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Rise of a Notion
3of 3: Plumbing the Anglo-American Bipolarity: 10/01/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“The naivety among highly educated people is something I took for granted for most of my life as a matter of personal nature or of a focus in a specialized field. It I something that has always been more pronounced in Anglo-Americans, particularly in regard to race. Socially insulated Asians have always understood that there is something very different about darker races and that these people will attack you physically. Latinos, of all races and social classes, also recognize such realities and behave accordingly. But the Anglo-American is so blind to simple behavioral realities, and so much more blind the more educated a person is, I wonder if there is a connection between this idea of unique Anglo-American virtues that DO NOT EXIST and the utter banality of our society-wide misconceptions. As a Hispanic person it has been clear to me since childhood that there is something especially gullible, even retarded, about the mainstream American viewpoint. Can you, with your narrative sense, place a finger on the keys that have so thoroughly mislead a nation of fairly brilliant people. It is no small thing for a handful of neglected and abused British government and corporate agents to take a shit hole country like India and make it function well enough to export middle management persons around the world. Yet these same people believe that the policeman is your friend, taxation is a voluntary act and that a negro is no more likely to rape and murder you than a person from Japan.”
-Lynn, from an editorial call.
First, a quote from Antiquity’s most insightful historian:
“In these circumstances they did what most of us do and being ignorant of the truth, persuaded themselves into believing what they wished to believe.”
-Arrian, from Alexander the Great
In the case above, Arrian is describing how some international conspirators convinced the democracy of Thebes to vote for their own extinction by revolting against the very power who had already crushed them in war, was currently crushing all numerous other revolts, and had shown benevolence in victory to all, except to rebels. Thebes committed such a manic act of suicide, that the extermination of this entire people, and the sale of the women and children into slavery, shocked even their ages old enemies with “a thrill of terror.” It would be resolved in the minds of their friends and enemies alike as an expression of “The Wrath of God,” stemming from the numerous sins of this arrogant people, to include a jealous thirst for genocide. The willing self-assisted genocide complete, the very nameless conspirators whose agents convinced the most powerful state in Greece to act on behalf of its own extinction, were there to “dispose” of the captives and their possessions, to feed this people into the ledgers the international money power as completely as a furnace would burn so much coal.
Historians then, to include Arrian, who demonstrates a genuine fear of the shadowy bankers that ruled his boss, Hadrian, to include Victor Davis Hansen, best historian of our age, all look away from the mechanics of the great play of man. Our established inquirers are permitted to examine that actors and the script.. Absent from their inspection are the writers, producers, directors, editors, casting agents, gaffers, stuntmen and fixers, along with an army of other functionaries necessary to propel the movie of reality forward. Our best historians discuss our past, as our reporters do the present, with the feigned innocence of some stone age savage who might be shown a movie and believe it is a dance of gods reflected in the mirror of Heaven and that the hundreds credited agents scrolling at the end of the movie are so many tears for the departed—and perhaps they are.
Below are some sign posts, collected chronologically, in the staircase of lies that has brought humanity up out of memory into the rarefied heights of absolute, amnesiac, ignorance:
50 B.C. to A.D. 200
Rome made a desert and called it peace.
A.D. 325
Christendom rose to governance over Rome and declared all that came before to have been a lie.
A.D. 750-1200
The idea that honor is a civilized notion, that grew out of domestic living, despite its pastoral barbarian origin, takes hold as Heathenry is swallowed almost whole by Christendom.
A.D. 1215
The Magna Carta demoted God from judge to witness and bared the king on earth from protecting orphans and widows from creditors.
A.D. 1337 to 1453
The Norman Kings ruling polyglot England, feuding with their fellow French relations across the channel, began promoting the fantasy that England was “Anglo-Saxon.”
A.D. 1453
The fall of Constantinople, Shield of Eastern Christendom, to Muslims is facilitated by Christian Italians, Germans, and numerous other Christian races.
A.D. 1453 - 1618
The notion that Christendom does not physically exist, is replaced by the idea that Europe, which is a fantastical construct with zero geographical reality supporting it, does exist like beating heart of Christian virtue and material progress.
A.D. 1648 – 1860
European and American Christians cease describing themselves first as Christians and then according to nations, and instead describe themselves as “white” first, with this odd notion as superior to one’s nation as Christian identity had been before. There is zero recorded uses of the term white as a racial noun employed before the Dutch Ora Linda book circa 1200, with no common use of this term until after 1730.
A.D. 1865 - 1948
The hundreds of millions of slaves born and broken in bondage across the great swath of human life are posthumously emancipated and declared to have willingly worn their chains, with the soul exception of Sub-Saharan Africans recently owned by “whites.” The erasure of nearly all of human experience in a single century of historical omission and word replacement was like a comet strike upon the planetary mind.
A.D. 1900 – 1958
The codification of propaganda doctrine and its amplification in narrative moralization, news fabrication, editorial distortion and advertising deception via movies, radio and TV, completely captured the mass mind.
A.D. 1960s to 90s
The definitions of B.C. for Before Christ and of A.D. for In the Year of Our Lord, being changed to B.C.E. Before Common Era and C.E. Common Era, is a lie so big that it frames all human existence in falsehood. That historians went along with this in order to continue having works published, sent a chill of realization into my soul, that the battle for the human mind had, by 1998, been won by the Agents of Darkness.
An obvious attack upon the American people by USG, is believed by virtually all Americans to have been conducted by a handful of Arab playboys based in a landlocked and impoverished Arуan nation. The resulting measures codified thought and speech as crime and initiated a generation of domestic terror news coverage that was mostly fabricated, culminating in the partial lobotomy of the American mind in 2016, followed by the final loss of public sanity and replacement of consciousness with a USG induced dream state in 2020.
Those, Dear Lady, are the steps I see in the Staircase to Elevated Deception, that has forever blinded this iteration of humanity until Heaven smites this lie- festering earth. And makes way for truth again.
Oh, I forgot: Rainbow Ponies grazing upon Big Rock Candy Mountain!
Narrative Dearth
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