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SPQR In Print
Casting Darts Publishing Release: 10/3/24
© 2024 James LaFond
Hi James (and Lynn and Charles),
We got the first proof copy this week, did some re-edits and then had a last push with the cover art last night and are really happy to tell you that SPQR is now published.
Here's the Amazon US link:
Thanks also for the mention and kind words on your site.
Warm regards,

Last night, after a few beers at an old Baltimore City dive bar, Charles pulled up the amazon link above and magically magnified the text, as if he were some camera obscurist working for the Manhattan Daily. Somewhat thrilled, he said, as he enlarged the dust cover text and zeroed in on the word honour, "The cover is boss—red is perfect. They turned your os into ous!"
It is an honor to have my North Pannonia dialect corrected into proper Romano-British.
I much prefer Jeth's dust cover to mine.
The Print Listing
SPQR: A Novel of Rome 2031 Paperback – October 3, 2024
by James LaFond (Author), Jeth Randolph (Editor)
See all formats and editions
2031: Amid the pipes and steam of New York, the third seat of the Roman empire - the elite, the mob and those that would struggle for freedom:
A gladiator prepares to face his fate with honour in the final hours before certain death...
Two runaway slaves, twin brother and sister seeking the secret Catacombs of Elysium. Unable to bear the separation of being sold off to various owners, they make a desperate bid for that rare thing called liberty. He to the glory of the arena, she to the love of a gladiator…
A faded empire, now mired in a swamp of decadence, intrigue, corruption and endless foreign wars...
From cult author James LaFond comes S.P.Q.R: a savage alternate future with echoes of our own.

I am thrilled that the Casting Darts Team, three smart Brits, chose the classic art work depicting a myrmillo [Fishman] victorious over a retiarius [Netman], who was the gladiator type designed to defeat him. In SPQR, the netmen serve also the civic function of slave catching, which is a logical application of their skill set in an industrial Rome. All i ever wanted if I made it to old age, as a young man, were two things, a place to sit and read, and a novel in print for some younger knucklehead to enjoy. Thanks to many of my readers for the sitting chair and lamp, and to Jeth for this nice looking novel.
The Mute Singer
spqr a novel
blue eyed daughter of zeus
shrouds of arуas
song of the secret gardener
time & cosmos
america the brutal
by the wine dark sea
sons of arуas
'in these goings down'
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