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Winter 2023 Writing Journal
© 2023 James LaFond
December 2022:
-22. 1369, copying audio books to sd card, to bar for emails, mailed presents, went to bar for a beer and got snowed in with the Alaskans
-23. shoveling snow for Eskimos, I kid you not they wouldn’t let me sleep in the garage in 20 degrees and took me home from the bar
-24. walked back into SE Portland, begin packing, 22 emails, downloaded final prompts for year, posted some May and June articles, boxing with Joe,
-25. Christmas with the Eskimo Family Robinson and Kelly & Lori, Dawn & Corby
-26. train with Joe and British National, pack, coached Felix, drank with Kelly
-27. 760, 867, backing up files, finish packing, take train to Seattle, 8 hour delay
-28. arrive in Seattle, evac to Cascades, discuss writing locations with Paul Bingham, wash Mamma Bear’s dishes, welcomed by great family to a Hilton quality mud room, 857, began Can, visited with The Colonel and Wife
-29. 504, 674, walked the Colonel’s wife and dogs,1249, cleaned, shopped and cooked with Captain’s wife, 1164,
-30. 1952, 1048, 1581, hiked, chores [wood and dishes], filled three potholes and shored up a berm, clearing over grown gutter, 9 emails, 1038
-31. shopped with The Colonel, 970, 367, drank with The Colonel
-1. read and proofed James Andersen’s The Horns of Chaliac, coffee and Church, hike,
-2. 675, 1273, hike, saw 20 head of elk, cleared driveway drains
-3. 1025, bad eye day medicated, 1628, 1114, 1735, walk The Colonel’s dogs, fire wood for both houses, 1052, 1092,
-4. outlined all 23 installments of My Master, 1313, walk the dogs, 5 miles, firewood, terrible wind storm, made brush piles of fallen branches, 913, 974, charge computers, power outage
-5. 1712, 984, 874, 798, 2 trees down, processed them with the family, raked margins of blackberry patch to prep for stopping encroachment, black berries are like alien invaders, to the Colonel’s for dinner.
-6. 1049, 795, 1009, 1373, 1134, 860, hike, wood, kitchen, 1554, 1319, 2272, 1424, nap and listened to Bunyan’s Heavenly Footman and Exodus 32, 6 emails, outline The Shambles 2 thru 7 and 2 articles, 989, wrote and then accidentally erased a 954 word article, played cards, got drunk…
-7. processed a red ceder that fell in the Colonel’s yard, took us 4 hours to turn it into a brush pile and a cord of wood, taking the day off writing, drank a six pack.
-8. 1394, 984, 3 emails, final crackpot mailbox article, church, groceries, 1173, reviewed fight video of Sean’s next opponent
-9. wind storm, 1496, kitchen, 1113, gravelled drive way for 2 hours, storm coming, 1026, listened to Gibbon’s Decline and Fall
-10. hike, 1003, 966, 1207,
-11. hike, potholes, firebox, schedule fiction out until August 30, archive 23 patreon posts, scheduled crackpot mailbox and history posts through July 3, scheduled travel posts until 7/24,
-12. removed small tree, firewood for both houses, filled potholes, 1127, played cards and chess
-13. hiked in the rain, 1023, washed clothes, framed Can, 1049 Can1,
-14. 1496, fire wood, graveled drive way, 949, sawed up dead fall alder and hauled brush to pile, horseshoes and beer with The Colonel
-15. the women at church are beautiful, begin fast, water, coffee, tea, broth, salt, vitamins and minerals only for 24 hours, 1433 Can2
-16. back in ketosis, need to get strict with diet, despite high activity still carrying some fat, 1413 Can3, transplant a lilac, started Can4,
-17. hiked all the way in to the watershed, the female dog is having hip problems, will have to do solo hikes for distance, helped burn 4 brush piles and cut out blackberry briers, 1513 Can5,
-18. 1282 Can5A, outlined 5B, moved and burned brush in driving rain, walked dogs, soaked three times, put on last change of clothes, dried dogs and stoked Colonel’s fire, cleaned Captain’s house for wife’s birthday, to Rainier for beer, banked brush pile fire, fed dogs, brought up wood, proof Can5A,
-19. 1761 Can5B, raked brush and stoked slash fire for 6 hours, 1614, Can6,
-20. elk herd outside the window, proof Can6 and amplify by 141 words, Can7 1753, 6 hours as world’s worst carpentry apprentice,
-21. 1183, arrange Can, Completed Can at 14,914 words, going to work on felling a tree with the Colonel, hauled and stacked log rounds for 3 hours out of a cedar stand, raked and burned for two hours, proofed Can posts
-22. started Timejacker, 309, 1649, framed Timejacker,
-23. 1304 Tj1a, 1535 Tj2b, podcast with Clark Savage, raked brush, walked dogs, proofed the morning’s work,
-24. hiked, ditched, assisted in finishing chicken coop, 1800 Tj2c,
-25. hiked, firewood, assisted building chicken coop. Proof Tj2c,
-26. hike, landscape chicken coop approach, run power under house to coop, 1561 Tj1, clean house
-27. eye seized, finishing coop, roosts, handles, latches, feed storage, clean kitchen, put away tools, proof Tj1, amplified and proofed Tj0, outline 4 journal chapters, not well, nap, 198
-28. 1335 Tj3a, 1408 Tj3b, eye bad, help clean a chicken coup, rake a yard, stack a chord of split wood, 1104
-29. not feeling well, slept 12 hours, bad eye, lots of coffee, 1384, 1679, hauled half cord split wood, coffee with Christian Ladies, 1011
-30. very cold, firewood, 1472, trip to Rosleyn thru Snoqualimie Pass, split wood till dark,
-31. 1618, cold, split wood, 1598, hiked, cut wood, 1075, nuts killing me, over did it
Articles/Chapters = 67
Books = 1
Novels = 1
Food: 124 + 14 + 51 + 42 = $231
-1. 1671, scout for wood, fell, cut, haul and split a cedar, split wood,
-2. 1170 TJ3z, tack on wire fencing to chicken pen, build 16 foot stone wall, chop up maple stump with maw, wedges, sledge and pry bar, amplify TJ3z by 396 words, began TJ4 character sketches, listened to Gibbon, washed clothes
-3. proofed TJ3z, Split TJ4, TJ4a 1360, TJ4b, hike, moved 2 boulders with steel bars, wheel barrow of stone, 2 of wood, built 22 foot stone wall, wired gaps in fence, began TJ 4B, power outage,
-4. 9 emails, reviewed fight of Sean’s opponent, 1896 TJ4b, work on stone wall for 3 hours, amplified TJ4b by 130 words,
-5. began TJ5, researched Battle of the Thames, to church, leveled fire wood, split kindling, visited house I will be watching, 1385, 1823 TJ5,
-6. 1934 TJ6, began watching the Colonel’s house, makes for 4 hours of chores per day, mostly pet care, chicken care and firewood
-7. 7 emails, 1431, researched Custer’s Last Stand for TJ7, The Captain returned and we drank a half case of beer playing cards
-8. trained with James Anderson, 1184, rescued a chicken, buried another chicken
-9. research on Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, began Slave 1384, hiked with dogs, TJ7 1500, gathered stone, firewood
-10. wood, dogs, chickens, cats, clothes, dentist, ramped earth and stone to back barn door, proof TJ7, 786, began TJ8z,
-11. 1397, house chores, chickens, wood, hike, raked and burnt brush and uprooted briers for 6 hours, proofed the morning’s article, cleaned house I was sitting, 5:30 AM to 6:00 PM non stop. Tomorrow I must skip church and do some serious writing.
-12. exhausted, went to church, fire wood, 1932 TJ8z,
-13. 1126, editorial call, 1520 TJ8, 1490 TJ9A, power outage played cards by candle light
-14. hike in snow, 1567 TJ9b, get up wood, listened to Gibbon
-15. 1293, 1488 TJ10 a&b, editorial call, proofed TJ10, 1602, 1678, played cards and drank until midnight, half way through 3 day fast,
-16. 2009 TJ11, hiked, wood, shopped, mole killing, listened to Gibbon Chapters 7 and 8 and outlined summations, listened to Ovid,
-17. Outlined Ovid, amplified TJ11 201, 1846 TJ12, hike, wood, dogs, emails, 585 TJ13z, listened to Ovid
-18. listened to Ovid, 1944 TJ13, began arranging TJ, appendices, #0 and #1, sparred with James Anderson
-19. exposed to a vax spread respiratory plague and took ivermectin, mildly sick, arranged and proofed Timejacker at 40,383 words, ripped out blackberry roots 2 hours,
-20. bronchitus, taking steroids and antibiotics, switch to history writing,1401, 1406, 1402, goodbye dinner for departing soldier
-21. wood, 15 wheelbarrows of gravel spread in chicken pen, 1028, 543, 1169,
-22. sick in bed, listened to Gibbon Chapter 7, 1509,
-23. sick in bed, listened to Gibbon 8, 1043,
-24. 906, sick in bed, mental gaps, scraped 2 articles, made notes for Don Jefferies interview, 982,
-25. travel
-26. travel
-27. arrive in Portland, getting moved in, editorial discussion
-28. outlined travel articles, 768
Articles/Chapters = 40
Books = 1
Novels = 1
Food: 60 + 71 + 51 + 20 + 32 + 48 = $282
Train tickets: $169
Sedan fare: $40
March Winter
-1. cleaned the Yeti Lair, 1310, back up files, 1430,
-2. emails, sick in bed, listened to Song of Roland
-3. began American Dog, 1014 AD #0, 1208 AD #1,
-4. 1238,
-5. went up the Columbia Gorge by car
-6. 1384, train with Joe and Felix
-7. 1132, clean house, throw knives with Yeti Waters, read half of Blue Jacket by Eckhert
-8. cleaned house, 1402 AD#2, 1097 AD#3, finished Blue Jacket
-9. banking, shopping, pharmacy, walked 7 miles, 1328 AD#4, 1538 AD#5, 1170,
-10. 4 emails, listen to Doctor Breck interview, 1081, 1246,
-11. trained with Felix, wrote out a hand sketch of Crag Mouth
-12. drank way too much
-13. rucksacked 3 miles, cleaned kitchen, outlined remainder of winter journal, 1139, 1247, ran an Rpg session
-14. pharmacy, 1357, outline Crag Mouth Draft, 1488, train with Waters Cubs,
-15. 8 emails, 1187, to grocery store, cleaned house, cooked the week’s food, 1478, listened to In the Heart of the Sea
-16. listened to Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year, 882, 1596, cleaned house, played chess and cribbage, 1036, 875, listened to David Foster Wallace’ Infinite Jest, well written but painfully shallow and modern,
-17. listened to Defoe’s Plague Journal, 1379, to the bank and Dollar Store, 571, 1025, 1445,
-18. training, gaming
-19. cleaning, gaming, wrap up journal, 1749, Winter met complete at 47,000 words
Articles/Chapters = 28
Books = 1
Novels = 0
Food: 20 + 10 + 78 + 72 + 18 + 42 + 33 + 12 + 27 + 11 + 13 + 37 + 17 = $390
Winter Writing
Articles/Chapters = 135
Books = 3
Novels = 2
Journals = 1
Travel: $209
Food: $903
Shelter: 0
Total = $1,112
Writing Timejacker
author's notebook
Spring Migration Draft
book of nightmares
the gods of boxing
song of the secret gardener
plantation america
honor among men
winter of a fighting life
masculine axis
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