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Topulation Emplacement
Mo Is Wondering how Widespread this Is: 9/24/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“Charleroi, PA—a town of just 4,000 people—has been overwhelmed by thousands of Haitian immigrants.
But nobody seems to know where they're coming from.
Steve works as a paramedic in Charleroi. He tells us that vans carrying the immigrants come and go "at all hours of the night."
The above was sent to me by Mo, a female reader concerned about America. I know America to be a lie. What is happening is that USG has become so nigh and mighty that the veil is rent in places that even the media blinded normal person may see.
Across the nation I have seen Africans, all male, very polite, fit, military types for the most part.
Charleroi is mostly of interest to me, because I had my first boxing match in a gym there, the same gym that world champion Michael Moorer trained in as a youth. Such small Pennsylvania towns around Pittsburgh abound in the old railroad cuts. A place like McKee’s Rocks, Charleroi, Oakdale, these are creek and/or railroad crossings without much room to expand. That 4,000 folks must now accept a host that will swamp them, does make me sad. A bit sad, somewhat less sad than the fact I can’t really fight anymore.
In Baltimore County, at White Marsh, three years ago, six 120 unit condo plexes were built cheaply. I take the bus right by there. What I see now, as the many Africans or Haitians on the bus sit quietly, is that the parking lot is full of nice cars at morning and mid day, and that those people visible on their balconies are African or Haitian. Until they speak with their French accent, I cannot tell a Haitian from an African unless they are dressed for church, or if they have women.
At the end of the line, at the park & ride when I offloaded, I spent a half hour on Sunday and ten minutes on Monday this week. In that combined 40 minutes I witnesses three, that is 3, Peter Pan buses pull up and disgorge Africans. I could tell they were Africans, because the women and girls were dressed in beautiful colors, dresses and head scarfs showing off very fit and healthy figures, not a fatty in the bunch. Two men were picked up by a fellow African driving a 70K pickup.
In the late 1600s, Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia, and revolts and revolutions in Maryland, New York and Boston, convinced slave owners that they must import a more obedient population. Four times the cost of a European was paid by a planter for an African. Rather than importing 95% male European slaves, the planter wanted mated or breeding Africans so he could, with this investment, breed his small farming American rival out of business. This was the strategy that won New England, a 7 to 1 breeding advantage.
Since Ebeneezer Cook cursed the “slaves” of Maryland to be beset by African cannibals for their poor treatment of him in 1707, Maryland was flooded by Africans until the 1790s. In the 1790s, Baltimore passed ordinances to do away with African slaves, as they were used for violence by slave owners against non slave owners, driving down housing values and driving out people not of the Master Class. After the importation of African slaves was stopped, Baltimore became a thriving city, The Monument City, greatest city of all the southern slave states.
In the 1830s and 40s manumission and shipment out of the state of any and all slaves, to include David Holiday, white slave for life, was pursued with more vigor in Maryland than in all other states combined. After 1865 Maryland became more productive, more peaceful, a leader of industry. Then, in the late 1800s to early 1900s, increasing numbers of southern African Americans were brought into Baltimore for domestic help and as a buffer against the lower class European immigrants working in industry.
After WWII, wages were too high, and home owners in Baltimore had developed communities with extended family living, in which houses were passed from generation to generation. Southern blacks were brought in to drive the working class and middle class from the city and into the suburbs.
Finally, as the dark thugs of Baltimore and other cities have been stretched out along long roads driving the crackers from the suburbs they were once driven to by these same people, USG ran out of foot soldiers. During the race riots of 2020, only a fraction of the rioters were black, it was mostly whites working for the cause. The ability to commit organized violence has always confounded the African. The unique hybrid Anglo-African criminal culture in America, which enabled senseless violence to clear real estate, has been much reduced in this population. Over the years since the defund the police program, blacks have become freshly docile, as they realize that when they attack a cracker and then call the police for backup, that the police won’t bother.
The pale bad guy is now able to walk the streets of his gro-ravaged city with impunity. Troons, sissies, tunes, women and money men, etc., still live in peril and must be safely transported by some machine. But homeless crackers may now live on the streets in Baltimore City, a play too dangerous for that since 1968. Additionally, since African American blood has recently been bred so thin with all of this ebony and ivory inter-humping, we now have a weak crop of what the ghetto sisters call “milk duds.” Additionally, this demographic is reducing that watered down breeding rate as they aspire to the ivory tower.
USG ran short of looters and rapists! They must now ship in raw talent. Africans tend to be much less criminally inclined than African Americans and Haitians. The exception is Liberians who come here. That American colony in Africa, is, along with Haiti, the best off-shore African American production center.
Haiti is one of the three small African nations who had their leader killed for not promoting jiveteen vaϲϲination. Of the dozen or so “Jamaicans” on the hit team, all but one had U.S. citizenship! In the supermarket business, it was well know that the two toughest types of team-based shoplifters, were Gypsies and Haitians. Haitians demonstrate much better organic organization than African Americans. Additionally, they have a history of slaughtering Europeans! Tribalism in Haitians is nearly as strong as in Africans. They do not, however, suffer from the White Daddy mythos that afflicts Africans due to colonial rule, which was much less nasty than Plantation rule. If the reader wonders at the Belgians in the Congo, read Search For An American Spartacus, available as an ebook on this site, and know that although Colonial Africa did exist, Colonial America did not, only Plantation America, where millions were broken, branded and slaughtered.
Haitians do not come from a place where government is naively regarded as a servant to the people, but rather a real world where the government is understood to be the strongest gang of looters. The Haitian mind has been prepared from infancy, to savagely thrive under USG.
If I was president I would hand a machete and a handle of cheap rum to every Haitian willing to swear fealty to USG.
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