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Rumelian Sellouts
Cormac MacArt Queries the Crackpot: 9/24/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“The Ottoman elite fighting force, the Janissaries, were originally 100% Balkan slaves. How did the Ottomans maintain peace and order in Europe? Find the baddest bandit leader in the area, now he's chief of cops, basically. There's a whole part of Africa with blue eyes and black skin because of Bosnian bashi-bazouks or whatever laying down the law for the Sultan.
“So, how did the European fighting men under Muslim rule - and sometimes faith - compare to their contemporaries outside of Rumelia?
-Cormac MacArt
In the 1600s and 1700s Dutch captains served in the North African and Ottoman fleets, one with a great red beard, whose name escapes me.
Since, in the Islamic word, ever person is a slave except for the Caliph, who is the personal slave of God, there is a problem with Islamic battle morale from about 900. Turkish invaders of Muslim faith did much to infuse new vigor into the warriors of Islam. Reading The Song of Roland, one finds descriptions of Germanic warriors of Visigothic stock, like Old Blankendrin battling the armies of Charlemagne. These men are side by side with Arabs, Berbers, black Africans. Islam made do with war slaves, such as the Mamelukes, in much the same way that Christian gunpowder armies of the 1700s switched to conscripting criminals for deadly duty. Recall that Columbus’ first voyage was framed as a crusade against Islam, and that his men were almost all criminals taken from prisons, just as George Washington would do in the 1790s to annex tribal territory.
Thomas Pellow, a Welshman, a slave to the Sultan of Morocco, served as a soldier, an officer. Entire ethnic corps of European Christian slaves made the firepower arm of the Sultan’s army. His masses of Black Muslim slaves served as spear men and executioners of Christians. He employed an English slave, a butcher, to execute Muslims!
A Spaniard who befriended William Moraley in New York in about 1730, had served as a soldier in this army, and as a tax collector for the Sultan.
Timur, one of the three greatest conquerors in world history, refused to take Islamic titles he was offered, described himself as The Servant of God, and was described by an Arab biographer, a slave of his who hated him, as “white.” Yet our looking glass denies this.
Chinese Gordon died against the Madi at Khartoum. But the extermination of these jihadists immortalized in a Winston Churchill poem in which he waxed ecstatic over “shooting fuzzy whuzzy in the head,” along with the reversal of the Kabul disaster in Afghanistan, all in the late 1800s, gave notice, that Christian Europeans were preeminent in war. As described in Lothrop Stoddard’s The New Flame of Islam, the long view adopted by Islamic war planners included employment of official government advisors to build, manage and train the fighting forces of Islamic states. Sir John Glubb was one such man.
Our history has been reshaped through omission, revision and plain lies, to such an extent, that one is better served reading fiction written in an age before.
Fictional treatment of this subject is much richer than factual, as the gaslit mind of modernity sees every Muslim as an Arab, when they are of many ken. I have a suspicion that Islam has yet to see its high tide and that Christian fighting men, having become slaves to the dollar, first and foremost, will continue to serve Islam.
My fictional character, Yusef of the Dusk and later of the Dark, is such an interloping warrior. There was something special about the Arуan fighting man that the lesser Caucasian races harnessed whenever they could.
I would suggest reading Robert E. Howard’s Desert Adventures collection, in which three heroes, foremost Xavier Gordon, or El Borak, operate as military interlopers in the Islamic world. Short novels and long stories include: Three Bladed Doom, The Lost Valley of Iskander, The Daughter of Erlik Khan, Son of White Wolf and Swords of Sharazzer.
A strong fictional impulse in the still Christian pulp literature, was of a Christian character such as Solomon Kane [1], or at least a European savage like Tarzan, should defend black Africans against Islamic slave raiders. The movie The Naked Prey, also explores this ideal.
Again, the thirst for a warlord of many races to have a champion of Arуan blood, is constantly expressed in actual combat sports: Filipino, Chines and Japanese martial arts masters have very often mentored Arуan fighting men. This was the case in the 1600s of a Dutch Captain being enslaved by the future Shogun as a warlord. We have a mojo of which we do not even know. When a man who defeated me in three stick fights as a Doce Paras/Sayoc fighter, walked into an event run by the preeminent FMA guru in the world, that guru took one look at the hero he wanted and gave him a black belt, making him his front man, because he knew, this guy was not going to lose a stick fight.
People of other races have often noted that we are crazy, we pale people torn from Europe ages ago, so inclined to back a counter culture hero as well as to perish in some other blood’s cause.
Is this a curse, a blessing, or both?
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