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Best Selling E-Books?
An Outline of Reader Preferences
© 2025 James LaFond

I have had some inquires as to the most liked titles and categories available here at the end of the internet.

We have yet to see a 100 sales on one title, but are hopeful.

At the bottom find a a list of article reads and comments by category, which might make the sales list make more or less sense.

Thank you for this very helpful support over these past 14 years.

price sold title category for sale
7 97 Taboo You  Harm City 
5 97 When You're Food  Harm City 
5 79 Your Trojan Whorse  Harm City 
3 48 Predation  Harm City 
25 43 Logic of Steel  Modern Combat 
6 41 Logic of Force  Modern Combat 
12 38 The Fighting Edge  Modern Combat 
3 36 The Lesser Angels Of Our Nature  Harm City 
6 34 Honor Among Men  Blog 
15 31 Cracker-Boy  Histories 
7 26 Triumph  Gaming 
10 26 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold  Histories 
10 26 The Combat Space  Modern Combat 
5 24 Winter of a Fighting Life  Modern Combat 
20 24 Broken Dance  Histories 
7 22 Masculine Axis  Blog 
3 19 The Greatest Boxer  Modern Combat 
3 18 Menthol Rampage  Harm City 
3 15 Blue Eyed Daughter of Zeus  Histories 
10 15 On Combat  Modern Combat 
5 14 Barbarism versus Civilization  Blog 
5 12 Solo Boxing  Modern Combat 
3 11 Book of Nightmares  Fiction 
8 10 All-Power-Fighting  Histories 
7 10 By the Wine Dark Sea  Gaming 
10 10 Let the World Fend for Itself  Harm City 
10 10 Sons of Arуas  Histories 
5 9 Son of a Lesser God  Blog 
8 8 The First Boxers  Histories 
8 7 The Gods of Boxing  Histories 
7 7 Under the God of Things  Blog 
5 7 Thriving In Bad Places  Harm City 
10 6 Advent America  Histories 
5 6 Orphan Nation  Histories 
6 6 Songs of Arуas  Histories 
10 6 Beasts of Arуas  Histories 
12 5 Fiction Anthology One  Fiction 
15 5 Fanatic  Fiction 
10 5 Uncle Satan  Blog 
3 5 Crag Mouth  Gaming 
5 4 Ranger?  Fiction 
5 4 Wife—  Fiction 
10 4 Shrouds of Arуas  Histories 
10 4 Plantation America  Histories 
7 4 Battle  Gaming 
10 3 The Year the World Took the Z-Pill  Blog 
15 3 On the Overton Railroad  Blog 
10 3 Song of the Secret Gardener  Fiction 
5 3 Sorcerer!  Fiction 
10 3 Dark, Distant Futures  Fiction 
10 3 America the Brutal  Fiction 
15 3 The Sunset Saga Complete  Fiction 
15 3 Fate  Fiction 
15 3 Hate  Fiction 
15 3 Time & Cosmos  Fiction 
7 3 Night City  Fiction 
30 3 Z-pill Forever  Blog 
10 3 Search for an American Spartacus  Histories 
10 3 ‘In These Goings Down’  Histories 
12 2 Into Leviathan’s Maw  Blog 
5 2 Ball of Fortune  Histories 
12 1 Within Leviathan’s Craw  Blog 
15 0 Graphomaniac Archive #1  Fiction 
3 10 Organa  Fiction  no
5 10 Den of the Ender  Fiction  no
3 10 Buzz Bunny  Fiction  no
3 9 By This Axe!  Fiction  no
3 9 Riding The Nightmare  Fiction  no
5 7 Of The Sunset World 1  Fiction  no
10 7 Of The Sunset World  Fiction  no
5 7 The World Is Our Widow  Fiction  no
5 7 Apocalisp  Harm City  no
3 6 Soter's Way  Fiction  no
5 6 Behind the Sunset Veil  Fiction  no
3 6 God of War  Fiction  no
7 5 Black & Pale  Fiction  no
5 4 Of The Sunset World 2  Fiction  no
5 4 Of The Sunset World 3  Fiction  no
5 4 Pillagers Of Time 1  Fiction  no
5 4 Pillagers Of Time 2  Fiction  no
10 4 Pillagers Of Time  Fiction  no
5 4 Yusef of the Dusk  Fiction  no
5 3 Thunderbird  Fiction  no
5 3 Supplicant Song  Fiction  no
5 3 SPQR  Fiction  no
5 1 Pillagers Of Time 3  Fiction  no

Blog 4,994 3,833 25.6%
Harm City 3,844 3,479 23.2%
Fiction 1,648 270 5.7%
Modern Combat 1,737 1,688 17.2%
Histories 1,868 960 15.8%
Gaming 130 160 12.2%
Topulation Emplacement
Honorable Factory of Fair Play
on the overton railroad
under the god of things
ball of fortune
the year the world took the z-pill
orphan nation
america the brutal
uncle satan
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