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Out on a Limb
1 of 3: As The Crackpot Sits and Cowardly Grins: 8/27/24, Pittsburgh
© 2024 James LaFond
I have been asked to make predictions on the coming nature of the great and evil beast within which we reside. I am sure that those political seers and prophets who specialize in such predictive arts have been frustrated. Some, perhaps have thrown up their hands, shocked that their favorite subject of study has disappointed their wits. I have been asked for my opinion about the near future by a few souls.
I once made numerous predictions abased on three things:
-1. real time observations of the progress of the city in which I lived being subjected to an obvious top down, social control experiment with urban blight expansion and acceleration. I was not engaged in prediction, really, but observations of USG mind control experiments being run in the closest urban place beyond that coven’s actual residential space.
-2. Uninformed cynicism has been my guide in all such questions as this. This has been enabled by alienation. My emotional responses to USG operations have been disabled. As I lived through #1 above for 20 years of evildoing by those all powerful social forces that were supposedly MY Civic Servants, according to some strange fantasy somehow swallowed by most of the subjects of USG, I was daily reminded that I was not a part of The Beast, but merely a grain of salt sprinkled upon a steaming portion of its feast.
-3. Third, and most important, the reality of my dispossession, the nature of my migration within the core conquest of USG, being Murkha, focuses this dark and crooked gaze upon REALITY, rather than the perception of the construct presented. The reader sees his physical surroundings and must compare that with all of the Influencer and major Media perceptions of various other places, refracted by gaslight beamed from his employer, friends and family. This writer, sees media only 6 of 12 months, media channels I have no say in, on bar screens, and in host houses, which places me beyond the trance induced by involvement on viewing choices.
It will be noted when one looks to media agitation episodes, that the person “controlling” the clicker, actually making the media selection choices, is the person most angered and agitated or mesmerized and placated by the media material. The passive viewer is less caught up in the lie dispensation and fact distortion, as they are excluded from a portion of the mind control ritual, which is active participation. Priesthoods once insisted that all of the faithful participate in mass ritual. I still recall being shocked as a boy of 7 or 8 when, another boy in school had not gone to an Easter Sunday mass. Additionally, the occasional, rather than regular view or listener, is not, like the Embiber, chained within the information loop.
Changes in Summer 2024
With these rude yet reliable tools, I begin first with my media exposure, to include AMTRAK public service announcements at the newly renovated train stations. Note that train lines are expanding, service is increasingly, staff is expanding, and that freight traffic has continued at 4 times pre 2020 levels. Maybe we are just buying 4 times as much? I do not know. Those who do might want to make a calculation as to what this might mean.
Natural Disasters
On Amtrak TV, which traditionally focused on human trafficking and terror attacks, these two subjects continue to be stressed. In addition, 3 types of natural disaster instruction, in English and Spanish, are the subjects of cartoon public preparedness videos:
-1. Surviving an earth quake
-2. Surviving a hurricane or other windy event
-3. Surviving an unspecified event in which power is out for a long time and the citizen is isolated from government.
USG is sending out spokespeople to alternative media saying that flying saucers and such are not USG secret programs, that Earth is under an existential threat!
Civil War
Despite the fact that most of Murkha groveled, sheltered in place, cheered and or knelt and prayed to the New Gawds of USG in 2020 as cites burned, experts are coming out to say that Civil War is nigh, and that the Military will side with traditional Americans against the tens of millions of unarmed invaders. Once you kneel, that’s a wrap. But, just in case there is going to be a replay of the civil war of 2020, lamest of them all, dissenters are being pre-programed to shoulder a gun and march to the nearest military installation to join up!
When expert noted that the military will side with the people against the government as happened in the French Revolution about 240 years ago, because the soldiers aligned behind colonels, who were local men of means who raised battalions. The reality under USG, descends from the American Revolution, when soldiers sided with one’s sergeant if a Hessian deserter, or a captain or major against the corrupt colonel on the American side. The actuality in the current military, is that there are the following breaks:
Colonel and Up are all pure politicians,
Lieutenants, Captains and Majors are college indoctrinated members of the social class of their superiors.
This means, that like the Hessian deserters of the Revolution, armed dissent by military units will be limited to platoon, squad and team units, who general have no direct access to the supply chain.
This does present the possibility of some very cool scenarios in which Special Operations teams, like the SEALS who revolted against the vaϲϲine, might go rogue. But as a friend of mine who was a major in the Army Rangers said, “Fucking SEALs get all the press. But every time shit went sideways on their end, it was us that got them out. No credit given. A job. Joe Citizen has no idea how much shit has to flow down the right pipe for even a few men to shoot shit up—and get home.”
Stage Puppets
It has never been more obvious to an outsider that that Murkhan politics are a sham and that the actors are controlled by an unseen hand. However, the beauty of gaslight, even when one knows he is being lied to by the stage actors, is that that bright white lie eases the trace of the unseen hand that guides the puppet. Americans, in conversations at train stations about bullet trains, in diners about “Dat Musk Nigga,” in living rooms about gun ownership, or in kitchens—where somehow rights seem to be discussed the most—continue to focus on the puppets who have earned their hatred.
The Queen Apparent
I spent weeks looking at a woman who is obviously a blow job queen, a cock sucker that cannot be denied her dominance through actively feigned worship of her manly mark, a woman that both of my brains tell me balled her way up the backstage stairs to the great stage play. Yet, almost every healthy American male I know says she is ugly, when she is not, and refuse to imagine that she would not be a useful sexual object. They have been gaslit into believing that she and the zombie meat stick she replaced are real ideologues, evil master minds.
The hidden hand has never been more obvious to the tiny few of the social skeptic class, and never more obscured from the teaming, tittering masses these puppets are used to control through hate, and through adoration.
Look, a good looking woman who falls short of beautiful and knows it all to well, who has a prominent nose, is very good at using her head as a flute playing device. Bro, I know. I put up with a mean witch for 11 years based on her orchestra-like powers of conduction. I know nothing about that cackling quadroon, don’t follow politics. But, I bet she has been handed numerous high paying jobs which she was not qualified for, by man or lesbian. If so, that is proof of her skill.
Example of Flute Domotittyus
In Maryland, the must successful retail food sales person, the person with the largest district, most sales, best hours, who phones her orders in most of the time, is a “Blow Job Queen.” This broad has sucked off dozens of store directors and corporate buyers and flirts with lower level clerks to increase her commission, over four decades. She never worked groceries in a supermarket, indeed does not buy groceries, or even cook, because she has a millionaire sugar daddy as well!
Retail food work that wrecked my back over 38 years, has been good to her on her back for longer. This bitch is now in her 60s and still looks good enough that men in their 20s are like putty in her hands. I drink with one of her competitors, who has worked himself near to crippled and says to me, as we sip beer, “James, I put in good work—you of all people know that! I’ll drive the order in myself in a pinch, and, all, this woman does, is wink and left her skirt and I’m out the door and she’s got the account!”
No, this man is not named Joe, and is not a life long politician, but a working man.
Experience-based skill in a passable package can go a long way in any endeavor. But in a world where most people have stopped having sex even though they still want to have sex, dropping a past-her-prime porn star into any situation is going to favor her three-point grasp on the target of her conduction. The sales rep, who looks a lot like The Queen Apparent, just sucks all that other dick to buy her clothes and take her family on vacation! She does not even need money. She LOVES power.
Back to The Queen Apparent
The irritating cackled you say? I guarantee that it does not sound like that when performed in the position it was developed, which is surely, her forehead against your pelvis. And this job she is in line for, if she gets it, is probably going to include her doing a private show for the Joint Chief’s of Staff
The Stage
Having spent much time above backstage, one might consider that although we insist in believing that we decide what politician gets elected, that the entire nomination and election and confirmation process takes place on a stage. We, sitting at home watching movies on phone or lap top or TV, might not have the perspective that a stage, is a stage, and that an audience is an audience. It is all a hierarchy of conduction, then seduction and finally domination of the audience, by the actor. Whereas actors were regarded as socially beneath the viewers of the play in Antiquity, in Greece and Rome, that the actor under Modernity is superior to the viewer to a god-like extent. Note the shape of the stage, the ancient surrounded by the audience, the modern demarcated from the viewers, as if a rampart. And where does the audience sit? In ancient times the audience sat above, in the attitude of judgment. Under Modernity, the viewer sits below the stage, where the actor strides into adoration, even as the viewew sits in a sink, in the attitude of supplication, clapping like seal. American Idol, though I have not viewed it, strikes me as a fitting name for a tool of mass mind control.
The Box Stage
Under TV and now smaller more intimate screens, the box stages of the old time puppet show recommend themselves to our current, narrowing perspective. This closer perspective, even a little window to Truth in the palm of our hand, effects an isolation from other viewers, who are no longer our fellows, as the tiny oracle in our hand becomes our angelic friend or hated demon. Whatever puppet takes the final victory stage, it will bend and dance to the will of its unseen masters, or its strings will be cruelly yanked or even cut. If need, a replacement puppet will be inserted, as was done and already forgotten this swift summer.
The Great Hunt
One is reminded of the frantic running of the myriad animals of all kinds, cats, bears, elk, deer, moose, wolves, all terrestrial creatures great and small fleeing before the Mongol hunter in their great hunt—practice for war. Wherever the critters ran, they ran into others who ran, and then into those wicked arrows of those who pursued them, who were indistinguishable in action—drawing and loosing speedy arrows—from the riders who pursued them. In the end, the hunted creatures seeking only their own temporary autonomy, who ran hardest and swiftest, were transfixed by feathered demons of death, front and back.
Here, I have not yet approached the physical observations of reality which shall be used to superimpose a grid of reality upon the flickering framework of Murkan society.
This inquiry will be continued in Gun Locker America, beginning with my observations of those changes in REALITY observed just this summer.
Mass Beast Translip
Gun Locker America
search for an american spartacus
under the god of things
solo boxing
sons of arуas
shrouds of arуas
broken dance
Maud'Dib     Sep 22, 2024

"The passive viewer is less caught up in the lie dispensation and fact distortion, as they are excluded from a portion of the mind control ritual, which is active participation. "

quote from above.

Nice bullseye on harry camel toe.
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