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Summer 2023 Writing Journal
© 2023 James LaFond
-30. bad eye, proof and update front matter to Porch, Slave, Of Ichor and War and SPQR, finish scheduling posts for December, listen to Gibbon and rest, ongoing ocular disaster
-31. schedule posts thru January 12, ran out of calendar, listen to Gibbon 13, 14, 15, rest, buy train ticket to Baltimore, 1208 AD#10,
-1. eye bad,1407, noon walk, dinner in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, next to a gangster who had to be told to turn his youtube phone worship of Da Gawds down by my host and agreed he had been out of line, writing with eye patch and glasses on, midnight walk,
-2. eye bad 4 am, 1299, outlined back matter for SPQR
-3. eye bad, took walk, went to family cookout attended by Myth 20 listeners and was checked for a wire and interrogated as to whether or not I was a Confidential Informant, burying this account here and will use in fiction, not journalism, as my driver and area host was very offended and I am trying to write fiction and history, left early and went to strip club where we were treated much better by Latina whores and black goons than by big brained white men…and unable to make this up, the gangster from the eatery in Elizabethtown was running the strip club!
-4. woke with eye seizure at 4 A.M. a bit later than usual, wondering if I’m being remotely harassed by viewer, will use that in a novel, sparring with stick today with an excellent Jersey fighter, wash clothes, pack
-5. 8:30 am ruck out to train station for the trip to Baltimore on the 10:09 #185, afternoon ruck and bus from Penn Station to Brickmouse House, bad eye seizure, consult with The Operator
-6. woke by eye, 1238, listened to a Breck interview, visit Megan and assess the job of sanding and painting her land lady’s porch,
[the eye is just sizzling and it seems related to overcast but unproductive skies, the threat and not the wet of rain. Am working on blanking out in a trance for a few hours to avoid a second dose of meds in a day.]
-7. bus from eastside to northeast, coffee with Miss Ezz, 6 emails, 1530, to doctor on southside, visited bars in Hamilton,
-8. eye woke me at 4, 1465, 1059, hits snake and bag with fist and stick 30 minutes, dumbbell exercises 40 minutes, 1324, coffee with Brickmouse, Dinner with Doc Dread, 1466,
-9. wake with crippling hip and knee dysfunction, wash clothes, can’t walk or write, listen ti Daniel Defoe’s A General History of the Pyrates, therapy
-10. walk 200 yards and puke, therapy, rest, whiskey, Defoe, 1646,
-11. shrimping on floor, get crutches
-12. shrimping on floor and passing out
-13. barely crutch mobile
-14. 3.5 hour crutch bus trip to urgent care, xray clear
-15. therapy and rest
-16. began crutch therapy doing fencing and boxing footwork on crutches, first decrease in pain from 9 and 10 to 7 to 9. first increase in range of motion
-17. same as 16th, begin to write again,
-18. rest and therapy
-19. 1140,
-20. 1250, still can’t walk
-21. cortison improves crutch mobility
-22. therapy all day, eye cycle continues
-23. crutch and bus from eastside to Towson, man n Hat drives me to York PA, Mescaline takes me to Lancaster
-24. therapy 6 hours, try to write filling out this, try to do some discussion videos, can’t walk
-25. Erique takes me to train and I take Train to Pitt to visit Rick who is sick, Omar the trucker
-26. therapy
-27. 1645, improved brief standing
-28. 1337 AD#11, turned corner on therapy and mobility walked a bit, over did exercise and knocked back a bit
-29. 1715 AD#12,
-30. 1354 AD#13,
-1. 1599 AD#14,
-2. 1132 AD#15,
-3. 1104 AD#16,
-4 thru 12. a haze of painting
-13. 752,
-14. 1369, finished Immediate Post Life at 12,171 words,
-15. 2047, 1684, 1973,
-16. 2454, 2381, 2529, 2525,
-17. 1622, physical therapy evaluation
-18: 2226, 11 emails, 1342, 1803,
-19: 1933, 2268, 1011,
-20. 2921,
-21. 1393, AD #17,
-22. too much pain to write
-25. 1191 AD #18,
-26. therapy
-27. 1811 AD #19, surgery consult, dinner with The Operator
-28. Completed American Dog
-29. rest
-30. 734
-31. 1,078
-1. 1693, 2,245,
-2. therapy improvement, dinner with The Operator
-3. scheduled American Dog posts, therapy visit
-4. 2352,
-5. 8 hours therapy
-6. began writing SPQR #2
-7. 1893 SPQR #2, read Solomon
-8. 827, 1012, read Sirach, 1038
-9. proof writing from 7th and 8th, dinner with The Operator,
-10. 1446, 3 emails, 1545 SPQR #A1, coach The Operator, drinks with Brickmouse and Bride
-11. 1659 SPQR #A2, was able to stand and shave!, spend weekend with the ladies on the Eastside.
-12. 2131 SPQR #A3, outlined SPQR #AB
-13. 1273, 478,
-14. proof above articles, 1056, began proofing Prentice Dolphin to page 57,
-15. 937, 1583, proof Prentice Dolphin,
-16. spinal doctor, I have a rare nerve injury, dinner with The Operator
-17. began bundling unpublished and print only books into anthologies for the site estore
-18. set up 7 omnibus collections for estore, 1764 words SPQR A3,
-19. 303, 227,
-20. 1059, outlined 3 part book inventory, unable to sleep from nerve pain
-21. bad eye seizures and leg tremors, formatted omnibus ebooks for the site estore, summoned by Preston from across the alley to ward off Buckethat the Groe
-22. eye seizure wakes me, 1276, 1603, began Out of The Cookie journal,
-23. 1515, skyped with a reader from Greece, set up more site features, dinner with The Operator, emails,
-24. proofed uprising, proofed Ranger to page 22,
-25. proofed Ranger to 215,
-26. shopping and packing, to Eastside by car
-27. proofed rest of Ranger?, 804,
-28. Proof Seeker Cane, 804
-29. 1828, 1147, Proof Holiday Blue
-30. back to Northeast on bus, Proof Timejacker
-31. Proof American Dog
September 1: make features for novels edited above, email complete works to webmaster and editor, to Pennsylvania for final visit to Lancaster area
End of Crackpot Summer
Articles/Chapters = 67, all time low
May-June = 16
July = 24
August = 27
Books = 2
Journal = 1
Novel = 1
Train tickets: Jersey to Baltimore $112, 80: $192
Room rent: $200, $200, 200, 300, 200, 50, 400: $1550
Sedan: $50, 25, 50, 20, 20, 100, 20, 20, 20: $325
Bus: $20, $5, 5: $30
Food: $54, $70, $10, $50, $70, [living with women who cook is getting very expensive, a can of peas is now over $2] $35, $90, $20, $10, 30, 10, 7, 40, 140, 44, 100, 100, 80, 20, 50, 80, 240, 10, 20, 270: $1650 [Wow!, and I lost weight?]
Meds: $20, $22, 75, 29, 1, 30: $177
Authors of Elder Earth
author's notebook
At the Well of Conduction
solo boxing
crag mouth
under the god of things
z-pill forever
night city
when you're food
book of nightmares
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