Electric Dan and I had one full day to train this past weekend as I took a break between trains.
We boxed in the morning for maybe 50 minutes.
We sparred with a half dozen stick types and combinations at noon, for perhaps 90 minutes. Some of the light stick rounds were almost fights.
After watching training videos, we went at it with blades for an hour, including really sick duels with bowie trainers.
His escrima instructor had been invited out. Of course he did not show.
This was the best training I could have dreamed of coming back east to be slaughtered and put out to pasture.
Dan texted me and told me he's got the itch, that he just can't get enthusiastic about more FMA drills after training like that.
So, if you live within driving distance of Joliet, Il and you would like to train BS free, give me a call or text me and I'll get you in touch with Dan.
-James, Pittsburgh, 5/3/23