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Fiction Anthology One
© 2023 Store Clerk
By This Axe!
Zack Sandlin
"This is a great piece of American literature. I was so into it I almost missed my stop twice. My favorite part was the limo scene and the purple scarf. I was laughing so hard I had to put it down!"
"Yule or Yo - had me rolling on the floor laughing. How odd earth would be to a true super-being. The description of his mother made me a little sick to my stomach, more so then the battle at the end. You really know how to write gruesome battle scenes—so vivid. Your descriptions of the car-Charger and the motorcycle were great. I loved how he took out the drug-dealers. I could really see his gleaming axe. This story was really deep and had a lot of metaphors."
Soter's Way
Adam Swinder
“Prepare for a sci-fi slap in the face, as LaFond takes you into a journey of a man whose childlike innocence is truly bliss.”
Lee Hoover
“Organa’s world is a cold place, where the ultimate good human has been used up and is about to be discarded. Tray is very compelling; a lusty, compassionate man. The villains are very interesting people. But the avatars steal the show with their sense of humor and fashion statements—they’re more human than the humans.”
“What a beautiful story. Can’t wait for a female dominated world! You guys suck! You think men are mean, just wait! I liked the avatars, especially Lars and his outfits. He dressed for every occasion. Tray was cool. He was an unsuspecting hero. I was shocked the way it ended. What is Organa going to do? How long will she live? Will they try to kill her?”
Buzz Bunny
Donnell Preston
“This is Watership Down meets The Wire—off the hook.”
"I finished Buzz Bunny. I think you were smoking pot when you wrote the story. It was both intriguing and tragic. Why did Joey have to show up again and tempt him? Tamar was almost free to start his life. Yes, I'm glad he helped the girl but I wished it could have happened another way.
"The story also makes me parents not recognize when their child is being bullied? Do they not care because they can't handle their child looking weak? Were they bullied themselves and it brings back bad memories? Do they think boys/girls should learn how to defend themselves without their help? Maybe martial art centers need to promote anti-bullying classes to schools since the school system seems to turn a blind eye until something tragic happens.
"I like it better as a fantasy with a telepathic rabbit than as the story of a boy who thinks he has an animal helper."
On the Edge of the Herd
A Test
into leviathan’s maw
sons of aryаs
beasts of aryаs
on the overton railroad
under the god of things
the year the world took the z-pill
winter of a fighting life
solo boxing
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