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Black Moon Rising
Richard Barrett, Protagonist of A Gaslight Knight, Continues His Weird Quest This Side of Night
© 2024 James LaFond
Hello James!
You have distracted me from my own writing with this magnificent piece, “‘The Coming Saecular Winter’ Part 2: Impressions of Strauss & Howe’s The Fourth Turning Concept: Utah 8/11/24” linked here for the reference pleasure of your readers:
It is utterly bizarre, but on my birthday in October of 2024, I found myself reading this book at one of the Barnes & Noble in our area.
I have long been fascinated with this book, as I have since I have been immersing myself in the world of Julius Evola and Esotericism in general since 2019.
I agree with your points 100%.
I have a strong interest in Steve Bannon, as he is an Evolian as well, and fan of Strauss & Howe. Evola, you may recall in “Revolt Against the Modern World”, uses Ovid’s four-fold cycle system too, because…well…he’s a Traditionalist!
What is very interesting to me is the 2005 end date when the Tradition broke.
Having lived this era myself, and with my well-documented concurrent interest in the Global War on Terror, this topic is important to me.
For me, the Global War on Terror is my Plantation America Project. It’s not for everybody, but it’s for me…and the official facts just do not add up.
In my on way, I have written about this breaking with Tradition last year in October of 2023, in a piece entitled: “Where It Begins and Ends: A History of the Spiritual and Warrior Caste in 20th Century and 21st Century America”:
But now, I would like to outline this in more detail based off your article…in a way that only a Pulp Fiction Publisher can…
“#1 ‘A sense of public urgency contributes to a clampdown on bad conduct or antisocial behaviors.’”
Ok…this was clearly 9/11 for anybody who remembers it. It was the Alamo, Custer’s Last Stand, and Pearl Harbor all rolled up into one. A savage sneak attack from a stab-in-the-back, Predatory foe.
Personally, I believe that Saddam Hussein launched 9/11, as well as a number of thwarted follow-up attacks.
Think this is a bold claim? I would direct readers to some interesting evidence found in “Bush vs. the Beltway: The Inside Battle for the War in Iraq” by Laurie Mylroie.
I have had the privilege of making contact with the author, and the findings are disturbing.
As many of your readers know, I wrote and published my second book in 2015 on the Middle East and the Iraq War, entitled “All Men Follow the Strongman: The Forgotten History of the Iraq War”.
I can tell you that we have more records in our possession on Saddam Hussein than any other leader that has come before.
The seizure of 2 million of his documents during the Liberation of Baghdad was the largest seizure of enemy documents in war-time history.
In short, we have more first-hand sources on the man than we do for even the famous Bad Man of the Rhineland…the Modern Age’s veritable benchmark for tyranny.
As I documented in my book, we know from his own archives that he was joining forces with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood at the Ideological Level starting in 1986, and at the Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Level starting in 1992/1993.
We also know that he had WMDs…and our own sources AFTER the invasion confirm this. Carter Andress in his book “Victory Undone: The Defeat of Al Qaeda and Its Resurrection as ISIS” talks about how he was responsible for disposing of these WMDs.
Karl Rove, Dubya’s chief political advisor, also talks about in his book “Courage and Consequences: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight” how we found the WMDs and disposed of them.
Then it gets interesting…
In the same book, Karl Rove talks about how after they found the he convinced Bush to DROP the issue of WMDs in the media, and focus his messaging on the “success” of “Democracy Building” in Iraq!
This would have been around 2005…
Here’s where it gets even more bizarre.
In his extensive research, the top Saddam and Iraq scholar, Kyle Orton (whom I have also had the pleasure to exchange virtual pleasantries with, ever so briefly in a response to an article I wrote about him) has uncovered another interesting fact:
Some Republicans wanted Dubya to do a press conference in which he would actually handle the toxic Chemical Weapons in an NBC protection suit in front of reporters!
But Karl Rove dissuaded him of this…
Again, this would have been around 2005…
As you note, “‘A sense of public urgency contributes to a clampdown on bad conduct or antisocial behaviors.’...began to come to pass in the early 2000s but was reversed by Steerage interference.”
The facts bear your observation out!
9/11 and the Global War on Terror had the potential to be the thing that would create “‘A sense of public urgency contribut[ing] to a clampdown on bad conduct or antisocial behaviors.’”
Those old enough to remember that in the first few years of the War, 2001–2004, we were seeing this. I recall this from my own childhood. And documentation backs this up.
William J. Bennett stated that 9/11 and the GWOT would be the thing destroyed Postmodern Moral Relativism, and would restored a sense of Virtue, Duty, and Warrior Values back to America in his 2003 book “Why We Fight: Moral Clarity in the War on Terrorism”.
And this wasn’t just coming from Right…even New Atheist scholars like Christopher Hitchens were getting on board with all this!
But the best example of this has to come from Thomas S. Engeman’s 2003 article, “In Defense of Cowboy Culture: For the American hero, the frontier never closes.”
In it, he says that it is…get this…Pulp Fiction novels and movies that have inspired our troops’ initial victories!
In the article, he further predicts that this conjunction of Spirit and Action would renew the soul of heroic Warrior Culture in America!
“Somehow,” he writes, “These young men and women, certified members of the slacker generation, were battling down Freedom’s Road, not slouching toward Gomorrah.”
But the Steerage Interference could not have this…
The Steerage Interference you discuss is documented in depth by the investigative journalist Kenneth R. Timmerman in his book: “Shadow Warriors: The Untold Story of Traitors, Saboteurs, and the Party of Surrender”.
I have had the privilege of also conversing with this author, and he is a stand-up dude.
He discusses in depth the activities of the “Central Brain” and it’s Diplomatic corps “Face” Department that shares its name with the 50 units that comprise America during the GWOT years.
In excruciating detail, he documents how these forces undercut Dubya’s wishes at every turn, in the same manner of machinations that you describe the Bankers and Praetorian Guards undercutting the Emperors of old in Rome.
And so here we are on the Eve of 2025, living in the Shadow of the Thwarted Turning…
I will leave you with this…
I have penned this article on 12-30-2024, while bar patrons beg “Sweet Baby Jesus” to give the Detroit Lions victory over the Kansas City Chiefs in front of the flickering big screen tv lights that chronicle the final NFL game of this year.
Tomorrow, 12-31-2024 ends this annus horribilis…and it is ending with a Black Moon.
The article above notes that the Moon will return to its normal form on the sixth day of the first month of the New Year…
Richard Barrett
Written at 9:58 PM, somewhere in the USA…
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