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Course Correction
A Discussion of Urgent Means with Wesley "Fakename" Trenson: 9/8/24
© 2024 James LaFond
Hello sir,
Turning 28 soon, and just feeling like a sucker's sucker. Bought into the good-boy shit, and got about as much out of it as you'd guess. Short of just crashing out for a prison term and banking on a Shotcaller-style transformation*, what are your recommendations for course correction?
The way I was taught/trained to approach life doesn't work and isn't fulfilling worth a damn. Should've just dropped out of high school and run in the streets, at least I didn't fall into the fucking debt trap "higher education" is... When you read about Ivy League physics students not being able to explain how the seasons work, and their biology counterparts being hazy on photosynthesis, you gotta see that the Martin Eden approach is the only valid one.
Problem is, Martin Eden was already a solid man when he decided to get educated, get civilized, and get pussywhipped. I've been the last thing plenty of times, am way too much of the third one, am only nominally the second, and nobody's fucking definition of a solid man. Real "King Midas in reverse" shit... Won't go into too much detail about me or my situation...just assume the worst. Any of your work, and courses of action you'd recommend to put me on the path to being an Alonzo Harris or Ed Bunker-type motherfucker would be much appreciated.
Hope you're hanging tough,
Wesley "Fakename" Trenson
* But shit, I've heard of whole yards of whiteboys in California getting punked by the Crips and Bloods. Skinheads with swaztikas and lightning bolts tattooed on their faces and backs bowing their heads when the black hitters walked past. And it's worse on the east coast, I'm told - a Mafia-related dude talking about how when doing a decade and a half of federal time, you'd just see almost all the white men getting beat up and turned out, and just sniveling about it. Apart from a small, hard core of "Boston whites", I think his exact words were something like, "The quality of white men in the federal system makes you wish a [black man] raped your mother."
Young Sir, I am so glad for you that you are only 28 and that you have already reached the awakening that traditionally greats sharper than normal minds at 35, at Dante’s turning point of life, when one may appreciate the Forest Dark for what it is, a maze to mesmerize and eat us, mind, body and soul—typically in that three-stage order.
I am losing the ability to communicate with most people, as I do not have a plug in to popular culture, or even counter culture. I do not know anything about any of the names you referenced. That is not important, however.
First, blake guys are even more screwed than you. They are just permitted to behave as if they are free when they are as much slaves as we, and are thus trully lost, deluded even in their phony escape from the system, like some cardboard natsy without Soviets or Capitalists to fight.
Things are getting better for those of us who fall through the widening conditioning holes in the soul net. As Leviathan, Our Grim Soul Farmer, casts his net wider, some holes get stretched, and although most of humanity is caught in the net, more of us spill through.
I am crippled and now living back in the city that I was chased out of because I could not defend myself against the blakes and run from the PIGZ any more, was old, fat and hurt. Now, as an emaciated, and crippled old white beard after Leviathan “defunding the police” and giving up the drug war, the cops are no longer cruising for crackers. Where once any lone crumb on foot was hunted by the PIGZ [to include 4 men I knew being killed] and the PIGZ always ready to come to the rescue of any blake dude who was being successfully defended against by a low, pale scum, I now limp about Baltimore on crutches as if I own it. Young blake men come to me for directions and advice as their fellows glare at one another. PIGZ ignore me as they work their grifts. If I were only young again, I might have some fun.
Here is my advice for becoming King of the Blakes, Sultine of Crackers and Masterbane of Bitchez:
-1. Fight! Learn to fght by joining a wrestling club, then a boxing gym, finding stick and knife fighters in your area willing to spar. Bloody noses, bruises and concussions are your star gate of escape.
-2. Train yourself in awareness by walking your area at various times of day, learning the landscape, crimescape and school yourself in body language and tells.
-3. Keep a private or public blog, treating your self as the subject of your behavioral study, reflecting on your days and nights to extract whatever lessons for self propulsion out of slavery that is there. For slavery is the child of fear. This is why the blakes make such easily broken combatants, easily influenced minds, as they were all descendants of those who submitted to chains rather than die fighting. It is the same with Anglo Americans, of which blakes are a subset, enchained souls born to slavery to the point that they fail to understand that they are owned and branded.
-4. Inseminate women. Impregnate women, multiple women. When you or they get as old as me and my girls, inseminate them on principle. Honor God’s dual human design. He made men to seed women.
-5. Read books. Do not read anything written by a college educated person. Avoid most books written after 1941. Read books such as myself and other working class men write as minority content. The majority of what you read should have been written before 1913. The majority of that should have been written before 1453.
-6. Condemn the world in your heart as a tattered and tawdry stage. Do not permit yourself to be engaged by political, ideological, racial or religious concerns. Do not act, direct, produce or even spectate upon the fake and gay play. Work the alley behind the stage, anything from food fending to body guarding.
-7. Back to #1. Do not settle for instruction, for white collar boxing, for BJJ, for olympic fencing or HEMA BS. Get punched in the nose. Grapple for domination not on your back waiting for sneak submission tricks, but wrestle! Get stabbed with blunt wood and steel. Hit and be hit with hard sticks. Fight in private.
-8. And then, when you walk in public, do not fight, but be the diabolic alienist, the soft wrangler of the sloe eyed subhuman supplicants, the very fright of feral savage blakes and brawns, who are all becoming fakes and losing their brawn at decedant rates.
God gave this world as fief to Evil and peopled it with us to test: sheep or goat, dog or wolf, these are the general choices. You can be the slave of Evil or God’s secret flame. I prefer the latter. But, if you wish to bend the knee to the Pimp of Darkness, go for a promotion and be as bad as bad can be. For this dispicable world of Bended Knee teaming with its whining slaves, deserves to be ravaged.
Young Sir, you have a world to explore, loot, break and maybe burn, and more miles left on your meat frame than you have already spent grovelling. YOU have the opportunity to balance your ledger, a course too long for this old corpse to travel.
Stepping Out
crackpot periscope
Watered Down Brazillian Agonistics
'in these goings down'
the first boxers
the gods of boxing
shrouds of arуas
broken dance
into leviathan’s maw
time & cosmos
solo boxing
maud'dib     Sep 9, 2024

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