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Part 2 of 2: Wondering on Pattern of Action Blinds: 9/2/24, Pittsburgh
© 2024 James LaFond
Without experiential motion as a reference, fighters are often rendered blind to enemy activity. This seems to infect social thought of individuals and mobs as well, with the most socially obtuse people seeming to have the highest levels of sit down education and the least experience with physical chaos.
The metal shin guard, or grieves, were something that were ironically carried during the march, rather than worn. I learned this the hard way when walking 4 miles through the Patapsco State Park on U.S. Route 40 in 2004 to sparring. I was wearing hokey shin guards that had not yet been discarded for bare legs in stick fighting. Wearing a shin guard for long periods of walking beat up the feat and low leg. In combat the grieves are worn to save the shins. Mobility has always been the prime requisite for the fighting man of any kind. Mike Tyson might frighten. But if you glued his feet to the floor you could defeat him. In 524 B.C., I think, running in armor was included as an Olympic event for this reason.
The fighting man, due to economics, is rarely thought of by the non fighting public as a mover first and foremost, but in his psychological theatrical capacity as a resister. In ancient Hellas motion was know to be the combatant’s first art, and hence running and jumping were part of combat training. This was such a well known fact that no one had to mention it, except for Theogones, best boxer of all time, who switched from boxing to running in his prime so as to compete with Achilles, whose mythic foot speed was his greatest asset. But in our specialized world, with combat theatrics and even martial arts instruction based on positions and poses rather than transitions and rhythms, our fighters are almost never inclined to do solo rhythmic training as a first course, or to even include it in training.
The Boxer
Oliver, Jamaican American producer of Hobo Historian videos, has asked me by phone to train and corner for him in a pro boxing bout. I think this is a terrible Idea, but have agreed. He has an injury at present and called for advice on training.
“I’m doing light work,” he says and I’m suspicious.
He is quizzed and names various strength exercises.
I groan and he laughs.
“Ah, well, kinda, maybe some—I met this Olympic wrestler, a client a neighbor.”
“You are not shadow boxing?”
“No,” followed by unsteady laughter.
The coach groans, “What is lighter work than shadow boxing?”
“How about running?”
“No, you’re fat! Running is heavier than shadow, rope skipping is heavier than shadow, in fact the rope is heavier than your shadow. Bro, shadow box!”
“I know, I will, thought you would say that. It, it’s just that it takes more mental energy. I use my imagination all day at work.”
“Shadow box before work and it will improve your work performance too. Shadow boxing is the most important and most ready tool. Imagine simply that Mister Frank [our coach] yelled at you for standing in front of the bag and begin there, start to move, like he threw you in the ring with Alex or Tony to punish you—just, move.”
“Okay, will do. Now what about weights—”
“Don’t ask me, go into your memory and ask Mister Jimmy, and recall that he didn’t want you ‘on drugs, or on weights!’
“But, my legs have always been too thin…”
“Bro, you are African! God gave you skinny legs so I could save money on shackles!”
“I just thought I could hit harder with stronger legs.”
“You already hit hard. But going pro, you are going to run into your analogue, who might hit harder. The first time I put a guy in the ring, I knew no one hit as hard as Dante—and he drew Tony! You have to bring the will to win. I don’t have that. I am just the air bag in this high speed collision. Look, you will go in against a bigger, younger, more experienced man, with a better coach, on a show put on in their house—you need to be able to move to make his shots lighter, to walk that high-T monstrosity into your lower caliber shots.”
“Wouldn’t stronger legs be better?”
“How far from shadow boxing are we?”
“Look, free squats, utilizing your own, significant!, body weight, will do fine.”
“James, are you calling me fat?”
“No, I’m calling you lazy, which leads to fat. Somebody has to fill in for Frank. Doing my best here.”
And, the Brazilian babe, you have to leave that alone for a while. I realize the young lady has needs. So I’m throwing myself in the breach here and am willing to let her sleep at the foot of the guest bed at the Brickmouse House—give her a yoga mat and everything, okay?”
So, that entire conversation was the coach, the fight father, heckling the fighter who is reluctant to break away from static power and pose notion of combat, common to our seated society, for the higher art of motion and rhythm based combat. What I have learned in boxing, as with other physical pursuits, is that motion, particularly rhythmic tasks, promotes creative thoughts, notions, inspirations and even solutions.
Oliver came to me as a coach, and has even made sure to spend Father’s Day with me when I am in the east, because he saw me applying intelligent solutions to the problem of not hitting as hard or as fast as the younger and larger men in the gym where we met when he was 15 and I was 39.
Two Notions of an Allfather
Mommy Civilization has done her whore best to bar our universal daddy from visitation, let alone residency. Faith was once committed alone in the presence of God, before Rome, and then after, Christians took to the shadows, even Paul referencing shadowboxing as a faith metaphor and the bruises inflicted upon himself in more severe spiritual training.
Similar to having a hard time convincing seated thinkers to stress motion over power in boxing, it has been difficult to discuss religion with fatherless men who have arrived at the well of life reflection. Many such men that I have spent time with, have, through their utopian vision, given a clue as to why and how most Americans are so easily lied to.
Although various books in the Bible: Job, Exodus, Judges, Luke, Mathew and Acts describe this world as Evil’s domain, a harrowing test for we the temporary, and also depict a mostly absent and sometimes cruel God Almighty, the ultimate father, who is not always home for you to cry on his shoulder, modern people—especially Christians—mostly deny such a concept.
Of the many people who discuss crisis in faith with me, all do so in reference to injustice in the world as a suggestion that cleansing judgment will soon right the wrongs of the world, or, the opposite, that there must be no God, because no father would let his children suffer so. Both of these world views of frustration come from anti-traditional Utopian plans to bring life in the world into a state of benign perfection and have little to do with the religious doctrines and sympathies shared by our pre-utopian ancestors.
If one traces the religion that has been largely colonized by corrupt money mongers, and whose churches tend to emulate and serve government values, it can be seen that Christians turned away from their secret worship in droves in 325, when the faith became the state religion of Rome and worship now had to be conducted in public houses. This notion that a Christian’s relationship with God required intercession by other human sinners, has never let go. Though it was the stated aim of the Protestant Reformation to remove human interference from worship, confession and prayer, most protestant denominations simply took the authority of the priest to interfere, intercede and mediate between the Christian and The Holy Trinity, and assigned the entire church mob, every sinner of them, to the job of forcing outer and inner forms of thought and behavior upon the individual.
Each of these denominations of reformed churches has, one by one, been captured by government, by finance, by racial grievance, by secular notions of transhumanism and utopia, and even by heretical, sexual depravity. I do not see this as a failing intrinsic or internal to these faiths or the many other faiths subverted by government and business, but as an indication that faith, as a means of soothing and guiding the troubled soul on a path through and beyond this world, offers a key means by which the Systems of secular mind control may recapture any mind that has escaped their vile clutches, and bring it back into suffering, where to wring from us every delicious tear.
The first goal of the System is to fix your position, just like in a fight. This is the entire System logic behind vast technology types, such as mobile phones and electric cars. It will help your autonomous cause, whether you are Christian, Aztec, Atheist or Heathen, to do as much world modeling while in physical motion as possible. This is the nature of your design and may help frustrate the anti-nature of the Overbrain.
So, I close a longish and awkward attempt to suggest to any of my fellows who have lost faith, to regain it ascetically, in motion, beyond the bonds of social notion.
The Captain’s Wheel
ball of fortune
your trojan whorse
logic of force
the greatest boxer
the sunset saga complete
let the world fend for itself
z-pill forever
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