The Religion of Football
The late radio social commentator Rush Limbaugh repeated a speech numerous times, about “the religion of football” about how it is played out in the weather and is a mark of the American character, the implication being conservative character. For the past ten years cross current counter culture commentators have spoken of this American obsession with celebrity athletes as proxy avatars, like a steer in the feed lot mooing for the heroic of a rodeo bull. Knowing this, most skeptical social minds I know, the smartest among them, have turned entirely away from sports “programming” and for good reason. The problem with turning away is the danger of not seeing the crooked gaslit way.
I observe and can always find an interest in a contact sport, as violence and aggression has a built in corrective value. When the NFL changed the rules and and prioritized the hiring of black quarter backs, the black wide receiver got less work as his leader ran more and passed short. This expanded the role of the tight end who is now typically a big viking, who jogs out ten paces, catches the ball, and then runs over gridiron pygmies to my Gaelic delight. Such social improvement of the melanin supply and training Caucasian players to dance like hip hop honeys on the field, are merely to please Americans, to give us what our hearts yearn for. However, other changes are done to estrange us from our very essence.
From 2019 to today most commonly viewed adds on NFL telecasts have changed from:
Pickup trucks and beer
To Military and medical
To gambling.
Since that time the most common song heard is ACDC Hell’s Bells, which should give pause to all of Rush’s acolytes.
Football has politely left mornings for church, by broadcasting in the afternoon. But the massive consumption, the tailgating, parties, shopping, pregame shoes have pushed church attendance to all time low in the very Holy Season that Football was placed in.
Accident, you say?
A new song has been added to Sunday football: ACDC High Way to Hell another explicit Satanic conduction song, a song I always found pleasing to the ear and have no complaints about. But, another Hell song on Sunday?
Of interest is that Major League Baseball, in an effort to keep up with shrinking viewer attention spans, has made the game more official heavy and imported more black players to clown. However, these player come from Latin countries and refused to wiggle their ass like Americans. Something else happened. Since I was a boy, John Denver’s Thank God I’m A Country Boy was the most oft played song in MLB stadiums. In the last 60 games I have seen, I have not heard this song once. However, in every game I here Hell’s Bells, and sometimes Highway To Hell.
Yes, you atheists might be happy.
But nature abhors a vacuum.
Programs know.
I noted in the last broadcast, yesterday, watching The Ravens, as my “Christian” family, who chastise me for being some kind of Satanist, though I am the only one who has read the Bible, now in five versions, worshiped “LaMarvellous.”
The term recently introduced and used by every commentator was “redemption.” Teams could seek redemption. Players could seek redemption. Coaches could seek redemption.
The game over, post game show over, a special report was broadcast, “Out Of the Darkness,” on how the only under privileged young men in all of human history, African Americans, have found “redemption through football!” Three case studies showed how young men had gone from being scum to saints, through football.
Grave of Blame
My friend passed away the previous Sunday. I let that slip around family and the feast of blame was upon the sweet man they had never met: “What did he eat?” “He shouldn’t have boxed!” “Oh, truck driving is unhealthy.” “Did he go to the doctors regularly or was he like you?”
Blame the dead. This is the most common theme in the eastern U.S. where all bad outcomes, for instance when some of us die when the rest of us live forever on in Elysium never aging, because we abide by USDA dietary guidelines, we point at the others, the few, who succumb to mortality, and blame them for their own demise. This is the culture of Mid Atlantic USG: Blame.
Even when I write a book on how great Robert E. Howard’s writing was I am forced by convention to categorize it as literary criticism. There is not a positive term available. We must be critical. We have two opposing academic models:
Critical thinking [right]
Critical race theory [left]
At best we have investigation relentlessly giving way to skepticism, which gives way to criticism and finally negation.
Put on a Dress
I spent 20 hours over the weekend cleaning a Matriarch’s house, not for her, but for Cinderella, her daughter. Holiday cleaning done, Cinderella hugged and thanked me and Matriarch #1 said, “You did such a good job, you should dress like a woman and be a maid. If you get a sex change you’ll look just like this.” She then showed me a picture of a man my age with plastic tits posing in a dress, proud to finally be a woman.
I have 26 days remaining in the bowels of this rancid beast known as the east and will return as little as possible to the soul eating feast.
Our home burned to the ground btw. Several pets dead and a couple missing. Fighting with GEICO for two months while we sleep on the ground in freezing temperatures and weeks of rain. Hope you are doing better than this