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Winter 2024 Writing Journal
© 2024 James LaFond
-1. 1248, clean blankets with Dad, crockpot vegetables & cheese, 1524, update book cue, 1684, 993, clean fridge,
-2. helped with an elders event, scheduled non fiction posts for May, femoral nerve issue seems to be degenerative, must get bone thin and begin a fast
-3. 1025,
-4. clean, cook, pack, travel
-5. arrive in San Jose, visit used book store take notes and but, The Great Rising of 1381, 930, began In These Parts, 1075, listened to a Military History of the Teutonic Knights,
-6. 1077, 1045, listened to history of Teutonic Knights
-7. listened to The Alchemist, 1695, breakfast, pack, visit book store, 1394, take night train to Portland
-8. read and annotated Joseph Epstein’s biography of Tocquerville, outlined two part review, arrive back in Portland
-9. cleaned house, made corned beef stew and ham soup, unpacked, grocery shopped, transferred files, had a talk with Max the Attire Guy, femoral nerve condition seems to be degenerative, edited In These Parts,
-10. cooked, cleaned, read an annotated The Great Rising, dinner with Kelley, got drunk with Land Lady
-11. Outlined Fay Away, 1109, nervous condition degrading,
-12. 1439, 1331, 1220, 908, cards with Little Boy, cook for The Feather Feds, scheduled 5 posts, added up expenses and posted, 896,
-13. 1077, Injun shindig at Federal Building, shopping, post office, whiskey with Kelley.
-14. Clean house, 1084, 1558, eye blew
-15. 331 amplification work, 1372, 1197, shopping, roommate arrested, speak with police about contact order logistics
-16. edit yesterday’s work send to editor over skype, cook for potluck, outline 2 articles, 1216,
-17. beat, tired, brain fog, woke by bad eye seizure and had to take medicine to keep from puking… the wind howled down from Mount Hood
-18. 1078, 1018, 1074, proofed and amplified, outlined poem,
-19. bad eye, 737, 1237, cards, scheduled weekday posts for June
-20. 1128, shadow boxed 40 minutes, leg 5 to 7 back to 3 to 5,1168, cooked
-21. 1046, cook, 289, 1904
-22. 1626, shadow boxing, floor exercises, 1048, met beast O’Neal for beer
-23. 1472, drank whiskey and beer from 2 pm to 12 am at various PreChristmas meets
-24. 1627,
-25. Christmas visit with The Beast O’Neal and Kelley
-26. 873, 1036, cleaned room, 672
-27. 713, cooked potato and ham soup, listen to Gibbon while stretching, 2004, dishes, 1218,
-28. 1464, post office, bank, train station, checked a gym to train, visiting, drank wayyy too much!
-29. edited Beast of Arуas to page 21, looked for Land Lady’s phone after her dog got into her purse for dog treats and scattered the contents in the back yard, scheduled posts for weekdays from July 1 thru 17, packed, eye seizure
-30. 1428,
-31. 296, move to Seattle
Articles/chapters: 47
Books: 0
Novels: 0
Journals: 0
Histories: 0
-1. get quarters squared away, played cards
-2. 1610, prologue to Nihil, 2 hours in kitchen, 1253
-3. 291, made a periscope post, edited first half of SPQR, eye sizzled, 85 emails
-4. bad eye seizure, 6 emails, reread 16 emails for crackpot mailbox, went shopping with Land Lady, 369, 1048,
-5. wrote and posted 807, 765, 325, 618, 775, 1048, blew eye up
-6. 1860 SPQR11, split kindly, raked boughs, leg getting worse, weight 164, must lose weight, 1204 SPQR12, listen to gibbon
-7. 4 emails, 371, listen to Gibbon, dumbbell exercises
-8. outlined article, 2 emails, 2 hours in kitchen, 1165 SPQR13, listened to Poetic Eddas
-9. 1 hour kitchen, 1 hour house cleaning, 2020 SPQR14, 4 emails, 1150, schedule out weekends thru May 25,
-10. editorial conference/medical planning, 2 hours kitchen, 1 hour cleaning, 928, 541, outlined 3 articles, bad nerve pain, listened to gibbons chapters 16thru 18
-11. 822 words, 765, house sitting, 1121, listened to Gibbon
-12. listened to Gibbon 1608, 1429, 1351, eye, nerve pain,
-13. winter blast, frozen pipes, fetched creek water, warmed up frozen water for chickens, burned down most of wood, 1174 SPQR15, listened to Gibbon
-14. bad eye, hauled wood and water, listened to Gibbon, visited with returning hosts,
-15. 1685 SPQR15.5, cooked, cleaned, 1425,
-16. 1335, bad eye, back stronger, hauling fire wood again, completed listening to Gibbon
-17. listened to Plutarch, 1767, ice storm
-18. hauled fire wood, 1444 SPQR16.1, snow storm, 1516 SPQR16.2, cleaned house
-19. 1329, shoveled snow, 1121, 6 emails, listened to Tamerlane
-20. bad eye attack, medicated, 2 emails, 938,
-21. 938, yes, the same length as yesterday’s article, bad eye attack, church, talked to a Beautiful Wife of Jesus, 1260, cards beer and whiskey
-22. cleaned house and kitchen, 1433, outlined an article, eye burn, posted weekdays out to August 2 and weekends out to June 9
-23. eye seize, clean kitchen, 1257 SPQR17, 1354 SPQR18, wash clothes, listened to Velikovsky, took notes
-24. proofed 5 posts on site, bad eye episode, clean kitchen, 1655 SPQR19, finish listening to Velikovsky, shadow boxed, 1484 SPQR 20, listened to Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West, pre packed, will wear local clothes until take off
-25. bad eye, cleaned kitchen, start rose hip tea on woodstove, 1780 SPQR 21, firewood, post fiction through end of June, finish posting SPQR, begin posting Nihil, swept house, gathered eggs, hauled 5 wheel barrows of firewood, split a dozen small maple rounds, 1448 SPQR 22, began arrangement of text for SPQR, listen to Spengler
-26. eye seize, cleaned kitchen, 1726 SPQR23, knocked down wood in shed, cleaned house, 1367 SPQR24, Completed SPQR at 58,221 words
-27. bad eye, built Under Uncle Satan feature on back end of site, sent the four journals, closed out emails, locked out of skype, so that window is closed, updated, made decision not to edit Arуas project and let it stand as a draft collection, text editor, outline biography of Geeze Chosen, pack and clean bed clothes
-28. travel from Seattle to San Jose
-29. land in San Jose, get squared away, visit rare book store, discover The Infortunate by William Moraley, published in1743, called The Operator to discuss training, 601, outline Spengler and Moraley summations, organize Shrouds of Arуas files for completion.
-30. 1304, bad eye spell, 1472 listened to Billy Budd
-31. worse eye spell, 1195, pack and head to Portland via the #14,
Articles/chapters: 50
Books: 1
Novels: 1
Journals: 0
Histories: 0
-1. San Jose to Portland, eye bad
-2. Get Squared away, eye sizzle
-3. Reorganize Land Lady’s room, eye worse
-4. Clean Land Lady’s garage, got sick
-5. made crock of potato soup, 1172, 629, cleaned house, 1120, play cards, use fitness band, manage files
-6. bad eye, discussed script for a Hoodrat Halloween with Incognegro, 1562, 673, boxed with Dog Soldier, dinner with Kelly
-7. made rebar walking stick, walked 2 miles with walking stick, floor exercises, editorial call, shopped, cleaned, cooked pork and kraut, fasted, 1039, drinks with Kelly
-8. 1666, walked with cane ¾ mile in 20 minutes, blew up leg, testing cane, crutch, walking stick and soft walking for a comparison for rehab, 1196
-9. 1500, box with Beast O’Neal, clean house, 1735, strained ankles, drank at dive bar and slaughtered in pool by a woman
-10. proof Western Civ 1 thru 4, train with Bigun, country drive with Kelly, drinks with Kelly, beer at dive bar, prompt from Michael Collins for Shrouds of Arуas Epilogue.
-11. 1228, walked 2 miles
-12. cooked 2 meals, walked 2 miles, leg blowing up, eye sizzling and resting, 605,
-13. arrange the 9 sections for Shrouds of Arуas text, 170, 1483, 1308,
-14. proof Shrouds, 778, 419, boxing with Beast O’Neal, completed writing Shrouds text,
-15. bad eye spasm, cook, finish arranging text for Shrouds of Arуas at 135,446 words at 830 pages, 2 hours floor exercises
-16. proofed 129 pages of Shrouds, eye worse, proofed pages 130 thru 180, sick,
-17. very sick, bad eye seizures, 30 minutes, floor exercises, edited to page 191, cleaned kitchen and living room, edited to page 226,
-18. bad sinus infection, edited American Dog posts 16 thru 18, edited to page 255, medicated edited to 273, blew eye, Colwitz Indian Rez visit, proofed to 286, proofed thru 338
-19. bad sinus infection, edited to 392 pages, napped, edited to page 443,
-20. very sick, eye 8, coffee & meds, edit to 470, cleaned floors, edited to 494, rest eye, walk, tear up cardboard for recycle, made soup, cleaned patio, 134 word article, edit to 548, floor exercises, dinner with Kelley & Ken,
-21. edited to 592, cooked lunch and dinner, restocked soup pot, whole house has a cold, edited to 774, cleaned kitchen, 2 hours floor exercises, completed editing Shrouds,
-22. 1039, bad eye attack, went on drive up Columbia Gorge with Kelley
-23. 2 hours floor exercises, 2 hours cleaning, 130 word addendum, 976, outlined Norns of Arуas, 862
-24. so sick I lost a day
-25. awakened by eye seizure, begin redesign Battle concept, arranged text for Fay Away, disoriented, cooking, cleaning, errands, visit Kelley
-26. bad seizure wakes me, cook, complete the redesign of Battle, 950,
-27. sick, disoriented, lost a day, strength 20%
-28. 457, 234, cooked
-29. 1282, 1016, bad eye, dizzy, stupid, waxed floor, 40% strength, 1608, Completed Fay Away at 31,772 words
Articles/chapters: 27
Books: 2
Novels: 0
Journals: 1
Histories: 1
End Crackpot Winter
Train: $534 [Seattle, to San Jose, to Portland, to Chicago to Pittsburgh]
Hotel: $360, San Jose,
Rent: $30,
Food: $10, $10, $30, 30, 20, 71, 40, 60, 34, 15, 20, 20
Medical: $20, 17, 13, 12, 18, 32, 12,
Replaced broken phone: $50,
Total: $1,468
Articles/chapters: 124
Books: 3
Novels: 1
Journals: 1
Histories: 1
Course Correction
solo boxing
taboo you
crag mouth
the fighting edge
let the world fend for itself
the gods of boxing
blue eyed daughter of zeus
ball of fortune
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