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Spring 2023 Writing Journal
© 2023 James LaFond
Spring 2023 Writing Journal
-20. Started Spring Migration Journal, 1072, 920, 638,
-21. 162 [dive bar footnotes], arranged text for The Dive Bar Setting, 785 Crag Mouth #0, very tired
-22. amplified #0, 291, outlined CM #1thru #11, 1452 CM #1,
-23. skyped with White Monkey, cleaned house, listened to Ovid, 1195 CM#2,
-24. 1095, 1292 CM#3, listened to Ovid, 1505, played crib and dominoes with Little Boy,
-25. 1441 CM#4, began CM#5, train with Joe, Little Boy’s party, the Sending of Matt Weed
-26. 1807 CM#5, expanded started CM#5.1, 1621, drank with Kelley
-27. 536, editorial conversation, podcast with White Monkey, shopping for Three Bears, Sending of Joshua Weed
-28. 1298, 1638, ear ringing strident during Alaskan rain storm, bronchitus, listen to Ovid
-29. 1347, in bed listening to Ovid,
-30. 1171, listened to Ovid, very sick, to pharmacy, 1257,
-31. fever, woke with eye seizure, medicated, mental drift, coughing up stuff finally but with blood, steroids from pharmacy, cleaned house, mailed Emma’s Easter package, 382 [footnotes to Ovid 4],
March Spring
Articles/Chapters = 21
Novels: -
Books: -
Expenses [Food]: 22 + 50 + 31 + 27 +11 + 17 + 16 + 21 + 23 + 18 + 50 + 23 + 27 +11 = $347
Postage: $17, $10 = $27
Medicine: $29
-1. Training with Joe, James and Neal in Centralia Washington,
-2. Day trip up the Columbia Gorge
[The next couple of entries are more complete, listing some things I do every day, like walking, cleaning, gaming.]
-3. heavy speed cleaned Three Bear Den, talked to editor, 1339, 1324, 1476 [CM#6], listened to Ovid, dumbbell set while listening to Ovid again, dinner and whiskey with Kelly and Lori, drank with Dawn, Dove and Nokia [in my own Hennessy moment] as the only man at the dive bar, played cribbage with Little Boy, drank too much and ate lasagna, so went from 153 to 155.
-4. daily 4 mile morning walk, quick cleaned Three Bear Den, watched Doctor Breck interview, drank pot of coffee, antibiotics making me tired, slept and listened to Ovid, 1609 Ovid #5,
-5. 1228, 2692, 3293, 3482, 1080, 1101,
-6. walked 7 miles, nap afternoon, listen to Ovid, falling asleep writing, bronchitus not going away, packed a 36 foot moving truck, walked 2 miles
-7. walked 3 miles, broth, emails and proofed 3 Holiday Blue posts on site, boxed with Neal, coffee, stick sparred with Joe, 1206 [CM#11], bronchitus won’t go away, unloaded moving van,
-8. sick in bed, listening to Ovid, canceled sparring, 1264, hit bag
-9. walked 3 miles, sick in bed, listened to Ovid, 1208, 1170, Easter dinner with the Alaskans, played miniatures with Felix
-10. sick in bed, listened to Ovid, 1408, cleaned Three Bear Lair, finished annotating Ovid
-11. sick in bed, 1313, listened to Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, 1566, 1258, coached Felix lifting weights
-12. 1616, sick in bed, listen to Gibbon, play Warhammer with Felix, discuss building modeler terrain for miniatures battles,
-13. 1523, CM#7, podcast with White Monkey, sick in bed
-14. walk 3 miles, proof Seeker Cain June posts, 1176, CM#10, box with Beast O’Neal, 1307, CM#8, 1552 CM#9, completed Crag Mouth at 29,500 words
-15. going to the coast with Kelly
-16. Oregon Coast, Garibaldi, Rockaway and Lincoln City, settings for Slave
-17. set up training area in garage, begin packing, listen to Gibbon 9 and 10
-18. schedule posts for September, October and November, finished packing, listen to Gibbon 9 and 10, dinner with the Alaskans
-19. 1389, sick in bed, listen to Gibbon 9 and 10, train with Joe, visit with Anton Ales
-20. woke with eye seizure, medicated, 1309, 1106, sick in bed, listen to Gibbon 9 and 10, dinner with Kelly & Lori
-21. coaching Felix on squats and wrist wind bar I made him, to the bank, lunch with Dove & Little Boy, pack and back up files, 1251, dinner with Kenwa & Dove, dice, cribbage and whiskey with Little Boy until 4:30 A.M.
-22. Exchanged gifts with Little Boy, Breakfast with Kelly, Lori & Dove, mail box to Mom, train to San Jose 3 p.m.
-23. Arrive in San Jose 11:00 a.m., 707, dinner with Vaxx Zombie DeGaulle, listen to Gibbon
-24. 1351, 1005, 1294, 874, drinks with Vaxx Zombie DeGualle, listen to Gibbon,
-25. edit yesterday’s writing, 635 words of footnotes for the 4th chapter written last night, 1296, 1139, listened to Gibbon, 1201, dinner with Vaxx Zombie,
-26. 1319, 1220, 532, 984
-27. Bus to Emerryville and train to Chicago
-28. Train to Chicago
-29. Train to Joliet
-30. Train with Electric Dan, morning, noon and afternoon sparring sessions
Articles/Chapters = 40
Novels: -
Books: - 1 [RPG sourcebook]
Expenses [Food]: 27 + 35 + 21 + 13 + 65 + 15 + 7 + 10 + 5 + 15 + 40 + 10 + 40 + 45 + 20 + 5 + 5 + 40 + 40 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 3 + 10 + 40 + 22 + 50 = $613
Postage: $17
Writing supplies: desk, lamps = $95
Sedan: $45 + $50 = $90
Train: $150 + 7 = $157
Bus: $15
Hotel: $138 + 584 = $722
Medicine: $25 + 25 + 25 + 25 = $100
-1. Train to Chicago, read penetration by Ingo Swann during 6 hour layover, and Pittsburgh
-2. Land in Pittsburgh, framed 13 travel articles, assembled text for first half spring of journal, visited with Rick and Mister Gray, began designing Down to the Sea, 2 drinks with Mister Grey
-3. Woke sick to my stomach, posted two site notices,1682, 1070, 1588 began SPQR, 2 drinks with Mister Grey
-4. 1496, 1694, posted December 4 thru 27th non fiction, 3 drinks with Mister Grey
-5. 1592, fix Punky’ cupboard with wood glue, 1808, White Monkey podcast recording, pack, drive to Lancaster, PA with Mister Grey, drink and record discussions with Mister Grey
-6. 1391, 1622, wash clothes and write at Mister Grey’s, picked up by Nero the Pict, visit with Nero and Cutie Homesteader, drinks of course
-7. Train with Nero and Erique at Erique’s, pickup by Uber Joe to Harford County, Maryland to see Mom and Siss
-8. Drive into Baltimore County with Siss, drop off at Doctor’s office and submit to the wytch’s coven, bus to Brick Mouse House, hike to Kenpo school and train with The Operator, listen to Gibbon 13,
-9. Settle in at the Brick Mouse House, bus to doctor in South Baltimore, double hernia diagnosis, back up files and set up Brickmouse computer, 34 emails, download 7 article prompts, 1209, 1224, bus to Megan on east side,
-10. Bus to Northeast, coffee with Miss Ezz, bus to doctor in Timonium, consult with the Operator,
-11. 1048, 442, 1102, 1080, coffee with Miss Ezz, podcast with White Monkey, Train with The Operator, visit with Guila Girl
-12. 1036, wash clothes, pack, bank, bus to the Eastside to see Megan,
-13. card games with Little Emma, 1342,
-14. train with Brickmouse in East Baltimore, To Harford County for Mother’s Day, read Psalms and Sirach
-15. Train with The Operator, 1201, Incgnegro meet up,
-16. 1251, Dinner with Megan, train with Operator, cancelled down with bad eye siezure,
-17. 1438, coffee with Miss Ezz, meet with Jason, meet with Big Ron, Mister Safrano, Jersey Jon and Brickmouse,
-18. To man weekend, bad eye seizures
-19. bad eye seizures, trained 5 hours
-20. fights
-21. departure, 13 hours to Jersey
-22. woke with eye seizure, 673, 894, 586, eye worsened
-23. bad eye, listened to Breck interviews 11, 12 & 13, 725, proofed American Dog chapters 0 thru 5, listen to Gibbon Chapter 13, help open the pool,
-24. bad eye, sweep pool bottom, 1259 American Dog #6, 1406 AD#7, planning session with editor,
-25. eye seize 2:30 am, amplify AD#7 303, sand railing, clean pool, 1136 AD#8, 1231 AD#9, listen to Gibbon
-26. updated a publishing platform, 1058, bad eye, cancel podcasts, listen to Gibbon
-27. extreme eye pain, disabled, adjusted Amazon prices for inflation, listen to Gibbon
-28. discard incomplete Spring writing files, listen to Gibbon, arrange text for spring journal, Spring Migration Draft at 48,004 words
-29. rest, listen to Gibbon,
Articles/Chapters = 30
Books: - 1, Journal
Expenses [Food]: $25, $7, $114, $45, $129, $21, $50, $41, 5, 55, 5, 15 =$512
Bus: $15, $5, $5, $5 = $30
Medicine: 5 = $5
Gray God Report 5/3/23
author's notebook
Crackpot Expenses 2023
the greatest lie ever sold
'in these goings down'
uncle satan
songs of arуas
shrouds of arуas
thriving in bad places
let the world fend for itself
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