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‘The Iron’
STW #8—Strength Beyond Strength by Jack Donovan
© 2014 James LaFond
Jack interviews power lifter Hunter Cuneo about buying into the lie, emasculating environments, postmodern reeducation, an effeminate culture, and rediscovering private men’s only fraternities where a culture of honor and shame is still accepted. As a man that was involved with strength training in my youth for a few years I was thrilled to hear Hunter’s fairly monastic discussion of the meditative values of weight training and the moral benefits derived from training in an all male facility. His discussion on the modern degenerate man is particularly enlightening.
As you listen to this podcast you might want to consider that about half of the women that I have interviewed concerning their lives have expressed extreme disaffection with what they most often call feminism, which is ‘out of control cattiness’. Numerous strong minded women have confided in me that feminism in its current politically correct form has placed them at the mercy of the worst aspects of their gender. As a recent government employee in middle management recently told me, “I hate this job now. There are no more men, no one to keep the cattiness under control. Us women need a real man—not these liberal faɡɡots—to keep us stable.
Hunter Cuneo’s story points to the reemergence of the idea of exclusivity in postmodern culture. It will be interesting to see if such efforts become the target of predatory municipal or even federal legislation.
‘What About the Rest of Us?’
the man cave
‘I Want to Fight Professionally’
uncle satan
orphan nation
the first boxers
the sunset saga complete
plantation america
crag mouth
under the god of things
masculine axis
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