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Urban Honor by Odd Ways
Simon, Boost, the White Vice Lords, the Geneva Convention, and Panhandler Taxation
© 2014 James LaFond
I walk by Boost four days a week. Boost suffers from a muscular-skeletal disease that seems to have the same effects as polio. He stands—or leans—up to about 4 feet, and seems to weigh about 70 pounds. Since I have lived in Hamilton he has panhandled in front of the corner pizzeria, managing his wrist-brace crutches and cardboard sign up and down fifty feet of tiered sidewalk. He never begs, always nods with respect to passersby, and seems to have a gleam of intelligence in his brown eyes.
The drug dealers that work that corner have never bothered Boost. He is a civilian, and a handicapped one at that. The Global Islamists and Global Capitalists might ignore every article of the Geneva Convention and murder civilians with impunity—with some Zionist rabbinical authorities even calling for the death of Islamic babies—but these local thugs abide by a code. In a surreal world where American presidents extol torture, and American senators tell reporters that killing 98 innocent women and children for every suspected Islamist is acceptable military policy, where on earth would one look to find the ancient warrior code of honor upheld?
Boost had been off his corner for a month or so. With his recent return, and the disappearance of Simon, the six-foot four-inch young man who had stolen a pair of crutches and taken over the corner, The Violence Guy sensed a story and homed in, contacting some of his ghetto sources—not wanting to be seen questioning Boost in front of the communication officer of the White Vice Lords, who now claim this corner as part of their drug distribution network.
Here is the short brief story of Simon and Boost, which I cobbled together from two reluctant sources.
Simon walked up to Boost at the end of his shift one night and talked him over into the alley behind the pizzeria where he beat him until he could no longer drag himself. He then informed Boost that the corner was no longer his. The next day Simon took up his stolen crutches [stolen from someone much taller than Boost] and began working the corner under the nose of the cops—who could care less about such things—and beneath the eyes of the White Vice Lords.
The White Vice Lords had recognized Boost as a ‘civilian’ based on his infirmity and his seniority. Simon, however, took Boost’s panhandling spot by force, had committed a crime. Baltimore City Law Enforcement may not care about white guys beating down crippled white guys, but any crime that happens on a drug dealer’s corner, and results in an ongoing profit, falls under that drug dealer’s jurisdiction.
Now, on such a drug corner crime no longer happens, at least not physically. This corner where bags of dope used to change hands is now just a communications hub. The drug dealers have a vested interest in suppressing gross crime at this location. Indeed, if they could have gotten away with avenging Boost outright without the police locking them up for beating down Simon, I suspect they might have prevented Simon from ever taking that corner.
Simon was taxed an undisclosed fee for working that corner.
Simon, a true dumbass, eventually thought he could get away without paying his thug tax.
Simon is recovering from numerous stab wounds as I write, and Boost is once again working his corner under the benevolent eye of the criminals who decline to tax him, as he is a nonviolent civilian.
Can you name a municipality in the U.S. that does not levee a tax against its citizens, and protects them?
Can you name a military player in our current global war that does not target civilians?
Thank Odin for white-on-white karmicrime.
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