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Hardback Projections 2024
Conclusions and Outtakes from the Annual Editor/Crackpot Virtual Meeting: 1/10/24
© 2024 James LaFond
Yesterday, Lynn Lockhart and the Crackpot had our annual publication meeting. This was supposed to be our second print podcast. The idea had been for us to record a podcast without me raising my voice, rendering a poor quality recording, in hopes of using the host system to generate a transcript that could be published as a print article on substack.
My voice could not be heard and the transcript could not be made.
So, we did our annual editorial meeting via skype.
What will be published this year?
First, I am taking over editing functions, since Lynn is now a school teacher and does not have the time she once had. You will have to insert their for there yourself.
Lynn does hard backs, has the rights to everything I have written on my say so.
I am trying to find paperback book publishers.
I just want the stuff in print. The publisher can have the money.
The following is what Lynn and agreed on for 2024 and 2025.
#1: Noose Born
… A Trilogy of Elder Earth: Sorcerer!, Ranger?, and Wife—
… 2023, edited, 140,778 words
This omnibus collection of my first three Medieval American alternative history series, is the first in the cue.
The following titles are long over due Arуan histories. The reader and writer of the forwards is a young man of Greece, appropriated named Achilleas.
#2: Sons of Arуas
… Soul of the West: Volume 1
… 2020, unedited, 117,436 words
#3: Beasts of Arуas
… An Inquiry into Arуan Culture, Domestication and the Monstrous
… 2021, unedited, 117,460 words
#4: Songs of Arуas
… Considering the Strands of Arуan Tradition with Blue-Eyed Daughter of Zeus [in paperback print]
… 2022, edited, 63,288 words
… 2021, Blue-Eyed Daughter of Zeus is 10,849 words
There we go, four huge books for the Lady to put out in hard back.

The Literate Hoodrat intends to complete, in this year a single history book. I am working on two, possibly four biographies of people I stay, with, which are on no time line, are episodic, and can wait for publication for whatever time I am unable to re visit those men. I am hoping to travel for two more years before staying put whereever this piece of junk collapses. Yet who can know what the Norns have in store for we, the puppets in their play.
#A: Shrouds of Arуas
… Considering the PreConditions of Arуan Decline
… 2024, 83 chapters complete, text un-arranged, 20 chapters outlined, unedited
#B: Fay Away, a Travel Journal covering from December 1 2023 thru March 23, 2024.
#C: Gimp, a journal, March 24 thru November 30 2024
#D: SPQR, A Novel of Brittanic Rome, January
#E: Slave. A Novel of Elder Earth, February
#F: Nihil: A Speculative Fiction, March
#G: Porch: A Harm City Novel, April
#H: Tinman: Science-Fiction, sequel to Motherboard, May
#I: Knight: A Novel of Elder Earth, August
As my mechanical health is steadily degenerating, I intend to dedicate the later half of 2024 to completing three massive Plantation America volumes of 700 pages each. Currently, 123 chapters are complete. 40-some odd chapters remain in outline: I require of the eyes to complete those 40 chapters and reread and annotate works by the following writers: Thomas Hellier, Captain John Smith, William Bradford, Moses Roper, Hinton Rowan Helper, Cotton Mather, Thomas White, William DeFoe, John Bunyan and a handful of others who currently slip my mind.
#J. The Planters: In This New Isrаel I, an investigation of the physical and political foundations of Plantation America
#K. The Sowers: In This New Isrаel II, an investigation of economic and ethnic exploitation in Plantation American
#L: The Inheritors: In This New Isrаel III, an investigation of runaways and revolts, post Civil War slavery in America and the post modern legacy of Plantation America.
That is an ambition of 12 books, a dozen crimes against Leviathan. I feel certain to hit 10.

2025 Book Projected for Hardback Publication
#1: Strange Yarns: The Collected Fiction of James LaFond, 2024
#2: Search for an American Spartacus, 2020, 768 pages, complete and unpublished, revolts and uprisings in Plantation America
#3: In These Goings Down, 2021, 518 pages, complete and unpublished, a general history
#4: Plantation America, 2022, 351 pages, complete and unpublished, a general history
There, Lynn has four massive hardback books to publish in 2025.
If you would like to publish any of my work in paperback, contact me at 443-686-0598 and at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com
‘Mary’s Crime’
plantation america
shrouds of arуas
solo boxing
let the world fend for itself
time & cosmos
logic of steel
into leviathan’s maw
dark, distant futures
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