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‘The Encrypted Syndicate’
Pill City by Kevin Deutsch, 2017, St. Martin’s Press, NY, 266 pages
© 2024 James LaFond
The core context of this unlikely nonfiction story, is the same as I noted in my real time coverage of The Purge of Baltimore City in April 2015. My book War Drums and the rest of the 2015 Harm City books, chronicle the FACT that the Purge, downgraded in the false media mirror over two years to riots, then unrest and then rising, used racial/law enforcement unrest as cover for the Creep State steerage cults to release the first massive dosses of pharmaceutical opiates into the criminal underground and thence to every corner of the nation.
This was the final turning point of the phony Drug War, which was just a way to get public compliance in militarizing police. The looted pharmacy dope was an interim measure between Afghan heroin and Chinese/Mexican fentanyl, the ultimate enemy of USG, greatest macro parasite in recorded history, being its 350 million person host.
It is a fact that 35 pharmacies and some two dozen criminal stash houses of Jimmy Masters 25 year old drug fiefdom were knocked over on the last Monday and Tuesday of April 2015. This was done under cover of the Freddie Gray Riots and Mondawmin Purge by the students of Frederick Douglas High. I knew people on the inside in real time. I took the bus with the youths detailed as scouts and overheard their conversations as logistics were rerouted. This job was coordinated by the DOJ, BGF [gang], Crip 52 [gang], and a certain central mind agency. Military contractors were involved in keeping people locked down to facilitate the mission of looting the pharmacies. The resulting product glut was known locally as The Mother Load. This is not mentioned in the book.
The case that this award winning author makes is this:
That the entire city-wide caper that involved hundreds of violent actors was masterminded, created from whole cloth, on the fly, in two weeks, by two “honor roll students,” high school kids from the worst school district in America. They are touted as computer geniuses who invent and implement an uncrackable, encrypted national dark web drug network in only two weeks, from SCRATCH. They were also physically involved in looting and murder at the same time, not only writing better code than google keyboard jockeys and federal MENSA hires, but imposing their will for a few months on the most enduring African American criminal gang in the U.S., the gang that killed John Gotti, the gang that the FBI have been unable to take down on the RICO statute.
Does that pass the smell test?
Let’s look at assertions made and details overlooked.
Sniff #1
Q: Two weeks to conceptualize, invent and implement the most advanced dark web crime enterprise from an abandoned row home overrun with rats and roaches?
A: The author admits that he hardly met the two and that almost all of his communications with them were through encrypted emails. This tells me that these two boys, were mere front puppets for the Steerage Cult that has back door access to every online platform based in the U.S.
Sniff #2
Q: A black hero cop, the main law enforcement source, claims that white cops harassed him for having an Afro. This was presented as a symptom of massive white on black cop intimidation within the department.
A: I have worked with hundreds of men on mixed race crews and in boxing sessions, and have noted that job place teasing like that is always same race. White guys make fun of whites, and blacks of blacks. Additionally, most BPD cops were, and are, black.
Sniff #3
Q: The author focuses 2 of every 3 pages on the fact that everything in America favors whites over blacks and that there are no rehab resources for blacks and plenty for whites. The assertion is made through black advocates, with the author parroting long obsolete progressive talking points.
A: Yet, in the Baltimore job market, since 2002, black hires have been aggressively recruited in all levels of private and public employment.
As a bus user on the ground, I can see that rehab centers have tended to be placed just outside of high crime zones on major bus lines, as the danger of trying to get people off drugs right next door to the gun totting black drug dealers is a non starter. As I read this book, 24 drug addicts of both races offloaded from the #54 bus at an intersection with 5 rehab centers. These are the new government sanctioned drug dispensaries.
Also, later in the book, buried in the middle, the author writing in 2017, notes that addiction rates are the same across race with the only difference the rate of legal to illegal drugs consumed by race. Here, on page 67, the author demolishes his oppression model.
In 2016 white kids from rural and suburban areas began moving into Baltimore and pimping out their girlfriends for access to the new discount crime drugs. Despite the authors assertion throughout the book, the main theme of which was white over black oppression, in the context of all black on black violence, I, on the ground, never saw any racial component to the drug trade other than black violence.
Sniff #4
Q: The white on black Baltimore crime scape and massive social injustice is the main assertion of this book, the life blood of it.
A: 14% of Baltimoreans are white males, with zero serving as cops, all white cops living out of town. Yet 90%+ of homeless in Baltimore are white males! The most damming evidence is given in the middle of the book, buried by the author in newspaper fashion, on page 129. He describes two addicts in rehab, who are a married black couple with children, who both have excellent State of Maryland jobs, with the best medical benefits, and snort illegal drugs at work! These addicts held the type of jobs that people like me were not permitted to acquire since 1990, with 99.9% of bus drivers, that being the best government job available to high school graduates, are black in a city that is only 65% black, and 10% Latino, with not a single Latino bus driver. The author demonstrates no clue as to racial dynamics in Baltimore, nearly his every source giving him a distorted image. STEERAGE.
Sniff #5
Q: What are the crime details, the central focus of which should be how pharmacies were knocked over?
A: Although CVS and Rite Aid chains had much video evidence and made public complaints that the BPD REFUSED to investigate these crimes, and I personally saw how these places were broken into, the author only looks into the one atypical pharmacy looting, in which the business was burned down, the two masterminds, one with a distinctive sunken chest and pot belly, are caught masked on video. This level of laziness does not fit the author and suggests that he was ferried around by law enforcement charged with channeling his focus.
There is no mention of the 5 man crews, outfitted specifically to drive residence indoors, that took over the streets when the cops abandoned their posts. No mention of the 1 woman and 2 man crews that hit each chain pharmacy in a very thought out way, pharmacies that had the best inventories. There is no mention of the military contractors that pushed me and my friend off the street after dark and who somehow had no contact with the B&E crews?
There is no mention of the heroin shipments brought in, only those seized by the BGF from the Masters cartel.
Overall investigation of criminal acquisition methods are absent.
Sniff #6
Q: How authentic is the texture?
A: The author writes nothing but stereo types, gangster using 1990s movie firearms, rather than the 9MM and .45 APC that Baltimore shooters prefer. They wear only Nike sneakers and Timberland boots. They stand over their gunned down enemies and chant and boast and cuss like rappers and TV actors, rather than “move the fuck off” like they actually do to avoid the massive amount of cameras that the author admits are all over Baltimore, on some streets on every light pole. The two upscale, black urban nerds that the writer met once or twice, who then communicate with him exclusively by encrypted email, joke about rats and roaches being fitting office companions for them as they work on their massive array of computer hardware, to include private SERVERS delivered mysteriously to an abandoned row home, which would have had to be powered by an extension cord plugged in up to a block away! Look, black dudes, even thugs, are more freaked out by rats and roaches then poor white trash, by far. Across the board, in Baltimore, as a reaction to filthy public conditions, black men have higher personal hygiene standards than white guys.
What comes through here is that the book was textured to appeal to suburban, white, misconceptions about urban blacks, along lines seen on TV and in movies. The most galling oversight, is that two 17 year old skinnies are shown wielding power through the magic of computer wizardry over the U.S. Army Iraq veteran thugs and criminal psychopaths, that know that the one kid was raped by his step father. Black men who find out that you have been ass raped do not respect you. This was a story line lifted from the Wire HBO series.
Sniff #7
Q: How does the story end?
A: It ends just like The Wire and every TV show and movie glorifying the criminal that gets away back to the civilian life he reluctantly left for the necessity of crime. In The Wire it was the kid who went to work in a shoe store. In Pill City, the raped kid goes nuts and starts playing gangster, even executing women. He is killed by a gangster. This all probably happened, with law enforcement-based forensics and times and places of death, placing this actual meat person as a puppet for the Agency nerds who were actually encrypting emails to the author. This kid was supposedly a Bloomberg News junkie and stock market jockey, who went SO GANGSTER that the professionals cringed! This is lifted from the TV show Breaking Bad. Indeed, the story line is Breaking Bad placed in the setting of The Wire.
The good kid, who didn’t kill people and became increasingly estranged from his buddy, Brick, who was his same sex soul mate, which does not track, enjoys the opposite fate. He moves to Bay Area, California by himself, lands a job at Google, as their very first black programer, and his racist white coworkers harass him! This totally does not track, with Bay Area whites worshiping blacks as if they are all Morgan Freeman.
Seven for seven, Pill City takes an investigative reporter on a toddling Odyssey of Steerage Cult handling of a man who seems to be as honest in his investigation as his editor permits, and only as curious as the law enforcement and gang front men for his handlers admit. What he hangs his hat on is a fact, the fact denied by Baltimore Government, that the Purge and Riots were a ruse to take lethal drug addiction to a new high. He is either guided to or avoids the obvious evidence that the gangs and cops were a mob of USG puppets and dupes, some rewarded for playing along and other punished for hesitating one contact too long.
Pill City is a 26 page truth wrapped in a 260 page Hollywood spoof.
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