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‘Truth to Power’
A Musing on Might and Right: 4/11/2023
© 2023 James LaFond
A side bar on the Fate Western Civilization.
Nothing has seen more doomed and at once trivial to me then the stock phrase “truth to power,” as if power is somehow allergic to the facts of life, when it is the central fact of life. I understand the impulse resulting from the realization that power in the modern world is projected upon a screen of lies, to point out Oz behind his curtain—if it were a kindly old cook behind that curtain. But that curtain conceals those most ruthless of men. For any who point out these actors, one must trust to their anonymity and their knowledge that the vast majority of our fellows will believe whatever is cast upon the screen, or end up as the next mass killer.
Truth to power is nothing more than the rabbit saying “I see you” to the hawk in the tree, the cat in the grass, or the fox in the woods. I only pursue the study of social power as a means of providing context for the two history investigations I am conducting: Arуan Legacy and Plantation America, the former as a means of understanding our foundational mythic poetics, and the latter an accident of fiction research.
Based on the Dancing White Monkey podcast, Vaxx Zombie DeGaulle called me and had some additional questions about power that he hoped I could address without using fiction or referring myth, as he finds these genres clutter his analytic search for the truth about power. This is a symptom of mass mind conditioning that about 2 3rds of my readers suffer from. You see, every human used to be able to grasp the world and how power works through mythic poetics, through fiction. For, the greedy king that caused a war in antiquity will be dead by the time the poem has passed its hundredth set of lips. But a mythic king, represents all kings down through history. But in Modernity, the use of fiction in its many forms to steer the mind into believing in one or the other lies of our false polarity, has had the effect of casting out from narrative and story, the most skeptical minds incapable of swallowing the lie, baring them from accessing most of the messages prepared by old timers and ancients for us.
Having a message in a bottle jammed into our mail box every day [newspapers] and now every time we turn on the TV or log on, has rendered us largely uninterested in the bottle that washes up on the sewer-stained shore that was once pristine—and we leave it there.
A half hour later, Lynn called me with a prompt about the tendency to fixate on the Anglo aspect of Plantation America. This was congruent in that Vaxx Zombie had wondered about “the Anglo, white thing,” in that the men who developed the world straddling system we now live under created a thing that now demands the removal of their very type, their descendants.
I see this in part as a transhuman evolution, whereby Doctor Frankenstein creates his monster and then the monster naturally turns on him, developing more empathy in the hearts of others than we can summon for the Doctor.
On the other hand, it is simple economy of scale pushing down through Time and eventually wrecking the platform.
It is a fact that the Anglo thing is not really Anglo, but hybrid. England was conquered by French speaking Northmen from Normandy, in 1066, who did not even bother speaking English for the first 200 years of their rule. By 1216 the Norman King had even abdicated his responsibility to defend his own knight’s wives and children from being sold into slavery to alien creditors. What we call the Anglo Sphere, was anti-Christian and anti-ethnic from 1216. By 1776 we have the following quote, in English, by mixed-race, mixed-faith American Civic Nationalists:
“We, the representatives of the freemen of Pennsylvania, in general convention met, for the express purpose of framing such a government, confessing the goodness of the great Governor of the universe (who alone knows to what degree of earthly happiness mankind may attain, by perfecting the arts of government) in permitting the people of this State, by common consent, and without violence, deliberately to form for themselves such just rules as they shall think best...
“V. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection and security of the people, nation or community; and not for the particular emolument or advantage of any single man, family, or sort of men, who are a part only of that community…”
-Constitution of Pennsylvania - September 28, 1776 
Do note that this government is not for any “sort of men,” and that government itself is regarded as holding utopian promise “by perfecting the arts of government”.
This is the animating stroke of lightning, the ignition of Leviathan’s heart, the awakening of the self aware civic cyclops.
Between the 1540s and 1830s, the British had been displacing Irish from Ireland, bringing in Protestant English, Germans and Scotch while the Irish, roughly 70% of the population were exterminated. These replacements named them selves Irish! This was like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, some science fiction horror. By the 1830s, as the Brits were set to once again wipe out most of the genetic Irish, the breakaway American Anglo rulers, wanted some Irish. [See Asbury, Gangs of New York.] Irish were brought in for decades, out of the land that they were being replaced in, to replace and battle “English American “nativists,” “copperheads” “johnny rebs” and “planters” all in the name of economy of scale against their own English race.
Once a sate is in place, even a state founded under ethnic auspices, those in power will reach outside of their internal ethnic matrix to bring in alien police:
-Sudanese police over Egyptians
-Scythian police over Athenians
-German guards over Romans
-Nigerian, Turkish and Chinese nationals policing NYC
-Baltimore City, Maryland has a police force of which 71% are not Baltimore residents! Many of these cops live in Pennsylvania!
It is power 101, choices that any person at the helm of the Ship of State will make once placed in steerage.
In terms of explaining pure power, with a modern context, for the reader who has not read primary sources, particularly any one who has had their brains scrambled reading post WWII history and economics, my favorite sources are:
-1. Herodotus, this is indecipherable to the schooled modern mind, so while it is the best, skip it for last, as the entire academy has structured itself to attack Herodotus for the crime of being the Father of Inquiry. In terms of ancient History, Herodotus is the messenger who has been targeted for character assassination for the crime of truth.
-2. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon is a master work by the most brilliant mind of the Plantation Age, a man who believes in raising and feeding and worshiping Leviathan. This is a study of the failed Roman Leviathan by a member of the Anglo Leviathan Academy, a study of the past’s greatest empire intended as an education in governance for his peers, who administered and advised those who administered the greatest empire the world had ever seen, upon which the sun famously failed to set.
-3. The Prince, by Nicoli Machivelli, for those who lack the time or attention span necessary for Gibbon.
-4. Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War as a study on revolutionary politics.
-5. Xenophon’s Hellenica and Anabasis as a study on military politics.
I hope this reading list helps. Do not read any modern forward on these works or any abridged edition. Such overtures are written to obstruct and direct your reading away from your purpose.
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