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‘Please Not Another Prediction!’
Dialogues By Phone on The Coastal Starlight: 4/22-23/2023
© 2023 James LaFond
Monologues below are being answered on 4/25/23 in San Jose.
“James, thank you so much for calling me. I’ve been working hard and training. Things are beginning to click with the writing too. I have 14 articles on my combat arts training experiences and observations. I feel like it will help my fiction writing.
“James, brother, I want to thank you for being their for me while I was losing my mother. I think that you were brought into my life for a reason. It was my mother who encouraged my writing and you stepped into that gap—with her blessing. The advice and encouragement has been so helpful.
“James, I have been studying the zodiac and other things that most Christians scoff at. Your work on linking pre-Christian Arуan faiths with Christianity has been hopeful in this regard. Also, you predicted everything that has happened in Postmodern America. I want to complement you on that. Due to our discussions and your Harm City writing, I can look at this crazy world and see its genesis. It is interesting, how I can no longer have discussions with Conservatives, that they are so wedded to the system that their patriotism blinds them to the fact that they are now the bad guys. A family member is training in law enforcement, and guess who her two partners are, a lesbian and a black guy—a crew right out of Ghost Snatcher! These days, I find I can have meaningful conversations with liberals, even progressive weirdos. But anytime I try to discuss something of significance with a fellow Christian Conservative, there is a Jersey wall road block of the mind and we can’t get past it.
“I have checked on on your site and your writing—I realize it is nine months out—is much more reflective. I have to give you props for continuing to grow at the age when others rest on their laurels. The question is James, what is next, what predictions do you have for us now?”
-Richard Barrett, Editor and Chief of Pulp Fiction Renaissance, by phone on the Coastal Starlight
“Oh, it is so nice that Richard is still writing and questioning the world. He has a bright future ahead of him.”
“Well, of course we value you for having made so many predictions. It enables us who have been cast out of the normal social consciousness to place our outsider on the inside status in an intelligible context. You are Jonah in a train car.”
“Please, please, not another prediction—you’ll make me cry!”
-Lynn Lockhart, by phone on the Coastal Starlight
Richard, the deterioration of advancing age, I have found, increases one’s depth of reflection. I think we are made this way to prevent us from seeing our Creator’s design until it is too late, as we are being plucked from the field of the living, and rendered incapable of warning our fellows. As a gelded ram, I do not believe in a Good Shepherd, but rather a practical rancher.
I must recommend, Ovid’s Metamorphoses to you, for he was a contemporary of The Christ and his poetics scream out for exactly that figure. It is no accident that Christianity spread with the language of Ovid across the greater portion of the world for 1700 years after his death.
For you, as a committed anglophile, whose Norman ancestors surely coursed mine Gaelic ones through their native fens and heather upon the backs of their destriers, I would suggest Edward Gibbons, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. I have yet to meet a person that can tolerate reading this or listening to the excellent audio recording by a British stage actor. The mutually supportive cults of Newslaw, Celebrity and Academia have inoculated 999 of 1,000 of our most inquisitive minds [0] from concourse with the genius minds of past ages. This book was written by a monarchist member of parliament as a study of the hazards of late stage monarchy, for the enlightenment of his elite Anglo-Norman fellows. You may be one of the few humans capable of absorbing the observation-based lessons of Late Antiquity as refracted through the lens of Early Modernity by Gibbon and others.
Dear Lynn, my next prediction is for the year of my probable respiratory demise of 2024. The Orange Man is running for re enthronement, despite his many legal troubles. It is either a case of egomania or of blackmail, perhaps his family under threat from those who would gain by his continued affront to the fear-motivated Majority Left and mesmerism of the opposition Minority Right. Simply his running would cast into adamant ideology the new false polarity, which has placed Conservatives as traitors to USG and Progressives as patriots of USG. January 6 2021 marked the reversal of American Polarity. It is now the boomer hippies who protested against Vietnam who pine for everlasting war upon any nation that might deny our libertine cultural mores. The poster child for American patriotism is now Aunt Karen waving the flag as Blue-Haired Betsy and Golden Skin USG Joe storm the beaches of Normality.
My prediction is not as to whether or not this TV Actor is elected, for any election is a Creep State Selection and shall serve the purpose of the 6 Creep State Factions. [1] Let us rename the Orange Man, Bump.
I saw on CNN today that Creepy Joe, the animate Corpse of State, is running for his party’s nomination against only two foes: a mystery meat-and-greet hyphenated person, and the “AntiVaxx Lawyer” RFK Junior. A virile person of color cannot be admitted to head of state under current zombie protocols, for the “Whiteman” must be seen as on the one hand a criminal [Bump] and on the other hand a wan, fey and infirm relic, penitent of the inequity he is guilty of by way of ancestry.
The only reason for running the sleep walking puppet again is to demonstrate in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS that the European races are unfit to rule even their slovenly remains, let alone manage the affairs of the martyr races. This election has the same purpose as the movies: Driving Miss Daisy, The Color Purple, Fried Green Tomatoes and The Green Mile. These movies were all propaganda that elevated the Groe Gawds to the moral heights they now occupy. However, targeting Southern White Manhood, was not sufficient to entirely demonize and at once emasculate the patriarchy.
My prediction is that Bump will run, as he has been, as “your retribution,” a kook calling for civic revenge. He has already stated that he will cheat in the election like his rivals did last time, essentially the same gambit he ran in January 2021. His fool horde of sloe-eyed Murican cattle will rally to his banner. Win or lose, Bump campaign workers will be indicted and tried for treason, down to grass roots boosters at rural library polling stations. This will include persecution of voters, such as being accessories to treason, and being barred from government jobs. [2]
It is unimportant who the nominal head of state is, for the Cadaverous Ship of State has sailed under its own power, according to its own evolving leviathan mind.
-0. This, semantic conditioning and passive entertainment based information consumption, I should think, denies a million minds to one access to the most acute minds of an earlier time.
-1. The cowardice of self preservation prevents me from naming these various covens of demonic puppeteers.
-2. This latter prediction I see as spontaneous small scale tyranny by local bosses and targeted ostracism of Creep State Agents who demonstrate less than total commitment to Leviathan.
‘This Opaque Blacklist’
‘Fountain of Youth?’
blue eyed daughter of zeus
on combat
fiction anthology one
honor among men
advent america
orphan nation
search for an american spartacus
Maud"dib     Dec 6, 2023

Not Trump or Bump, But DUMP, like a steaming pile of!

DUMP vs Potato except Nudesome will get the Daemon rat nom.
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