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‘The Doctrine of Uniformity’
Earth in Upheaval by Immanual Velikovsky
© 2024 James LaFond
If one searches Velikovsky he will be declared a pseudo historian, the academic systemic knives out for the man who crashed that tawdry whore Science’s wedding to the dottering old widower, Church.
The introduction by the Paranigma publisher is one of counter culture gravity. The preface to the 1977 edition, which my father owned, was a beautiful piece of writing. The preface of 20 years earlier amounted to the confessions of a heretic, that he was affronting Science, declaring Her Majesty unchaste and unfaithful.
Follow the Science.
The scheme of Earth in Upheaval, was to rely entirely on the earth record, of the evidence unearthed by geologists and archaeologists and other practitioners of the hard sciences. The best of these, not surprisingly, since the most brilliant thinkers in all fields belonged to that century, where the scientific investigators of the 1700s and early 1800s. These men discovered the vast caches of ivory that were the islands of the Siberian Sea, where entire land masses where built of animal bones and tusks and teeth and petrified forests tossed like toys into concrete heaps. One finds that discoveries by American and Soviet scientists of exact cataclysmic records left in Siberia and Alaska were never compared in the author’s time, so intent were these monstrous propaganda States on inflicting terror on each other’s populace by their own atomic means.
I have listened to this 9 hour book recording four times now, and would like to summarize the very methodical and conservative findings of the author. While he is yet accused of of fantastical theories, he has simply applied logic and sense to the religious theories of earlier men who masqueraded as scientists. I find this as no surprise, in that American history was almost entirely falsified in the period between 1831 and 1911, which was the time span in which science was turned from a means of exploring the mechanics of nature to a means of presenting a natural order to be mimicked by mankind according to the Laws of Science.
If the current man reading this wonders why Science is followed rather than used, that Science is an edifice of morality that is followed slavishly by religious leaders, healers and war weavers alike, a reading of Earth in Upheaval tells the story of the greatest grift ever worked on the collective human mind.
First, against all evidence of nature, that it is violent, that forest fires, storms, floods and volcanoes are sudden and dynamic rather than gradual actions, that war-making and science-using man himself has progressed in intermittent spasms of creation and destruction rather than in gradual ways, how did the absurd idea of Evolution take hold?
I have read Darwin’s Origin of Species and recall the final 24 pages when he argues against his own theory hopefully. Yet, man is such a religious thinker that a theory, which is an idea of macro-causality, must become LAW. In a letter to Sir. Henry Howard, Darwin admitted that he had no explanation for the sudden extinction of the mega fauna, the great herds of mammoth in particular. In his own book he sights evidence in South America of cataclysmic activity he cannot explain with recourse to his evolutionary doctrine. Yet Charles Darwin persists with his belief, his faith. His son will head the Royal Geographic Society. Galton, his nephew or cousin, will propose human breeding programs based on his relative’s now hallowed work.
How did this come about?
First, we should realize, that Charles Darwin was a theology student who switched from medicine to natural history. He was a deeply religious, Christian of the deism stripe, a man who believed in a divine Creator that set in motion a clockwork universe of total perfection, which, in Darwin’s time, had elevated, through its processes one type of person, the scientific European, above all creation, and one nation, Great Britain, above all.
Before we look into Darwin’s own origin, recall that he did but 5 years of field work, in one slice of the globe, aboard the ship Beagle. His work pales in comparison to Edward Von Toll, who spent from 1855 to 1902 making voyages into the arctic to investigate the cataclysmic residue there, disappearing at sea in his final voyage. Darwin, was a novice field worker, a genius, perhaps, but a dabbler compared to many scientists of his age.
Once the French Revolution shook Europe to its core, the nation enriched by it and unscared by its destruction was Great Britain, like America after WWII. This supposedly more free nation, which was busy exporting tens of thousands of unwanted workers and possible revolutionaries a year to penal colonies around the world, had no advantage in scientific experience over the Dutch, German, Swedish, French and Swiss scientists who had been investigating the globe. Indeed, Peter Kalm, was the scientists who did the natural exploration of English North America for the Swedish Crown in the 1740s. No such British man of science participated. Britain was an economic, industrial, mercantile and hence military powerhouse, caring little for natural science compared to Continental elites.
By 1815, the tyrant, Napoleon, who had sprung from the Revolution, was defeated and the victorious nation, Great Britain, savior of the continental powers who had suffered the Corsican heel became the “steerage” nation, the leader in all things, soon allying with its former colonies in America, recapturing them, despite the resistance of Jackson and Lincoln, through central banking.
Vile, Violent Revolution must be replaced with Pure, Peaceful Evolution… in all things.
Reactionary conservatism set in among the ruling elites, from which class ALL scientists came. Two late 1700s scientists proposed an anti-cataclysmic doctrine of slow, non violent gradual change as the basis for earth sciences. The ideas of ice moving up hill and small streams carving great canyons by moving up hill, and even of Hippos swimming annually from Egypt to Scotland and Wales, were some of the explanations that this Doctrine of Uniformity required.
It was imperative that Charles Darwin not complete his field work. For, if he were influenced by the great heaps of cataclysmic relics speaking of past reality, he might have had to confront the charlatan that was his guru: Charles Lyle. Lyle was a rich sissy who lived in great fear of social upheaval and was, by his own admission, terrified for life by a non lethal accident between carriage horses and sheep. He could not, and would not, entertain any earth science that did not propose Uniformity. This doctrine, still ruling our own Science priests to this day, proposes that no action not currently working upon the earth could have ever worked upon the earth in past ages, that no meteor might ever strike, that no magnetic field might ever be disturbed, let alone reversed, etc.
Lyle and his disciples were fought by field scientists until the early 1900s. However, Lyle’s superb use of convincing dialectics, painting a picture of a peaceful world of gradual change over billions of years, won the debate in the sterile halls of Science, to which field work is to this day shackled. The Doctrine of Uniformity, upon which the entire edifice of the Theory of Natural Selection is built, a theory that Darwin himself questioned in his final argument, was, in fact, a paradigm of social control. A middle class of educated sub elites was being cultivated to perpetuate the growing industrial machine. These managers must see the world of nature as peacefully selective, a world that did not raise their masters above them through violence and war, but through “natural selection,” by Right, not Might, through survival of the fittest.
Overall, evidence of a great flood abound, with fossils of sea creatures that died in start and terror and were then instantly fossilized without decay or scavenging, just as mammoths were frozen with flesh edible thousands of years later and in some cases eyeballs intact. Various mountain ranges seem to have risen higher by thousands of feet in historical times, with sea fossils and man made items found above the perpetual snow line. In one complex of hills in India, 25 extinct species of elephants were found fossilized. It is of interest that fossils only formed in the past and never form according to slow processes in the present. Likewise, hoof prints and foot prints are only preserved by quick processes [freezing for instance] and do not form according to the slow sedimentary mechanics proposed by Lyle, to whose religious Science Doctrine, Darwin hitched his work.
According to Lyle, the natural world provided “a perfect stage for the competition of species.” [1]
According to Velikovsky, “That very arena itself rose against the contestants.”
Darwin, in one attempt to explain the condition of the Andes and the geological evidence there did, as in many instances, question his own doctrine when he wrote to explain such obvious upheavals that, “We must shake the entire framework of the globe.”
In the end, despite his own doubts and objections concerning his own Theory and those of his friend, colleague and guru Lyle, Darwin’s work would be curated in such a way that he might never have tolerated had he remained in the field, rather than returning to be anointed within that Proud Tower.
-1. Velikovsky sometimes uses the terms races and tribes to describe species. This is a congruent reversal of Lyle, who seemed to understand that in a clockwork world of science, the inductees into the cult of Science, would reflect that justice dispensed by Nature upon animals in serene parallel, via preference for his semi divine social class and premier nation.
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