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Summer 2024 Writing Journal
© 2024 James LaFond
Summer 2024 Writing Journal
-1. to Gstring, New Jersey, drink with Kenguido and Barbierico,
-2. help set up baby shower, drink with Mr Saffrano, read Let them Look West
-3. outlined 5 articles, 1410, finished Let Them Look West, 901, Uncle John Passed
-4. finished reading The Rule of Wrath, 1026, began and finish the first reading of The Broken Spears
-5. 1203, 1240, read, clean boots, wash dishes, send substack articles, 1238
-6. 1282, do video
-7. read 232 pages of Arrian, do 5 videos
-8. help set up a thrift event read Arian to 264 stay up until 2 am drinking and visiting
-9. 1365, read Arrian, make videos, pack and off to Pennsylvania,
-10. videos
-11. to Pittsburgh, visiting and landscaping, fact finding on domestic wrongdoing
-12. 1663, began The Son of God, counseling and treaty negotiation with waring natives
-13. 314 word annotation, format The Son of God, 20 files, videos,
-14. 1017, videos with Inthesegoingsdown,
-15. breakfast with reader, edit and send yesterday’s work, visit niece,
-16. pre packing, exercises, figured out I overdosed on nerve medicine why I have been sleeping 12 hours, began new email for publishing and patrons, found out I failed to proof two novels!, 1469, wash clothes, 678, began From a Heavy Gravity Planet, visit, pack, to train station for Chicago…
-17. to Chicago and Joliet, right back sprain left hip distress, barely make it to the street, driven tour of Dan’s childhood haunts, visit with Dan and his family, initial interview, some knife defense drills and
-18. 1319, reformat boon outline, written interviews,
-19. 1279, accidentally made into a windows media file and have to reinterview from scratch, 1243, 1234, 1352, watched martial arts training videos, drank rum with Dan
-20. 969, 955, 1303, 1096, role playing with the family.
-21. 1038, 1397, 1356, viewed Conan,
-22. 1514, drive with Dan to childhood areas, 1250, pack, party,
-23. train through Illinois, Wisconsin Minnesota
-24. train through North Dakota and Montana
-25. train through Idaho and Washington to Seattle, settle in to camper
-26. post office, grocery store, edit and post 13 chapters From a Heavy Gravity Planet, outline travel articles from notes, 371 annotations, outline 5 travel articles, send 1 substack article, exercise, cribbage, beer, cribbage, rum…
-27. 1475, begin Grunt, clean house, 401, dump run
-28. clean kitchen, 1611, outline Grunt RPG rules, 397,
-29. helped a friend set up house
-30. began writing Work, 1746, therapy, editorial call, outline articles, 1169, send articles for substack, listen to Arrian
Chapters/articles: 33
Books = 0
-1. clean house, 1411, wash clothes, check emails and posts, send article for substack,
-2. to Portland by train, fast, drank too much beer, visited with Kelly B.
-3. fast, squared away patio living area, unable to muzzle Old Smoke’s orphan Crazydog at vets, lost front yard wrestling match with Crazydog, boxed him to a draw by slapping ears, cleaned house, visited with Kelly B., took notes on back of left hand
-4. cleaned grill, finally writing again, 1245, 946,
-5. loaded up truck load of junk, 1046, went to three dive bars
-6. land scaping and drainage, drive to North Fork of the Clackamas River with Kelly, cooked for the Chief’s widow and elder sat, 1,111, a real word count, send article to Lynn,
-7. cooked breakfast for Mom, 1,114, 1463, drive to the Pacific Coast with Landlady and mom, read The First Horsemen
-8. talk to contractor, start a chapter, install gravel and brick patio extension, take crazydog to vet, drank with Kelly, fighting off two ideas for novels
-9. clean house, talk to editor, check site, 987, post office, decide to slot gaming on weekends with fiction posts, grill out, frame Banjo: A Timejacker Novel, Oh King, a Fantasy, Seven Men: A Novel, Paul Vunak of Ares: A Novel, roommate had heat distress helped him cool down,
-10. 1402, run errands, grill, 1049, served eskimo divorce papers
-11. 1241, shopping, arranged text for In These Parts at 18,187 words, sat in yard with dog, strength strap exercises began Peculiar Things,
-12. 1484, visit Kelly
-13. powwow Grand Ron, bad eye attack
-14. train to San Jose
-15. San Jose arrival, meet fighter, outlined 5 articles,
-16. 1337, dinner with Vaxx Zombie
-17. 1457, 1554, 1183, bought books at used book store found Hesiod and Tacitus
-18. 1747, formatted history books, 1189, used book store, found Xenophon on Horsemanship, 1255, listen to Arrian
-19. bad eye attack, 1350, pack, back up files, convert proofs to open office format,
-20. pack, nap,1388, crutch to bus station, bus to Emmeryville, train to Utah, met Tom the grill maker, read Tacitus Agricola and Germania, read Xenophon’s horsemanship,
-21. Utah, altitude fatigue
-22. Help Bob and Deb with chores, shopping, 1518, did site sale thank yous, sent history proofs to editor,
-23. watched Victor Davis Hanson on Thebes, 1286,
-24. walked at 10,000 feet, bad eye episode,
-25. 1595, walk, clean house, wash clothes, start the Bronze Horse, 1098, discussion with editor,
-26. proof and send The Bronze Horse,1496, read the Fourth Turning, read Flynn’s 5GW manual, bank stop for dental money
-27. shopping, 1470, clean house, bad eye attack
-28. 1403, help with Sunday family meal, visited Arla
-29. 1279, podcast, bad eye attack
-30. 1460, podcast, dentist appointment
-31. podcast, annotate tacitus
Chapters/articles = 30
Books: 1
Biography =1
Game = 0
-1. 1396, podcast, was clothes and towels, 1248,
-2. 1496, reformatted Grunt RPG, podcast, 848, bad eye
-3. format all 13 parts of Old Chairs To Mend!’, 352, 356, 405,
-4. helped with Sunday lunch, two coaching calls, 437, 528, rub 4 pork roasts to put on smoker for Monday event
-5. 329, 433, 371, stick drills, 387, 337, 367, finished old Chairs to Mend, help with feast, bad eye to bed
-6. terrible dreams, read Jackson Crawford’s The Wanderer’s Havamal, washed clothes, helped with plumbing, 1504
-7. 302, check back up files and post schedule, proof and reformat GRUNT RPG, 530, 1542, clean house
-8. 1522, wash clothes, 1068, 1187,
-9. 878, began Nat Star novel,
-10. woke by bad eye episode, 1360, shopping, 1953, sudden storm,
-11. bad eye event, 218, 1753, help with Sunday dinner,
-12. 1615, 1958, bad eye attack, dream road won’t stop
-13. meeting in Wyoming, 1289, outline Morning Road, made tags for sight, outlined biography posts
-14. 1734, 1909, Grunt 5 of 7 complete, hail storm,
-15. shopping, bad eye seize, legs blew
-16. 354, cook pot roast, 1231, 1245,
-17. 1568, 654, finish writing Grunt arranged text of Grunt to 25,390 words, storm, went looking for mushrooms, eye blew up, pushed squats, leg blew up, 11 hours sleep
-18. edited Grunt to page 92 for to 26,600 words, 1210, trimmed dead branches off 3 lilachs, 1 ash, 34 pine trees, storm, 985, edited Grunt to page 134 at 27,585 words, relax, its 5:17
-19. edit Grunt to page 187, 1025, completed at 28,810 words, broke Grunt into 15 posts, 1089, scheduled 3 fiction posts and 9 nonfiction posts into September on weekends and December on weekdays, eye blew
-20. 5 more posts scheduled, browser kicked me out of site, must schedule rest of year from Baltimore in September, 1574,
-21: mushroom hunting at 10,000 feet, legs and eye blew
-22. 2569, trimmed Arla’s hedged raked her yard, 1497, too much screen time, square away gear for travel, picked juniper berries for Arkham Reporter
-23. 1279, wash bed clothes, square away guest room, finish packing, upload and schedule final posts
-24. travel east, re read Tacitis & Hesiod
-25. Travel east, sleep mostly
-26. arrive in Pittsburgh, BMI check by Guru Rick, wiped out
-27. 1126, begin writing again here, outlined 5 articles to finish summer, raked yard, swept drive and walk, cleaned house, read Bernays, decide to discontinue the end of year journal through fall and complete this week,
-28. outline summation of Hesiod, 1011, 1239, began Enemy of All Mankind, 1407
-29. 1188, cleaned and cooked, 406, completed and arranged Trash at 40,234 words
-30. outline autumn journal, 605, 1463
-31. proof Trash, read and annotate Bernays & Uncle Ted, train with Mister Gray, video interviews,
Chapters/articles = 53
Books: 2
Game = 1
Journal = 1
Train tickets: 437 Pittsburgh, to Chicago, to San Jose, to Portland
Hotel: San Jose 600,
Urgent dental extraction: 290
Rent: -
Food: train: 30, 20, 10, 30, Portland: 42, 48, 28, 44, 5, 42, 10, train: 30, San Jose: 40, 15, Utah 5, 5, 7, 14, 12, 18, 6, 16, 50, 55, 18, 7, train: 10, 30, 10, 6, Pittsburgh:
Postage: 30, 25
Books: 34,
Chapters/articles = 114
June 33, July 30, August
Books: 3
Biography =1
Game = 1
Journal = 1
‘What Books Influenced You?’ #3
author's notebook
taboo you
song of the secret gardener
into leviathan’s maw
the greatest lie ever sold
within leviathan’s craw
america the brutal
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