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Gun Locker America
2 of 3: Considering New Forms of Compliance: 8/28/24, Pittsburgh
© 2024 James LaFond
In part 1 media projections of imposed reality, which must be being experienced by some folks I never come in contact with, were covered. What follows are observations of reality.
I have experienced unusually high and low temperatures, unusually wet and dry conditions in all 12 states where I was on the ground. Of interest, is that local weather casters in man made climate change faith states are veering from that narrative as the bouncing ball of less predictable weather steers them back to their former job. Rather then selling climate change, the weather people as stridently as they once did, the local weather teams focus on giving advice on what to wear, drink, and otherwise act like rain predicting nanny’s for the public.
The most important thing about weather casting on the local scale is that this is the job reserved for well built ladies. One station in Portland has a hot babe of every race including a hijab adorned push cushion and a chick I always assumed was a dyke as she showed off her muscular arms. Her, like a few other weather women in other states have shown up pregnant. This reverse of the reigning sterility ethic reminds one that these weather girl jobs are often auditions for wealthy husbands.
it might be the people I associate with and may well not reflect a general trend, but more of those married folks I know are having children then in the past 10 years. That is a trend that is important. Worrying about mass population scale, as if a nation was a real human culture rather than a manipulated mass of thought-averse puppets, is not something I engage in. I know three families who decided to have children despite their boomer parents being against it. Other, traditional families in my life are having children as well.
Washington, meaning the Seattle area, has a steady homeless population. New housing is being reserved for corporate employees and “refugees.” The largest corporation in the region is retreating from scattered offices, which are being rented to other concerns, and withdrawing operations into armed campuses. Many of the guards are diverse and thuggish. There are huge stockpiles of emergency supplies in these corporate centers. There is a slight increase in Africans in Seattle.
Oregon, meaning Portland down to Eugene in the central Valley, has had a slight increase in homeless. Rental occupancy is 100% and new rentals are only for immigrants which are all adult African men. More on this later.
California, northern and central, has had a 50% reduction in homelessness. There are still a lot of them and a fair amount doing stealth camping. The two story shanty shack row south of Oakland was still there in July.
Nevada has more green grass, more wild horses and a doubling of the homeless population, which still just makes it backwash from California’s vast herd. The funny thing is that the rail road ties left beside the track before and after track repairs are being used to build wind proof cabins, as the Nevada wind shreds tents and tarps. Nevada and Eugene Oregon both have the best tiny house homeless villages I have seen, provided by tax dollars.
Salt Lake City’s homeless street tweaker population has tripled. Utah still has the best looking women in the country. We have Africans in SLC, checking in guns to baggage claim at the Amtrak. Note, that I have not seen an African child or woman, and that all of the men are in their 20s or late teens.
Denver, Colorado still has the best looking slutty woman population I have seen.
I have spotted my first homeless people doing stealth camping in Illinois, to the west of Chicago, west of the suburb of Napierville.
This is where Wyoming comes in. In 10 minutes at a gas station in Evenstan, Wyoming, right off of I-80, which takes one right across the nation from Portland, where so many Africans are being accepted with blue ribbon ceremonies, I saw two SUVs. Both SUVs were new, white, Toyota rentals. One was occupied by two smiling, dark-skinned East African men. These men have always been very polite, even the panhandler in Portland at 104th and Holgate. When the Land Lady and I were shopping at a good Will store for clothes she wanted to put me in, 5 of these men, all together, were buying light furniture, pots and pans, table ware—setting up house. They politely waved us ahead of them in line, wearing pleasant professional smiles, like they were used to guarding civilians. They were all fit, with good military postures. The Swahili signage showed up end of January and they showed up first week of February.
African American men do not, as a rule, smile, hold doors, and otherwise behave like civilized folks in public. Almost universal is a slouching gait and a surly frown. Aside form being darker, better looking, more fit and in better humor, African men rarely demonstrate this brutish behavior. So, when I saw five more Africans, in that other SUV, going into shop in shifts: driver and passenger first, then when they returned the three guys in the back seat, I noted how happy and well behaved they were. Maybe, I mused, this is a new kind of African American hipster, no longer rocking the hip hop menace brand. Observing closely, I noted that the youngest, lowest status man in the back seat, was being given empty take out containers, cups, soda cans and sandwich wrappers. This would causes a fist fight among Americans of a similar hue. He cheerfully collected all of the trash from his fellows into a bag, which in America is deposited loose on the asphalt next to the car doors, and walked 18 paces, for I counted, and placed it neatly in a garbage can!
“Bob! Those are definitely Africans, probably military.”
“How so?” asks the big man as he climbs into the big truck from the gas pump.
“They put their trash in a trash can! Oliver, Erique and Kevin are the only American Negroes I have ever known not to litter. This is quite a find—they are headed east.”
When I get back to Pennsylvania a friend of mine and his wife, who are very nice liberals, had a rental property come vacant. They wanted to rent it to “a refugee family” and contacted the agencies that could help with this. The husband described the rental, which I have seen, as “A one bedroom apartment for a couple, maybe a couple with a kid. We were down with making improvements for a couple kids—a kid’s room, bunk beds maybe.”
“They told us that there were NO refugee families, only singe men! They wanted to put five—five—dudes in this small apartment: one from Niger, one from Chad, a dude from the Central African Republic, and two guys from the Congo—do these countries even border on the South Atlantic? Is this the Pan-African Extreme Swimming Team? What the fuck, Jay, five dudes at home with my wife while I’m at work?”
God’s Gunlocker
When Bob and I got home he opened his gun safe to get tools to fix a scope on a children’s hunter safety class .22 rim fire rifle, and said, “I know what I believed. But after Covid and doctors telling me they would have me arrested for not getting that vaxx, I see that they are going to take our guns by withholding medical care or our social security unless we turn in all registered weapons.”
Well, Bob. I think the logic of permitting long gun ownership among civilians—since the Constitution is openly ignored in general—by the feds, and hand guns are not military grade, was that it was a way of stockpiling weapons and ammo for our replacements, who would be brought here as “refugees” after having served in African armies and trained in counter terrorism by members of the U.S. Expeditionary Forces, who operate in over 30 African nations. If America is the new Rome, those Africans passing through Wyoming were this Empire’s Germans. When they are armed and resettled and are given orders to purge the natives, they will be cast by government and media as refugee militias defending their homes against domestic terrorists.
Out on a Limb
Under USG
shrouds of arуas
dark, distant futures
thriving in bad places
america the brutal
within leviathan’s craw
the combat space
the sunset saga complete
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