Sean has asked that you dear meatshields, knuckleheads, goons and brutes, be notified that, due to lack of Cornfed Tennessee interest in fighting, that this event is being removed to its former location in OutOfService Pennsylvania.
Contact him or me for directions.
The schedule:
Thursday, 23rd, after dinner
Friday, 24th
Training clinics in Grappling, boxing, MMA, stick, knife, machete
Saturday, 25th
Gun range in morning
Fighting and dueling
Dennis and Keith will have an MMA bout
I will box 2 men, one bout taken by my webmaster, duel with machetes, fight with sticks, and finish off the day by doing an improvised weapons versus machete with Erique, who will replicate the coming machete virus while I defend with umbrellas, brooms, shirt, dustpans, etc.
Sunday, 26th
Breakfast, leave by noon.
Bring legal firearms, improvised weapons, gear, booze [to be consumed after the gun range is closed] food, and a Dominican Stripper for James [one strong enough to haul me off the lawn after I am KO'd.] If all you have is two discounted less-than-stout babes, i will man up and make do.