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The Warriors
American Dream Boat Parasequel: A Novel of 2048
© 2024 James LaFond
Copyright 2024 James LaFond
A Crackpot Book
Publisher Lynn Lockhart
Dust Cover
Habib Jackson had been the proud grandson of a Welterweight Contender. Grandfather Jackson had encouraged Habib to pursue “an independent education, to seek Truth where it was to be found, not in the Government Dog Pound of lies and bad ideas intended to keep men down under Mamma Government’s thumb.” Ten years later, on the 4th of July, 2048, Habib Jackson, having followed his heart and soul in pursuit of Truth according to that old man’s rhyme, was inducted into the Columbian Club of Parkville, formerly known as The Knights of Columbus. Taking the name Thor Heyerdahl Hotep, and taking up the pen and paper as the sword and the shield of Truth, the young man was assigned his first mission.
Extended Dust Cover
Father Enzio Markakis, the Grand Master of this Outpost of enlightenment in the wilderness of Lies that was America, assigned Thor to act as guide and translator to those African Traditionalist, or “Trad African” immigrant leaders upon the Queen Elizabeth III, cruise ship, laden with over 10,000 African souls.
Accepting his leather-bound, vellum-paged journal, blank except for the inscription: “Record of Thor Heyerdahl Hotep, July 2048 to…” along with his pocket case of pens and sketch pencils, the young inductee into the storied and ancient order set his mind to excellence of inquiry with the prayer:
“Ra, Osiris and Toth, may I serve Truth in Record, forsaking hagiography, and yet guide such earthly Kings to whom Eternity has decreed I am to humbly serve.”
To House Myles.
The drive from Pittsburgh to Ephratta, Pennsylvania with Video historian InTheseGoingsDown, who inquired as to the possibility of a sequel to American Dream Boat, in honor of the 1970s movie The Warriors.
Inspirational Quote
“May Canniballs transported o’er the Sea  
Prey on these Slaves, as they have done on me:”
-Ebenezer Cooke, 15 January, 1707
To the Reader
American Dream Boat was written from the perspective of “the last blond white boy in Baltimore.” In that novel, Dillon, the said last of his kind, was the hero, his own Moses on an Exodus out of the land of his bondage.
In The Warriors, a parasequel, not a sequel, the heroes are African traditionalists, men who I have had no contact with and whom I could not do justice in the first person perspective based on anthropological and military books I have read about their traditional lifeways. As my source material, such as it is, relies on outsider perspectives of the heroes of this story, I have decided to present a viewpoint I know well, that of the mixed race, African American of a curious, intellectual frame of mind. The story of The Warriors runs identically parallel to that of Dillon, an Exodus from a city turned into a refugee camp by a cynical and largely unseen ruling elite. Their tale will be told from the perspective of their guide and translator.
About Thor Heyerdahl Hotep
“Young Thor has attained his 24th year of age, upon his 12th year of post graduate work. He is the youngest of our post, the brightest it may be said with confidence, and most able to conduct the African Traditionalists to their new pasturage; this in the ominous light of automobile restrictions announced three days ago, when the seven decommisioned aircraft carriers, bearing the Seven African Nations, escorted the Queen E. 3 to these welcoming, if troubled, shores. May Young Thor’s vigor attain for him the Crown of Enlightened Peace.”
-Father Enzio Markakis, G.M., Parkville Columbia Club
African Origin Notes
Inserted by hand on the back of the last, and 96th page of Thor’s Journal. The immigrants on the Queen E. 3 constitute the leadership of the Angolan, Nigerian, Liberian and Mali refugees. Distinct from these are the Zulu, Masi and Mandingo tribal traditionalist leadership. These latter three groups have low tech commitments and self-imposed language barriers that you are tasked with negotiating as you guide them to their fiefs in Harford County. The bulk of the populations of these three peoples shall be guided there by Homeland Security Forces, where they shall meet with their leadership, after said leadership have negotiated treaties aboard the Queen E. 3. These negotiations will be your foremost responsibility, followed by your journal of their migration. You are encouraged to guide your charges along Old U.S. Route 1. Interstates remain exclusively for military use.
-Betrayal: The Warriors: Act 1
-Asagi: The Warriors: Act 2
-Lion Sword: The Warriors: Act 3
-Shields: The Warriors: Act 4
-Eraser Heads: The Warriors: Act 5
-Moon Slaves: The Warriors: Act 6
-Tarantula Heads: The Warriors: Act 7
-The Fat Heads: The Warriors: Act 8
-The Road of Things: The Warriors: Act 9
-Gun Powder Bridge: The Warriors: Act 10
-Machete Slaves: The Warriors: Act 11
-Amerikan Boers: The Warriors: Act 12
-Song of a Thirsty Land: The Warriors: Act 13
the warriors
Muse Mob
your trojan whorse
the greatest boxer
the gods of boxing
solo boxing
logic of steel
orphan nation
on the overton railroad
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