I have an eye strain problem, and the Brickmouse has a hard time reading silently. The young man does a nice job reading out loud and enjoys unwinding with a book after a hard days work, usually a short story by Thomas Ligoti or Chuck Palunuck. This old reader is using up his eye time on studying ancient texts with a focus on a conspiracy against humanity. Seeing Eye of the Chickenhawk on the counter and sampling a page, in which foot notes detail that organized criminal activity reported upon by two Washington Post reporters, were declared by the FBI to be nothing and that the paper of record then went about debunking its own people, sold me.
Conspiracy has been with us since at least as long as we have been hunters. Conspiring, is cooperating. Cooperation is the corner stone of hunting, of farming, or building, and most of all of war. So why is conspiracy taboo, something that we must all believe no humans do?
The short answer is that this puts the notion of the good shepherd at stake.
The long, tormented answer, is, I suspect, hidden somewhere behind the veil that is pulled aside in a few spots to reveal the EVIL that hunts us.
Dovey begins by declaring that he is no academic and therefore has no credibility, that this burden of proof based on his lack of priesthood sanction is an advantage in investigative reporting. This investigation is hampered by fact checking, debunking and skeptic organizations employed to lie about revealed facts by denial combined with attacking the character of the reporter. The internet link codes are provided with the caveat that they will be dead by the time the reader searches them, as happened with most of my internet sourcing years ago.
The Brickmouse confides:
“James, beginning in 2016, a massive purge of internet sources was begun. In 2020, another sweep of factual sources in favor of system narrative was conducted. Recently, the most reliable internet archive was taken down.”
The clouds are gathering to obscure the god’s hunt.
I will only write here, of the first few chapters of this book, in support of my long-held observation that so called “serial killers” are:
-The most popular media fetish for 30 years.
-Believed to be lone wolf killers, rarely acting with accomplices, and if so as Dracula lording it over a Renfeld.
-And are, in fact, simply the undertakers and scapegoats for an ages old fraternity of social vampires, who abduct, rape, sacrifice and dispose of our youths. I suspect this is reflected in the Legend of the Minotaur and is as old as civilization.
The facts of the initial investigation have been easily gleaned as I take notes, make predictions, and the Brickmouse looks at me over the book with his nearly angelic face, and notes that I have seemingly read ahead. Rather, I have read behind, from books written ages ago.
From 1972 thru 1978 two thuggish middle aged men, who seemed, by their actions, to be quite stupid, manage to abduct and murder at least 60 youths and young men. This occurs in Houston Texas and in and adjacent to Chicago. The search for more of the missing 44 Houston boys and men stopped at 28, as soon as a killer was found.
Dean Corlls in Houston and John Wayne Gacy in Chicago each have dozens of bodies found buried under their property, a boat shed and a house. Corlls is killed by an accomplice, who confesses, and Gacy is jailed and executed based on accomplice testimony. Both men were involved in abducting boys, raping and murdering them, filming and photographing the activity in Snuff Films, and were declared by all authorities to be working alone, other then with the help provided by some youthful accomplices who confessed.
Both men, were in fact, connected to politicians, mobsters, art galleries, music product companies, judges, wardens, the FBI, the State Department and the scions of Old Money, the son of a Texas oil tycoon and Chicago Area Royalty. The common link was one John Norman, who Ironically shares his name with the pen name of a bondage fetish novelist, author of the Gor series, written from the 1960s through the 1980s.
John Norman ran numerous news letters matching up wealthy men with wayward boys. He worked closely with a vicious knife-using tranny, pimp named Paski, and such upstanding characters as Guy Straight, a homosexual porn actor, as well as with various photographers, teenage felons, and mysterious anonymous figures from California, who posted $35k and $36k bail for him. Norman was arrested twice on complaints of sexual assault and found to be holding “client lists.” These lists were never entered into evidence, by any of the three police departments involved. Norman was once arrested with over 30,000 index cards of clients, including federal officials. These were not entered into evidence and were sent via the FBI, from Dallas, to the State Department, who declared officially that they had all been destroyed, as no evidence of passport violations were found! Another batch of 50,000 applicants for client status to shag boys was not entered into evidence and no longer exists. It gets better:
20 minutes from Gacy, Norman was arrested, keeping company with some of Gacy’s accomplices, was found to have thousands of index cards of clients for the boys he was abducting and pimping, and these too disappear. The best part, while Norman was in prison two years, with obvious, uncharged mass knife murderer Paski, a boy pimp, he was permitted to print, YES PRINT, and mail out from the prison mail room tens of thousands of child porn newsletters! A judge would release him with no explanation. Norman would remain at large for decades…
Police in Houston, Dallas, Homewood, Chicago and LA consistently hand off boxes of vanishing evidence to Feds, decline to investigate murders by people associated with their two suspects, the dead Corlls and the jailed Gacy, both of whom described themselves to associates and authorities as members of a far ranging organization. Book deals for cops and lawyers are granted to sensationalize the crimes of Gacy as a lone wolf predator. Gacy was associated with people who worked as a female abduction and murder ring in Chicago named The Ripper Crew. His associates described Gacy as in the business of “setting people up.”
While reviewing the notes I picked out a few things:
-The Hermes newsletter for acquiring boys is sinister in that Hermes was the pagan “conductor of souls” the one who took you beyond life.
-The Delta Project sounds transparently like a USG op.
-The Odyssey Foundation for boy trafficking, I suspect relates to the various passages about “bundling off” boys to distant kings to be eaten, to include the loyal swineherd who as a boy had been saved from such a fate by the father of Odysseus, after being abducted by Middle Eastern merchants from an Italian island.
There is an obvious structure for supplying sacrificial victims for the fiends who rule us, which emerges:
-0. Police, permitted only to focus on the Undertaker
-1. Undertaker “the serial killer” acting as a network front man in cooperation with grave diggers who will finger him as the mastermind and killer. This man must store bodies under his property to insure loyalty to the network. This man is a passionate death sex addict who will capture and produce what the clients of the network crave, men with tastes like him, but not with his gift for violence.
-2. The Grave Diggers, even lower functioning than the Undertaker, 2 in number, will suffer some minor legal penalty in return for not handing over any party but the Undertaker.
-3. Killer, this man runs the grave diggers, kills informers and victims likely to talk, and works in close association with the Indexer.
-4. The Indexer works in association with the killer and photographer, producing promotional material and fetish artifacts. He will be surrounded by non violent victims mixed with violent actors and actual talent. His greatest crime to police will be sexual.
-5. The Patron is an anonymous money man who is either a USG actor, or more likely a contractor or fixer.
-6. USG Agencies and Departments bracket the network on both ends, maintaining limits on police work and public awareness of the network.
-7. No Master, no directing intelligence, is visible.
-8. The Key to the maintenance of the Vampire Network, in the face of mass media, has and will continue to be the belief that government and police are a tool for good, not evil.
The Dutroux case in nineties Belgium followed this pattern quite closely (with hints at MK-Ultra techniques). However in that instance, the original juge in charge had to be replaced by a younger, more compliant one, and the important details we know today come from the first juge's zeal.
Reddit alternative voat.co got much of its "energy" from its pozzagate investigation sub-forum, until it was shut down.
Just as we're ruled by vampires, there's a natural thirst for vampire hunting in some souls.