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Mass Beast Translip
Crux Cross and the Crackpot Update the Mask and Canned Landwhale Meatscape: 9/8/24
© 2024 James LaFond
Late morning, Wednesday, July 17, 2025; Q train midtown Manhattan.
Over the course of several stops, range of total number of passenger ~40-55, mask wearers 1-4; all 4 consistent i.e. started with 2, then those 2 + another, then those 3 + another, then three departed leaving one. Pardon if that's pedantic. The 4 were all female, 3 east Asian, 1 was a euro. Age ranged from ~20s -50s with one in each decade.
I also write to add a new line or category. Scrubs girls—women, generally young (20s) who wear hospital or caregiver scrubs, presumably to/from work. None of the 4 belonged to that category but in fact the 2-3 scrubs girls I noticed were wholly unmasked. I venture it's probably partly a function of them wanting to display the youthful good looks of their faces. But I wonder how much is a function of their professional life experience. It would be interesting to hear an interview of one. And I might have to add this category—null result category to future reports: scrubs girls, scrubs people. A further subcategory might be caregiver scrubs women—generally older and more likely immigrants providing care to elderly.
Hey James, 
How are you? 
All basically good here. News is I went keto the last few 2-3 weeks. I haven't been perfect about it* but am probably already at my lighter range for the past few years. You and others being the inspiration. As you know, for my height, middle weight boxer weight would be, I understand, ideal. 
(*Addendum: yes I can imagine people screaming THEN WHAT'S THE POINT!!!?!!)
Great entries from you lately. Good on that guy who wrestled a Gable and family.
I'm looking forward to, hoping for your thoughts if any on The Ear Miss. Feels like a watershed event—no matter what the real facts are. Talking mythic cultural narrative here.
Be well thanks again,
Crux Cross 
Crux, contacted me by phone while we were both on mass transit, he in NYC, me in Harm City. I can walk when unencumbered, and boxed and stick and knife sparred for 2 hours straight this weekend. But, I’m like the action figure who has frayed rubber bands in his hips and gets left at the bottom of the toy box. Simply a light pack and a fancing mask, were too heavy for me to take the bus without crutches. I am getting stronger in the body and legs, though.
I took two trains on that same day in July in San Jose. Of perhaps 180 people on the packed train, no staff and about 10 passenegrs were masked. The passengers were two pretty Asians, an anglo family of 4, and assorted middle aged Karens.
In Emmeryville, of about 200 people, the same ratios held, except a black Amtrak lady behind the counter and a cracker babe selling coffee were masked.
In San Jose, of 20 folks on the bus, only a black family of 4 were masked. At my motel, one of 3 staff were masked.
On the train To Salt Lake City only a traveling couple of Asians were masked.
On the bus from Grand Junction to Denver, it was two Asians and 2 karens who were masked, of 30.
On the train to Chicongo, of 200 folks a mere 5 were masked, Asians, Karens and a troon.
In Chicago, of hundreds, only handfuls were masked, being karens, troons, blacks and Asians, 1 being staff.
The overnight train into Pittsburgh saw 4 masks of 70, being a troon, a karen an asian and a black.
Now, in Baltimore!
On the street, 1 in 10 people are masked, outside, in the clear air, being black and latino females and young black males.
On the 4 buses I took, 2 in ten are masked, young black males and latino and black females. No karens go there, these shrill harpies are thankfully extinct on Harm City busses.
Scrub girls are on every bus!
At Franklin Square Hospital masked people are 2 in 10 outside. Signs at this facility “strongly suggest” masking.
At Johns Hopkins Cardiac Clinic, where I off loaded, 2 in 10 folks were masked outside and the sign on the door had a strong suggestion. Going inside, using crutches as cover, I noted that 4 in 10 people went masked, again: young black males and females of all kinds.
What does this small, lingering minority of mask fanatics tell us about USG?
We never saw this, at all. It is not a little thing if we consider that no one masked before Covid.
It demonstrates the following:
-1. 5% of urban, mass transit humans are fanatical government stooges.
-2. that these people are demographically our most feminine, emasculated souls, just bitches, trannies and young black guys, people of the categories that have always been first to call in the cops on men.
-3. the center for this prepositioned force of system informants are medical facilities and mass transit.
My conclusion is that medical centers, which are multiplying still in Baltimore, with 12, up from 2 in 2019, mental health centers within 2 miles of my habitation there, will continue to displace government facilities as mass mind control, correction and coersion centers. Secondly, the sexual and racial make up of the post shamdemic mask cultists demonstrates who is aligned with Leviathan and who is not.
It is masculine crackers, spics and old groes alone against the machine. Young black men at bus stops are increasingly asking me for directions to their various medical appointments as they are given paperwork they cannot read and even cross busy streets to seek the counsel of somone who might be able to read,and also knows were things are. Literally, no one, including bus drivers, who was born and raised in Baltimore, can find their way more than 3 blocks without a smart phone or mass transit auto turn. I do not know why increasing numbers of young men have no phone. The IQ and aggression of these men are decreasing. Poor Kendrick, yesterday hugged me twice for telling him he needed to board the 36 to Essex. He then asked a young Latino attending the same behavioral health clinic to read the bus sign, as he couldn’t.
Do note, that although MD and PA have been very dry this summer, that record numbers of mosquitoes abound and that witnesses saw clouds of these insects being dropped on a concert as West Nile Virus is being totted as the new world ending plague. On the upside, Aurumn fell suddenly in these two states on September 2.
Reporting from West Nile Murkha, 2 days before the anniversery of USG’s attack and final conquest upon us.
Oh, yes, the ear miss?
I suppsoe you meant the near miss.
I am afraid to discuss that in print.
Cowardly yours,
james, Harford County, MD
Watered Down Brazillian Agonistics
crackpot periscope
dark, distant futures
logic of steel
honor among men
thriving in bad places
the sunset saga complete
let the world fend for itself
fiction anthology one
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