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Ancient Bitches & Babes
Woman’s Duty: Part 2 of 3: 2/16/2023
© 2023 James LaFond
Spellings when attampted will be wrong. Most names have been forgotten from my historical reading. Indeed, in the case of a queen, her name is hardly important. Dates are again, salvaged from the wreckage of my brain, and I would remind the reader that Young James Anderson, quite the stud punched me in the head some 200 times a mere two days ago…
2,500 B.C.
Some 5,000 years ago, Enkidu was formed of clay by the Higher powers and set out into the wilderness as a wild man. Gilgamesh, hearing of this, wants and equal in valor to challenge and augment himself, alone as he is between gods and men, lonely for a fellow hero. This tuned out to be the classic Alpha Omega partnership. Shamahat the whore of the temple of Love, assent to seduce Enkidu. Afterwards, having enabled Gilgamesh to affront the evry gods, Enkidu is struk with a plague. On his death bed he curses Shamahat, as she has brought him into this civilized doom and away from his wilderness. Then, as Death nears ever grinning, he repent his curses and blesses her—for, he knew, that we would hear his words down the ages thanks to her seduction. She cost him peace for fame, using pleasure as her lure.
1,000 B.C.
The whore who seduced Samson the Judge and cut his hair, taking his strength and leaving him vulnerable to capture, insured his greatness in one last affirmation from God, when eh was granted in prayer his suicide revenge. Read Milton’s Samson Agonistes and Josepheus, who gives a slightly better account than the Bible.
Hellen, Thetis, Brisais and Penelope
1200 B.C.
Hellen, seduced or abducted by Paris of Troy, was famously the owner of “the face that launched a thousand ships.” An ancient author wrote an excuse for her, titled the Ecunicum for Hellen, I think. Brisias and before her the daughter of a Trojan priest and eventually Cassandra were all supportive victims of this war, women doomed to provide excuses for men’s bad behavior.
I would suggest that the postmodern woman avoid inflicting this on her son or husband, on the one hand excusing her son’s bad behavior in crime and supporting her husband’s immoral supplication to evil by insisting he keep a morally compromising job in order to maintain economic status.
The wonderful babe, the Captain’s Wife, and her youngest son were discussing something dishonest he did at work that advanced his cause and made him much money. They both called me in to support their side and I declined, noting that a mother to son discussion of morals was above my pay grade. I said that so that, in the future, her admonishment to take the profitless road of the truth over the lucrative path of the lie, might echo there and help him steer away from a bad end. For a single mother, I would recommend emulating this married women of four sons, who avoids the blunder of female leadership, and maintains her place of quiet influence in the internal mind of her Husband and Sons.
Achilles was the greatest of fighting men and was advised by his widowed mother after the death of his father Peleus. Indeed, Achilles must have been at least 40 years, since one of his sons avenged him at the gates of Troy. We will see in this great list, that the model of the heroic mother in ancient context, is of a widow, mother of a hero, advising and supporting him. This has been corrupted by the modern heroization of the abandoned wife raising a son, when that son should be the hero.
Spartan Mothers and Artimesia of Salamis
479 B.C.
The mothers of The Silent Land, are famous for handing the shield of military service to their sons, a shield too big to run with, and large enough to serve as a stretcher for the dead or dying, and saying, “Return with it or on it.” Where the modern single mother is herself the hero, the ancient mother supports the hero.
Artimesia, depicted in the classic movie The 300 Spartans, was credited with fighting better then other sea captains in Persian Service. What actually happened, is her three ships were crewed by men so worried about their queen getting raped by Athenian oarsmen, that they fought like hell.
356 to 323 B.C.
This evil witch queen of Epirus or Moesia, one of these backward mountain areas of nether Hellas near present day Albania, married Phillip of Macedon, and bore him Alexander. She is a chief suspect for the murder of Phillip and was such a bitch that Alexander left her behind and his successors killed her. She was said to be the priestess of a snake cult. Whether she slew Phillip of not, she spread her legs for him so that she could bring a virtual war god into the world and did advise him effectively.
The Queen of Halicarnassus
332 B.C.
Alexander, a fugitive mamma’s boy, adopted the queen of a city state as a mother, and gained much good advice from her, as she was an accomplished merchant queen and an intimate supplicant to some of his enemies.
The Queen of Queens
331 B.C.
The Mother, and the Queen of Darius II, Persian King of Kings, defeated by Alexander, were honored by him, and accepted into his family, with the Mother of Darius advising Alexander. This man would make marriage alliances with a Pashtun King, taking his daughter in marriage. As an agent of a father who seeks father-in-law status with a young and impetus man of action, a woman can serve her father and her husband as familial glue and cut down on bloodshed. This is still a strategy used by modern politicians and business leaders.
Lady of Snakes
70s B.C.
Spartacus, the gladiator general from Thrace, who brought Rome to is knees, was said to have been advised by a snake cult priestess who stayed in the background and gave him better counsel than his meat-headed Celtic allies. See the fine book, The Spartacus War, author forgotten.
Hannibal’s Wife
200 B.C.
Campaigning in Italy, the wife of the most talented general of antiquity, Hannibal, was raped and killed by Romans. An extreme patriot, Hannibal would go on to fight Rome more tenaciously than any other foe, largely as an ode to his slain wife. See Hannibal, the novel, by Ross Lecke.
Julia, Her Sister and their Daughters
A.D. 180 to 232
Julia was the beautiful and intelligent wife of Septimus Severus, avenger and successor of Pertinax, the most pious Roman Emperor. She did what she could to serve her husband’s wishes for their two sons joint succession, through rule by experts and pleas to morality. She was the patroness of Philostratos whose works remain with us. She killed herself out of dismay over her eldest son murdering the youngest and then becoming, “The common enemy of all mankind.”
Her sister and their daughters, including Mamia, would serve as advisors to their sons who were emperors in their turn. Alexander, who was slain along with his mother by barbarian military usurpers, lacked the masculine qualities to strive in the sea of evil that was crumbling Rome, but did honorably stand against evil and keep it at bay for an entire decade. The best thing Mamia did was convince her son to marry the daughter of the most brilliant man of the age. Until that man died of plague or poison her son’s success was impressive. Mamia had found her son a father, which was the best strategy available to them.
Witch and Widow of the Iron Huns
AD. 450
Attila the Hun is credited by some sources as having owed his success to a female seer, an animistic priestess. Unfortunately, she was not able to save him from his dick or his alcoholism and he blew out an artery while consummating his marriage to a beautiful young virgin, who was thence slain by the older wives for riding their meal ticket to death.
Above we have looked at success and failure of women to support high functioning men. The records of such women in the historical record kept by men is evidence that their efforts were regarded as important to his success, even in the cases of his resulting downfall.
‘Unkilling Civilization’
Old Time Bitches and Babes
thriving in bad places
when you're food
book of nightmares
the gods of boxing
within leviathan’s craw
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