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‘Against the Wafer God’
Twin Towers by J.T.C.
© 2014 James LaFond
For a comic guy J.T.C. shows a troubling depth of knowledge concerning the evolution of near eastern religious systems. This is yet another attack on the Catholic Church, demonstrating what is possibly the strongest parallel between Islam and Christianity; irreconcilable doctrinal schisms. I will go so far as to offer this humble flip comic as evidence that religious strife on Planet Earth is far from over, even if relegated in the U.S. to such—comic—proportions.
The cover shows a demon between two pillars in the wilderness. Atop one pillar is the statue of the Virgin Mary, and atop the other the circular emblem of the Eucharist [wafer god]. The simplest way to debunk Catholicism is herein put to good use, the explication of its synchretic spread; in other words the absorption and inclusions of sublimated pagan deities, practices and observances into the heretical Jewish cult. So, the master stroke that permitted Paul to lay the evangelical foundations that would Christianize the Roman Empire ironically serve as the supporting arguments for Christian heretics. Religion is endlessly fascinating in this proto-political way.
The story begins by using the ‘Ship of State’ metaphor for the church, with an ugly Pope at the wheel of a sailing vessel doing his best Horatio Nelson imitation. It turns out that this is a story being told by a humble priest to an ailing old heiress, in an attempt to strengthen her faith, hopefully resulting in her fortune being turned over to ‘Holy Mother Church’.
This is one of J.T.C.s better structured narratives, with a minimum of saving grace at the end, and a maximum of duplicitous hierarchal manipulation throughout.
The best illustration must be the holy communion wafer in the form of what looks like an Aliens baby, prying open the female catholic mouth and saying ‘open wide!’ before plunging down the parishioner’s throat, horns, hangs, spiked tail and all!
Another masterpiece of its kind from J.T.C., and its free!
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