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Episodes & Epics
Grunt Role Playing Game Episode Creation & Play # 6
© 2024 James LaFond
Episode Creation & Play
A historical and a poetic episode are each presented. Each may begin the start of an Epic, traditionally called in RPGs, a campaign.
The Agrianes Yielded Nothing
In a little known campaign in the mountains of Asia Minor, an Asiatic tribe defied Alexander. These people held a severe mountain pass and, according to Arrian, were a tribe of a renown race of warriors. A key height was occupied by Alexander’s advance light troops, the Archers and the Agrianes. The archers in Alexander’s service were often subject to terrible casualties. The loss of no less then three “brigadier” generals commanding them attested to their use at close range with no armor. As the barbarian warriors counter attacked, they drove the archers from the hill, but “the Agrianes yielded nothing.”
The Agrianes were semi-barbarian volunteers who fought in an ethnic block and seem to have been armed in three fashions: 200 Royal Agriane Guards, light hoplites [similar to the Arkadian battalion of the Spartan army, known as the Skiratt], 200 slingers [shepherds], and 600 Thracian-style peltasts, probably owning small, mixed agricultural plots. This was Alexander’s elite strike force, seeing 65 actions and rarely suffering significant casualties. For this reason I suppose an integrated force, with small units reflecting that mix, and preventing enemy light forces and horse to wipe out what most historians assume were simply light armed peltasts.
For this adventure, the players roll to determine their position in an overrun file of Agrianes:
Clitus, File Leader [Sargent], cowherd, hunter
Armor: Aspis, heavy shield, [3] Corinthian helmet [1]
Arms: Dory, 11 foot spear, [3], Xiphos, “Reaper” sword [3]
Pathos = 9, Discord =4, Fear =4, Rout =4
Arebolos, Slinger, shepherd, hunter
Armor: Wolf-hide Cowl & Fleece vest and cloak [1]
Arms: Sling & Bullets [1], machera “cleaver” [2], knife [1]
Pathos = 4, Discord =1, Fear =2, Rout =4
Glaukus, Peltast, lead thrower, farmer, hunter
Armor: Wide brimmed horseman’s hat to help with sunrise, sunset & winter vision and pelte “thrower’s shield” shaped like a crescent [2]
Arms: 5 4-foot feathered darts [2], machera [2], knife [1]
Pathos = 5, Discord = 2, Fear = 4, Rout = 5
The characters should each gain a re-roll on Stamina, Agility, Knit and Animism.
Additional players are all peltasts like Glaukus.
Names: Phrynon, Eurymachus, Aretion, Timon, Creon
Missian Enemy
These foes number 10. Nine of these are peltasts.
There abilities should be rolled as so:
1-2 = 2
3-5 = 3
6 = 4
The tenth man is the file leader, and is armed with 2 throwing axes [2] and 1 battle ax [4]. He has a 6 pathos, 3 Discord, 3 Fear and 3 Panic.
His abilities will be rolled on the same table as his men, with one re-roll permitted for Body, Mind & Spirit.
The goal of the episode is to hold on the hill against superior numbers for 5 rounds of combat.
-Elimination of the Missians is a decisive victory.
-Breaking of the Missians a marginal victory.
-Holding without breaking or being wiped out is a draw, as, on the 6th round, the Foot Companions, in heavy armor come to the relief. The Agrianes are being used as bait.
-Being wiped out is an honorable end, also a draw as this is a holding action, with any KO’d or maimed warriors rewarded and the slain given a heroes burial.
-Breaking is unacceptable and is the only means of defeat.
If the players like, this might be the beginning of a campaign with increased pathos, mania and skill helping these front line fighters campaign with Alexander into India. If this is desired, all characters who did not runaway get rewarded and increase in applicable areas of ability, mania, skill and pathos. Any players whose character’s are slain may roll up a new replacement of that grade [Guard, Slinger, Pelast] and follow the veterans into glory.
My book, The Son of God, will detail all of Alexander’s battles for those interested in such a campaign. At this point, the Agrianes already have a dozen actions behind them.
Heroat Hall
House Carls Defend the King’s Hall against Grendel
This is a horror show. The players should try and have fun being slaughtered. Whoever does the most damage against he monster should play Beowulf in the rematch, with the others playing his Shieldmen.
Carls are rolled at random, with a 1-6 Pathos and 0-2 mania scores. They must roll a successful agility check to get their shield to arm and another to grab their spear. Swords are considered at hand.
Armor: leather coat sewn with iron rings & helmet [3], shield [3]. If a house carl only has a 3 strength, then he subtracts 3 from his agility damage reduction.
Arms: spear [3], sword [3].
Grendel (see bestiary at end of equipment for reference]
Pathos = 12
Body = 23
Strength = 12 [giant monsters roll 1d20 for strength checks but do base strength damage, Grendel doing a minimum of 14, 12 strength + 2 for claws or fangs]
Stamina = 6
Agility = 5 [-1 damage for hide, for a 6 damage reduction]
Discord = 9
Mind = 9
Knit = 4
Kit = 2
Wit = 3
Fear = 9
Spirit = 9
Animism =6
Social =1
Esoteric =2
Rout =9
After this horrific introduction, one might wish to begin a campaign in which Beowulf is insulted at drink on arrival and either yarns or duels with his heckler, then his Shieldmen lay in ambush for Grendel in the hall, then hunt his mother, then fight a battle against Skraelings, and then fight the Dragon.
Wending Shield Men
Pathos = 5, 6 or 7 [roll 1d6], manias are rolled on 1d6, abilities random with 2 re-rolls on Body
Armor: Brass or oiled iron scale coats and bore tusk helmets [4] shields [3] (Since no man has a 7 strength, such armor will result in loss of agility damage reduction.)
Arms: Spear [3], Sword [3]
Pathos = 20
Body = 18
Strength = 6
Stamina = 6
Agility = 6
Discord = 12
Mind = 14
Knit = 6
Kit = 3
Wit = 5
Fear = 9
Skill: Swimming, Dueling, Rally, Diving, Wrestling, Stalking [Grendel], Hunting [Grendel’s mother], see equipment for effects. Beowulf does, in the poem, set aside an advantage roll attack and sue it to make his wrestling [knit score] skill check and reduces grappling damage.
Spirit = 14
Animism = 6
Social = 5
Esoteric = 3
Rout = 6 (This is the 1d20 pursuit of broken foe ability, which he fails as Grendel escapes.)
Beowulf is armed and armored like his fellows, but has a remarkable sword [4]
Below are some outlines for Episodes I plan on eventually writing and publishing on the web site.
-3. Primal Episodes: 3 Ice Age Hunts
Mammoth Hunters versus Auroch Hunters circa 30,000 B.P.
-4. Mythic Episodes: 7 Footfalls of the Distant One
The Early Bronze Age characters face the foes of Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
-5. Ancient Episodes: 3 Feats for Alexander
Tasks assigned to the famed Agriane warriors from 336 through 323 B.C.
-6. Dark Age Episodes: 3 Viking Raids
Like you would want to play anything but a Viking?
-7. Early Modern Episodes: 3 Foraging Forays
Hundred Years War, 30 Years War, Seven Years War
-8. Harm City Adventures: 3 Gang Fights
Baltimore Groes, Joliet Jocks, Oakland Tweakers versus the Player Gang
-9. Dark Future Episodes: Foes from The Last Whiteman
Pimps, Guardsmen, Slavers, Tenties, Meat Police, Officer Blatz & Hinterlander
To The God of Battle
grunt rpg
Grunt Grinder
within leviathan’s craw
plantation america
on combat
the sunset saga complete
the first boxers
logic of force
let the world fend for itself
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