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‘For No Reason?’
Musings on Mob Hysteria: 11/20/24
© 2024 James LaFond
“The false has no limits.”
-Seneca, On Philosophy The Guide to Life
“You are the man, and I must say pretty tech savvy, better than my parents and my wife. You got cash app, venmo or anything like that? Or is there a place to straight donate on your website? I hate to say it but I've only been a reader in prison. When I'm not in I can't even finish a magazine.
“Either way, since getting out life has been great. Spending lots of money trying to get pregnant again, but life is good. Always look forward to your perspective. I feel like when your on a podcast people start to "step up" a bit. Kinda like a new shot caller entered the prison yard. Even though it's done online over a podcast you can hear something inaudible in the other hosts perk up a bit when they are on with you.
“I always love stealing historical anecdotes at parties. Talking about white slaves, dropping some of your book titles like I read them. I love being white and being proud. Not in an annoying way, but in a reasonable manner. History is so much more interesting when you talk about it. So much more intrigue when it isn't retold like a marvel movie with a definite good and bad guy.
I think I'm also contrarian, memorized just enough historical facts to bring up some interesting facts.
-Myth of the 20th Century Listener Email, 11/18/24
“In my view philosophy is the least gay type of writing. It is the study of the human will.”
-Nick Mason from an 11/8/24 unrecorded skype conversation, in response to this old crumb’s admission that I avoided reading modern philosophy because I thought it was gay.
I sit here and write while enfeebled by a beautiful thing, the first November snowfall in Baltimore City I have seen. It is coming from the west, the interior, from the quarter which I am soon bound by train. I tempted and then resist the modern view that that which harms is ugly and try and remind the muddy mind to embrace the ancient way.
The eye, the back, the hip, the leg, the many overuse injuries are lighting up the old crumb and challenging my presentation of the “Theban Debacle.” The 335 B.C. kindred genocide of a people, was like a Canadian warlord took Chicago then let his allies from Detroit, Millwaukie, Joliet, Gary and Indianapolis decide what to do with that great and arrogant city.
I recall, the left wing podcasters and conservative historian Victor Davis Hansen have spent much effort in 2024 writing and speaking upon ancient genocides, putting their own spin on the ancient crime. For instance, the homosexual podcasters declared that Roman lack of female political authority was a crime only barely exceeded by the extermination of the city of Carthage. Right and left is in agreement that any ancient conqueror who permits a city to be wiped out has committed an unforgivable and even irrational act. Yet modern America has turned a hundred cities to rubble, even melted a few, and is always “the good guy.”
My primary ancient source on the Theban Debacle, which was an obvious externally induced form of social suicide, Arrian [who all of these modern sources distrust for his admiration of Alexander] did write that even in the case of a people such as the Thebans, who had a 200 year long record of such war crimes, and might have been said to have been punished according to “the Wrath of God,” that the human actors getting their hands dirty in such business are still guilty of a shameful and disgraceful act against their “kindred blood.”
Modern minds shun the idea of bloodlines which were central to the ancient experience and is the subject of The Son of God, my book on Arrian’s view of Alexander. Therefore, the modern mind has been deconstructed to misunderstand every past act. The cabal that engineered this were genius actors of diabolic insight, which I posit acted over multiple generations, even centuries, and probably across ages.
Alexander and his slain father before him were in a battle to the death over the autonomy of their people and the preservation of their bloodline. At the time that Alexander permitted his allies to pass terminal sentence on the Thebans, a dozen vassals and allies of his father had risen in revolt after his father was murdered. Alexander and his entire family would die in this two decade long war, his line extinguished, their loyalists murdered. Alexander explicitly wanted Thebes as an ally to contribute an excellent battalion of soldiers to the small army he was to lead against the vast Persian Empire.
The Persians knew that a united Greece would spell their utter doom—and it did, even a barely united Greece, with the Spartans and Thebans siding with Persia against their own cousins.
It is obvious to any rational observer, that Persia must bribe Greek states to rise against their national Hegemon. A careful look at the simultaneous rising of so many hopelessly over-matched powers lead by exiles returned from Persian courts, BEFORE their oppressor left, shows a practical hand. The Persians funded the suicides of various folk, most tragically the Thebans, in the hopes that Alexander would be slain—for as a hero king he led from the front—but more likely, that he would be delayed, which he was. At Thebes, the military math tells us that an entire nation died, so that the governors of Greek Persia might have another week to assemble their army to oppose the young Hero King.
To the modern historian, there can only be the judgment that Alexander was the “bad guy” and the Thebans [whose shadowy leaders evaporate from the stage as soon as the walls of the city they coaxed into revolt are breached] are the “good guys,” fools perhaps, patriots maybe, but good guys.
Today many people believe that members of other races hate them and wish to wipe them out because those others are “bad.” This reminds me of the Theban response to the news that Alexander was at “the gates” to their homeland, a man so endowed with excellence in leadership that he was regarded, even at age 18, as unbeatable. This is not something we can believe today, as one man may not lead. Yet the career of Alexander bears out that he was special, that he took nothing, gave away everything, restored local government, as well as restoring the looted tombs and temples, and was ALWAYS lenient to a foe who agreed to be friends and kept their word.
When he was poised to come against Thebes, the Thebans who wished to make peace with him were reviled by their fellows and shunned or attacked for not believing the media reports [yes, they had media] that Alexander had been slain. The hysterical belief was that Alexander had been slain by one of the many plots hatched against him.
When finally, he came before Thebes and offered peace, the same hysteria mongers convinced most Thebans that Alexander was a liar and would slay them all, so that they might as well die in the cause of liberty. Thebes attacked, as Alexander offered peace. He then won easily and handed the fate of Thebes to the numerous small towns they had oppressed. These towns did not just decide to sell the Thebans into slavery, but to restore two towns that Thebes had wiped out. Alexander then offered peace to the many other cities that had revolted at the same time and was as good as his word. He insisted of Athens only that they exile a single man—who went back to his Persian paymaster.
This is the same man who protected the wives and children of his conquered enemy Darius, and punished the traitor to Darius who killed that king. That well read historians must play good guy bad guy to cue our perennial hysteria, even when evidence shows that both Alexander and the Thebans, cast as “bad guy” and “good guys” were both struggling pieces in a terrible chess game they would both fail to survive: the taken pawn and the checked king. We, in this world beyond the pale of conspiracy, are not permitted to see the hand of the explicit enemy [Persia] let alone the machinations of the masterful and unnamed player for which kings and pawns are the most vulnerable playing piece and real power is wielded by the queen [palace staff], rook [fortress commanders], knights [army commanders] and bishops [conspirators].
The game of chess is reduced to mere math, its lesson about rule from the shadows and the impotency of kings caught in the web of conspiracy, lost under the black hat/white hat narrative imposed on us from birth. The key to playing the game of Satanic Earth, [1] for whoever the unnamed players who have ruled us from the shadows for ages are, is the establishment of their puppets in the popular mind, as either good or bad, with that vast gray reality spanning the world between those two fantastic towers of ivory and opal, rendered invisible to the mass mind. It might be useful to refer to the Public Mind as a creature that sees only black, white and shades of red, with other colors as well as gray invisible to the emotional iris implanted in that forever infant consciousness.
-1. I agree with the author of The Book of Job and the Gospels of Mathew and Luke, as well as the venerable Increase Mather, that Satan rules on earth as God rules in heaven, and that Milton and Dante painted portraits of earth set in pagan myth to evade censure by our terrible underlords.
‘Our Minds Molded’
Autumn/Winter 2024 Writing Journal
shrouds of arуas
when you're food
the gods of boxing
taboo you
dark, distant futures
masculine axis
Barry Bliss     Mar 25, 2025

What is one of the better Alexander biographies?
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