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‘To Bring Achilles Back’
Conspiracy Against Mankind #5: The Babylonian Woe by David Astle, 1975, pages 83-93
© 2024 James LaFond
Chapter 5
Blood, Sorrow, And Silver
By about 1,000 B.C., improved iron tools had increased the silver supply to the point where silver coins, rings and bars served as the value itself, rather than as a representation of goods held in a temple promised for payment over some debt.
In Chapter 5 Astle describes how the banking interests who truly stood to gain over the fall of Troy, worked through Agamemnon—who was doomed to be killed in a more dark way than Achilles after the peace—employed the promise of plunder, along with the return of the lovely Brisais, “to bring Achilles back into the fight.” casual readers of the Iliad might only recall the drama around Troy. But the thing that was so dramatic about it, was the fact that Achilles had already sacked some twenty cities!
Just as the folk who make the real money off of a gold rush are those who exchange it for money, make blue jeans and overalls, and rent equipment, as well as charging high prices for food, or simply robbing miners, those who ultimately profit from the sack of a city are the slave traders and money changers. [0] No one who dug gold in 1848 California left a fortune still in tact to this day. But Levi Strauss, I still wear his jeans 116 years later.
“...the destructive forces that were gnawing at the Tree of Life,” are identified by Astle as the machinery of money, the reality of a tool usurping its own purpose in the realm of the medium of exchange.
In 2500 B.C. Sargon of Akkad seems to have invaded Anatolia on behalf of Mesopotamian creditors. In 550 thru 546 B.C. Cyrus is suggested as a mere agent of Babylonian banking interests. This is indicated by his attack on Croesus of Lydia for the international crime of nationalizing the treasury in his nation, for which he was punished at the hands of the proxy conqueror. 14 years later, Cyrus was admitted by internal ruse into Babylon as a liberator by the real powers that resided there, at the expense of their political puppets. Solidifying influence for banking interests was one thing left to the king.
“As the most valuable bi-product of their being and existence, kings and conquerors were also needed towards the maintenance of the steady inflow of slaves, sufficient to take care of the fearful death rate in the mines, and no doubt, to permit the opening of new mines due to the rapid expansion of the mining industry on account of the growth of the use of hardened iron tools and improved methods of exploration… not only was an increasing and continuous flow of slaves needed for the mines, but also for the industry to which the products of the mines gave rise… monetary circulation withering, and even disappearing from wear and tear, exportation and hoarding, with the economic collapse that such condition could bring about: one was through mining using slave labour, as mining with free labor was rarely profitable, and the other was through sack and plunder. For the first method, Conquerors were needed, for free men did not willingly become mine slaves; for the second method conquerors were needed again, for to cause a people to reveal and surrender their hidden hoards…”
Sacks of cities and profits in talents of gold, silver and iron are listed form 843 thru 717 B.C. this is a period in which all calendars were changed from 300 to 360 days, and from 10 to 12 months. [1]
Extensive organization of army “camp followers” into gangs of looters employed to scavenge for iron and bronze is introduced as a concept. Additionally, it is pointed out that war captives enslaved in the Near East were exported as slave labour to Phoenician mines in Cornwall England, where the all-valuable tin needed to combine with copper to make bronze was extracted. At such a great distance, unable to use martial law to enslave locals, slaves from distant lands would be imported. This, in part, may account for the dark haired British races described by Tacitus in Agricola, the residue of runaways and rebels fleeing to native cultures from the slave colonies.
In 586 B.C., the last protector of IsrŠ°el, Pharaoh Necho was defeated and Sargon of Assyria sacked “Samaria” and carried off 27,280 men and their families into captivity. By 536 B.C., Persian forces under Cyrus were let into Babylon by night and “proud Belshazzar, king in Babylon, was slain that night.” The descendents of Hebrews referred to by Sargon as “Samaritans,” where then enabled to return to their homelands by proclamaition of Cyrus, indicating that he had been aided by them in entering Babylon, and by inference, that these folk were in some measure agents of the Chaldean bankers who had been based in Babylon for at least 1300 years. It was the habit of bankers to use literate slaves and slave artisans to make and count their money.
“The Hebrew, being aggressive and intelligent, may have risen to especially privileged position in the Babylonian money industry… The law no. 7 of Hammurabai had long since become a dead letter… bullion which was the foundation of the money system, had become a highly specialized and closed trade now able to operate quite apart form the temples; even if in many cases the temples still continued to permit themselves, and that which they stood for, to be used as a front, and so offered sanctity to those most sinister and destructive operations of the money, bullion, and slave brokers; in themselves and their attitudes towards mankind, the antithesis of God, the Anti-God…”
“The unfortunate masses of the Ancient Orient, who had so trusted their rulers, had no idea or understanding of the new reality, and that the ruler they saw, far from being the Son of God on Earth, was in reality a puppet manipulated by the conspiratorial force exerted by the controllers of the precious metal bullion particularly, that lurked in the Aramaic speaking middle class mentioned by Professor Oppenheim. [2] ...The policies of these controllers from their standpoint of internationalists, where necessarily directed towards the stimulation of war against the well-being of mankind… the gathering of a new crop of slaves to replace those stocks of silver and gold, so necessary to the foundation of their money power...”
“Frequently wars were above all the prime essential, firstly towards destroying the natural system of rule… the nobility have always been the first to disappear in major warfare. As leaders of their men in battle, their young men are the first to die. During the recent first Great War, it may safely be said that the best part of the young men of the natural aristocracy of Europe has perished in 1917.”
It has long been my contention, that WWI was begun a year after the foundation of the Federal Reserve for the explicit purpose of eliminating the millions of men with the highest agency from Europe and America. Industry was automating. Fewer hands would be needed. WWII was an agreed upon mass extermination of the remaining warrior class. [3] Henceforth, with more mouths desired to fuel consumption, automated and increasingly self aware social and production and education systems would rise to facilitate a world with steadily decreasing agency.
-0. See Herbert Asbury’s The Barbary Coast.
-1. I do not know what correlation there is. But it would be an oversight to omit the insertion of October and November between September [9 moon] and December [10 moon]. For nations and tribes do not easily surrender their notions of time.
-2. Letters from Mesopotamia, Chicago, 1967.
-3. The U.S., with more total air and naval power than all other nations combined, has, since emerging victorious in 1945, failed to impose its will in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, El Salvador, Iraq and Afghanistan. This is an indication that the quality of U.S. fighting men has declined. The organisms tat employ these men have always been poorly manned by captive decision makers from the 1860s through today, employing a managerial rather than a leader model. Successful field generals fought the system and would be discarded after hostilities. By Vietnam, effective combat officers have increasingly been overlooked for promotion for management types. This is the continued policy of agency reduction among the warrior class, which never benefits a nation but always benefits international finance by lengthening wars, making military operations more technology/manufacture dependent, and preventing inspiring characters from rising into the political sphere.
‘Silver or Slaves’
the first boxers
uncle satan
the greatest lie ever sold
the greatest boxer
the gods of boxing
orphan nation
crag mouth
taboo you
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