concessions at his fights, shutting him to his next appointment with GLORY.
That is Uncle Sham, cartoon good guy of ages. This giant must maintain perpetual war against bad guys, either on behalf of those whose neck his boots rest upon, or in the name of their guilt. It is also necessary against that day when the sloe-eyed herd emerges from their dazed feed stall where they imbibe the lie from gold-painted plastic troughs, to replace them, first ideologically, placing them second in their own mind to outsiders, and then physically.
War is not much fun anymore for those who would be puppeteer kings. It is no longer a contest, but a work, a pro wraslin’ bout in which one is a heel and the other one a hero: good guy and bad guy. There is no thrill of victory when defeat was never an option. It is management, a show for the non-combatants to keep them in their place and not storm the ring.
The Cold War was a sham, with Uncle Sham feeding the Svelt Union for most of it, keeping it alive, like Larry Holmes paying for Tex Cobb’s meals before the fight.
The two part War on Sadomy, War on Pineapple Face and War on Colonel Syfy all represented Uncle Sham smashing the suddenly unruly minions of his who he trained and armed and who conducted his business. Oh yes, and Okaykay, the supposed enemy in the War on Terror, they were also Uncle Sham proxies against the Svelt Union.
The War on Terror was instigated by Uncle Sham’s own minions felling the Shamese Towers.
I could make this shit up. But I would not, because I lack the confidence that my readers would believe such a cartoon story line.
Almost as soon as the YouGotGrain Roosky War got going I lost interest, as the Rooskies lost every battle, all tanks destroyed, seven generals dead in a week, all planes shot down, etc.
In September I watched some YouTube videos by a Peter Zehan, a Deep State sanctioned economist who offered a logistical middle ground on why the Rooskies are doomed and can’t fight a war against the unscathed hero nation. That was at least interesting and did not insult the viewer like standard news.
Then, last week, I was stoking the fire and drinking coffee while Grandma was watching the Fox Conservative News. The news consisted of:
-A fire in Chicago, based on the TV series Chicago Fire
-The trial of a redneck for murdering his wife and son
-Teutonicville is sending the best tank in the world, the Leopard II to YouGotGrain and Uncle Sham is sending the other best tank in the world, The Abrahms II. On a dime, we went from Moscow will fall before the YouGotGrain army to, the good guys need tanks. It is explained that these tanks are not being sent to You Got Brains and that instruction will be required.
Oh my.
Does any reporter ask the obvious question, that previous government reports of endless Roosky defeat might have been false?
No, Reality turns on a dime.
Up is now down.
Then, after the news of the distant and ominous war, there is a State Department Briefing, in which the spokesman implores American families to adopt refugee families. Of course, these are not families, but war criminals who have abducted orphans and women to facilitate mercy from Muricans.
A credulous reporter does try to link this to YouGotGrain, but is told that it is just for Afghans and later for others. YouGotGrain is not a candidate. My editor tells me in a later call that YouGotGrain is asking for nations to send refugees back to die in the meat grinder, which is interesting, in that previous news of draft evasion in the war was all about Roosky men fleeing military service by the hundreds of thousands.
Down is now up, reality refreshed.
Sick of this news, Mamma Bear puts on the Christian Music Station. It begins quite pleasantly.
Then, there is an announcement by the female DJ that her pastor has just adopted an Afghan family, and that Christians need to prove their Christianity by adopting non-Christians who have no desire, no intention, and statistically will not ever, convert to Christianity.
Then, the music selection changes to Christian Rap, Eminem apparently has been saved for Jesus.
American media is a full spectrum, Creep State moral colonization matrix that will not, cannot and may not quit, always and forever waging war against reality to convince the Murican Land Whale that what he sees is something other than what it is. If you don’t buy the Libtardism, go to Fox. When Fox sells out, go to News Max. When that seems to Mossadic, then go to Christian broadcasts. If you note that even that has been colonized, listen to Andy Nowicki rant against the lie machine. In the end even Andy and this retarded Crackpot serve the machine, serve the lie, by giving a place where the last %1of the most cynical 1% can go to find agreement, to listen to a voice that is not insisting that good is bad and up is down—though that is what we sound like to the majority, and hence we kick some of them back into the echo chamber of the grand lie paramount. Even we, its wee enemy, serve The Deceiver.
By night here, in the Pacific Northwest, it has been unusually clear so that I can see all night long the round ferris wheel of light in the northwestern sky, looking closer than it did in Utah. This thing, ignored by all of the humans I know except for Bob, Major Wolf and their families, sparkling down on these woods at night, reminds me that we are in the hands of terrestrial powers with godlike ambitions and that the media—in all of its many guises—reports to us what our unseen masters wish us to believe.
At the end of this puddle of digression, I offer only these thoughts.
-1. YouGotGrain is, as in the 1930s, once again the scene of a genocidal experiment, a model for autogenocide, by which Arуan nations might be induced to self exterminate and that this is already a ten year clinical trial. It is no accident that this is being conducted in the crisis corridor followed by migrating folk of old when the world cooled in past ages.
-2. Roosky economic isolation is calculated to force European industry to outsource to America, and to cause famine in Africa, where most of our refugees are already coming from.
-3. Entering a global cooling cycle, Africa, the scramble for which began the Forever War that has run solid since 1914 and is over 100 years old, will become more valuable, even as Canada and much of Russia will become less arable. [1] One reason for the current war is to keep Russia out of Africa, where they tend to support independent minded nations. The American Dream Boat is on course. [2]
-4. Eventually, Muricans of a certain income level, from low middle to high middle, will be required to house, feed, have sex with, and leave inheritances to refugees from around the globe. In return these refugees will attend us in our old age and place the pillow of mercy over our face.
This business seems to be coordinated to fall into place around 2030 to 34, when the solar minimum should usher in peak cold. There is also the danger of a galactic wave that might hit, I think around 2040. In this light, much of the current Uncle Sham engineered catastrophes are probably clinics conducted by our handlers on how the last dying herds of us mind chattel might be most effectively managed in times of actual external cataclysm.
Well, that is the crackpot heads up for the year.
-1. There has been less than 20 years of peace between the great powers and their proxy powers since 1914, [3] marking this century of war as far more constant than between Grecy in 1336 and Agincourt in 1415 and beyond to the conclusion of The Hundred Years War. Historians of the future will mark this as our Hundred Years War.
-2. Do note that during the Shamdemic that three African dictators who refused the vaxx murder of its people were assassinated.
-3. Russians and Chinks did step up to supply Uncle Sham’s strawman opponents in the WOT and against rebel minions.
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