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Militant Devolution
18 “Anti-racist” Thugs Storm Illinois Restaurant with Hammers and Clubs
© 2014 James LaFond
I once interviewed Duz concerning his experiences in East Baltimore. He used to enjoy watching the Greeks and the Italians have their ‘gang fights’ in which little contact was made and no one ever got hurt. He was genuinely disappointed, “You would have like twenty Greeks going ‘er, rer, rer, rer, rer’ as they charged. Then they would back up when the Italians made fists, and the Italians would charge forward, ‘er, rer,rer,rer,rer,’ and so it went; one bunch of drunken angry wimps against another—boor-ring!”
People tend to think that large groups of people are more dangerous than small groups. However, never has it been so in military history or where smaller scale violence is concerned. Who do the Islamists most fear, the Maryland National Guard or the US Navy SEALs?
In the 1980s and 90s I and family members were subjected to violence by white supremacists for the crime of not actively hating and attacking blacks. A coworker of mine—a black alcoholic—was beaten to death by white racists that were incited to action by another coworker of mine, who had been my roommate. With the exception of Sam being beaten to death behind the Gap Memorial Church by a small group and my cousin being ambushed by his racist friends at a house party, none of these acts were effective. Indeed, the fewer the attackers the more effective they were.
Now the shoe is on the other foot. People of European ancestry are now the pariahs that blacks and those who associated with them once were in my youth. Just as blacks who gathered in public places were once attacked by groups of thugs, now whites who gather to discuss the preservation of their reviled ethnic heritage are attacked. The interesting thing is they are being attacked by other whites! Make of that what you will. But it does not seem to justify the victim’s belief that the problem is non-whites, but my contention that the problem is social sanction of violence against a certain demographic—the same as it has ever been.
Check out this video from 5/19/2014 in Tinley, IL, and note how ineffective the massed and armed attackers are, how they traumatize an innocent unassociated female far more than the evil racist white males they targeted, how quickly their cohesion evaporates, how most of the defending men instinctively grab chairs, and how much this attack by left wing white youths against middle-aged right wing white men, resembles mixed-race and black youth flash mob attacks against middle-aged left wing whites.
Also note the covered faces reminiscent of the KKK, which was also a pack of cowards. In terms of any violence, racial, ideological or otherwise, the fewer the weapon wielding aggressors the more ruthless and more cohesive they will be. This video demonstrates the salient points of aggression I discovered when researching Taboo You and When You're Food.
Look, back when white racists had balls I hated them. But so long as they are content to meet in eateries and whine like women about their squandered ethnic status they should be left alone and not attacked.
6 of the 18 attackers are being charged, which is 1 in 3. In purely criminal attacks the ratio is usually 1 in 4.
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