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‘Our Minds Molded’
On Steerage #0: Impressions of Propaganda by Edward L. Bernays
© 2024 James LaFond
A Blue Print for Inducing Pattern Recognition Deficiency
A Symbolic Study of the Martino Fine Books, 2024
This cover, is, in my estimation, a genius work of symboloy. The edition is very high quality, with the only typos involving transpositions of “of” and “or” in three places.
Propaganda is lettered at the top in heavy block letters:
PRO letters are rising from left to right,
PAG then sing and rise, with the P as low as in the first syllable and the risen G bisected by a crimson cord being held by a fist above
ANDA is then leveled.
The lettering presented in this way suggests a rising awareness, then a fallen awareness, rising to a new consciousness bisected by an element of control, with the final four letters level indicating that the feeding of information resulted in the consumption of alternative information according to an obscure guideline, resulting in a controlled consciousness.
Below this powerful, and symbolically heavenly, lettering, is the subtitle, in lighter, level lettering:
The Public Mind
In The Making
The underlining of the artwork is accomplished with the moderately block-like author’s name, with the letters set in a beta wave, E high, D low, W high, A low, etc.
The centerpiece, framed ominously to the left, is a small crimson man, with no distinct face, in a crimson suit, hands in pockets. The figure wears a white shirt underneath, representing the remaining uncontrolled aspects of his mind, his right shirt sleeve slightly exposed above his pocketed hand and his white shirt collar visible between the V lapels of his suit jacket.
Ominously, the white shirt collar is bound with a tight black tie, representing what it is, the throttle hold that material economics hold upon this modern man.
The man faces over his crimson left shoulder to the right of the field.
Unseen, at his feet is a crimson cord descending below the field.
His view is held by the precise crimson hand which has its three lesser fingers raised to him, and its thumb and index finger carefully controlling a crimson cord attaching to his knee.
Above this visible hand is an obscure crimson hand which is holding the cord attached to the subjects lower back tightly, in a fist, of which only the thumb and forefinger are visible.
At the top of the field, holding the chord that bisects the G is a godlike hand clenched in a powerful fist grasping the crimson cord that attaches to the subject’s back.
More ominous, although the subject is able to see a kindly precision hand, and glance up to two more bully fists, and even look down to see a crimson cord whose holder is not visible in his field, are three cords behind him: one attached to his right shoulder, one to his right hip, and one to his right ankle.
Altogether there are 7 crimson cords of control, colored the same as his civic uniform. These equal the seven faces of the hero from antiquity [1] and are present in the Statue of Liberty, which is a male priest of Apollo wearing a crown of 7 rays of enlightenment. Those who wield these seven influence upon him, are mostly unknowable.
Most ominously at all is that the cords and the controlling hands lead away out of view into into a black cover back, with no dust cover, no information.
The overall impression of this cover art and lettering is that the cords disappearing off field behind the subject, that is the idealized Public Man, represent aspects of social branding, induction, abduction, conduction leading to pure creation of artificial perception, so as the public man, to the extent that he can see and think, is able only to be mislead by his anonymous shepherd.
Cover designer Tiziana Matarazzo has depicted Bernay’s vapid yet sinister study and promotion of mass mind manipulation in a concise and stark field of control depicting a man as a puppet on a lonely stage controlled by the actions of numerous forces, seen and unseen.
-1. Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell
dark, distant futures
the gods of boxing
beasts of arуas
winter of a fighting life
night city
book of nightmares
by the wine dark sea
honor among men
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