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Shrouds of Arуas Complete
Possibly Available as a Site E-Book in April
© 2024 James LaFond
At 830 pages and over 130,000 words, the fourth book in the Arуas Project is stuck on this computer and on memory sticks until I can get the files into the hands of the Web Master. I am unable—living with fellow paleolithic folks—to skype or use email. i am hoping that a return to Baltimore in April will get me back on line in that way.
I do not think it will ever be in print, as with most of my books over the past five years.
I am going to try and get set up on a paperback platform for publishing drafts. If this is accomplished, this is still too big a book for my dumbass to put into print, because of the book design requirements of its size.
A forward by Achilleas, written for a possible print edition for Sons of Arуas, leads off this volume, as i have been unable to work with the old Microshaft files using my current open office system, and hence may not edit the first edition in the series. Basically, if i wrote it before July 2021, i can't work with the file.
Injury Recovery
author's notebook
Flop The Zero Phone Had A Stroke
on the overton railroad
masculine axis
the combat space
your trojan whorse
under the god of things
the lesser angels of our nature
blue eyed daughter of zeus
sons of arуas
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