My return to Portland and regular TV exposure at bars and in homes has increased, keened and awed my pre-existing sense that I tread the very ground as do sneaker-footed Gawds.
Game shows, politics, comedy, drama, news, sports, awards shows, music—full spectrum dominance. I suppose it is a good thing when the scions of the men who cut down every forest, plowed every prairie, drained every swamp, planted and reaped every crop, won every war, invented the entire scientific world view, laid all the railroad tracks, mined all the coal, built all the highways and cities, etc., as we now slumber in the arms of Morpheus, should provide all entertainment and most news analysis. In pantheons past, the gods would have ascended into heaven. But in Murkha, under a beneficent heaven, we may worship in person.
The erectile dysfunction commercials for all of those skinny legged land whales in their 30s, already having erection problems, feature an onyx gawd and a blond mortal woman, focus on why this remote ordering of pecker pills will prevent embarrassment. The pale limp dick is comforted that gawds also have erection problems, and that the supervising doctor is Asian! Yes, Tyrone Ivory Splitter can’t get it up either, and the dude judging your dick is not well endowed…
Two nights ago a bar, The Lariat, where I atimes eat breakfast, was the scene of a Gawd and a mortal arguing on the parking lot. When the mortal entered, with the Gawd threatening to descend from his chariot with thunder [1] the mortal turned, and their entered Blove, gun in hand. They wrestled and the Gawd died. No charges were filed. But, the gunman is now being cast as a shooting victim on the pale news, pictures of him shown reading in his store bought braids, testimonies from blond women that he was a beautiful person…
I look up past the gawdly awards and see that an onyx Orpheus was arrested at a hip hop worship session…
The news switches to why Murkha must bomb more “radicals.” The smiling faces of four Gawdly soldiers, a woman and three kangs, are shown. The report states that they have been killed by attacks on U.S. bases in the Murder East. The general reporting on the atrocities against gawdly military people, was actually a man dark of skin enough that he could be an African dictator, explaining why Murkha must dish out more war.
This reminded me of when bipartisan congress people were calling 10 months ago for war on terrorism in Mexico because the two pimps taking an Atlanta whore to get surgery in Mexico were whacked.
Back to local Portland news about the 8.5% increase of homeless in Portland in 2022, and again in 2023 and a projected increase in 2024. Although nearly all of these tens of thousands of homeless [2] are of a pale and evil pallor. Few of us really care much about them, as one is run over every third day and they constantly litter, loot, burn and obstruct working life. One woman was pinned in her camper illegally parked and on blocks on this street three houses away when a cedar tree crushed it, and her, and she burned to death while neighbors tried to free her.
The homeless are adapting to being chased around and their camps cleared out, by stealth camping, by setting up in interstate medians and such. But, to get the news viewer of 96% non-Gawdly Portland to care, the officials remind us through the news reporter that Gawdly [3] folk are more at risk of homelessness than pale folk. This makes no sense to anyone who has seen homelessness in person. The funny thing is, the few homeless Groes are being accepted by their cracker brethren as celebrity panhandlers and being housed by the more mechanically adept tweakers in return for holding signs—what has this world come to, when tweaker bums camping on sidewalks get a living, jiving, lawn jockey!
Last night I ate dinner in an upscale eatery next to two very well dressed and happy Ghana men. The Latinos and Asians and Injuns cast suspicious glances at them. But the ghost folk glowed with approval that these starving refugees, each wearing $800 in branded attire, enjoyed their meal.
It reminded me of the captivity and escape memoir of William Morely, who discussed how slaves from the Gold Coast held in and near Philadelphia in the 1730s were only permitted to work for themselves on Sunday, but that these men and women had now responsibility for feeding, clothing, teaching or in any way provided for their children. For, the Mistress of the plantation adopted all of these unfree children as her own little darlings, to be doted on endlessly… [4]
Has any thing other than technology changed in this deranged nation?
Then yesterday, a murder of perhaps 200 crows were chasing a goshawk—a pale hawk if you must know—over the wrecked and burned camper down the street. They then descended on the neighborhood afoot, cawing and cawing as they waddled about the area, the camper at the center. I was reminded that Riley had always told me that when my hereditary foes died, they became crows, and that when I passed, I’d be a seagull.
These are just a few observations in a few days, in a world where every single TV sales pitch features the people that this evil embodiment of the absence of color, was born to worship as my opaque masters.
I wonder how this continued heightening of complexion based consciousness is going to play out in this crucial year, six years before the planet gets drunk on its axis?
In any case, most of us are blessed that our condition of birth prevented us from ascending to godhood during our mortal incarnation. We are not burdened by an obligation to shame, edify, instruct and serenade the blank faces in the audience. No wonder so few people go to church anymore—Church comes to us, saints and martyrs sauntering down these very lanes of our lives.
-1. From an eye witness account had at another rbar.
-2. Ironically, the number of homeless in Portland, a place exactly the size of Baltimore, but with a growing population, where it’s east coast counterpart is shrinking, is roughly equal to the number of vacant homes in Baltimore, both at between 25,000 and 40,000 depending on who is counting and how.
-3. According to the Faith of Science, all 8 billion of us are descended from tropical Gawds.
-4. William Wells brown experienced a similar adoption by elite slave owners.
-5. Hilariously, after writing this and watching jeopardy with two Alaskan elders, there was a public service commercial staring a light skinned mսlatto talking about how cigarette smoking was fun until he had a stroke. The lady watching was smoking menthol cigarettes, which she has smoked for 62 years. The narration that closed the commercial in the 95% none African region stated tobacco that companies targeted the black community for menthol cigarettes. The old lady chuckled.
Keep up the good work pale face. You are not allowed to die yet.