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White Women Rule the World
The Seven Insidious Truths of Media Feminism by Jeremy Bentham
© 2014 Jeremy Bentham
The best thing about having one of these websites is the people that contact you. I have been lucky enough to receive emails and comments from observant military men [active duty, retired, and private contractors] as well as some very news savvy critiques on the human condition. Our most knowledgeable reader is Jeremy, a fact-checking and quoting machine who spends as much time commenting on my articles [unless he types at the speed of sound] than I often spend writing them. Below is an example that absolutely deserves credit.
Jeremy Bentham commented on ‘Pimp Slap Politics’ Sep-24-2014 2:25 AM EDT
“If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teachings of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them.”
-The Qur’an, Sura 4:34.
Well it appears that the bitch slap seen ‘round the world has dominated conversation in your neighborhood James. So with that in mind let me contribute some more topics for discussion.
We have learned the following from this scandal:
1. White women rule the world: everyone else either wants to be with them or look like them. When something bothers them everyone WILL be made to care about it. White men have been rendered powerless to resist them and will give into their demands regardless.
2. Feminism trumps oppressed minority status in the politically correct hierarchy of needs. Thus everyone else is powerless to resist white women as well (except occasionally gay men).
3. Beta males among the whites use support for feminism as a tactic to gain the favor of white women in order to have sex with them. However, this tactic frequently does not work, much to the bewilderment of the beta males.
4. The news media is demonstrating its power by marginalizing America’s favorite pastime. The media took down President Nixon, Donald Sterling and General McCrystal and now it is taking down professional football. The reporters and editors in the news and sports media are predominantly Leftist progressives who are not content with reporting events; rather they want to control events. They want to “make a difference” and change the world.
5. The Leftists in the news media do not see any irony or contradiction in the fact that they are endeavoring to marginalize a sport that enables young black men to become multi-millionaires. They believe themselves to be “down with the struggle” for black liberation, so they believe their motives in publicizing the Ray Rice scandal to be noble and caring. Leftists/ Liberals believe that they should be judged based on their good intentions rather than on the results they achieve.
6. Yes indeed, as you observed, the big loser in this is Janay Palmer Rice. Because this incident became public she lost her ticket to living the life styles of the rich and famous.
7. “There’s some things you can cover up, and then there’s’ some things you can’t.”
-Ray Lewis
‘Eating Bitter’
guest authors
‘The Woman’
solo boxing
the greatest lie ever sold
honor among men
crag mouth
into leviathan’s maw
winter of a fighting life
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 24, 2014

Oh hey James I forgot item #8 about what we learned: Our civilian society has become collectivized to the point that your off duty behavior can and will impact your job status, just like in the military. Committing certain petty offenses (such as DWI or domestic violence) or even expressing certain Un-politically correct sentiments can ruin your chances for promotion on the job and/or get you fired.
James     Sep 24, 2014

Excellent point Jeremy.

This ethic has already filtered down into the ghetto grocer work force. Recently a young man made a friendly joke to myself and another coworker, hinting that the fact that we worked so closely together might indicate that we are gay. The subtext that made it funny was the fact that this third coworker is a raging homophobe.

When a supervisor heard in passing about this 5 second 3 a.m. quip between men laboring in what is essentially a locker room atmosphere his boss put America's PC sights on a 20 year old kid that was just trying to crack a joke. I received a phone call from my supervisor and learned that this guy would lose his job if I felt offended by the statement!

I told my boss, "Look, I have a great working relationship with both these guys. It's an all man crew so things are said. No gay coworkers were present and no heterosexuals were molested."

The next time I showed up at work the young guy said, "Thanks for backing me up man. What the hell, I almost lost my job making a joke that couldn't possibly have hurt your feelings, since you're basically insane, and everybody knows Joe is genetically incapable of being gay. I would have never made a crack like that around a gay person, or even a woman."

Keep in mind that in this economy, in this city, it takes that kid three months to get a job, a job that will pay less. With most people in the grocery business being 80 unpaid work hours from homelessness, that is a pretty steep price to pay for a harmless comment, but is called for by our leftist masters.

I just read a piece by Ernst Junger about the militarization and objectification of society in the 1930s, and what it would lead to. I think we are almost there.
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 24, 2014

Wow! That's a scary story! The crazy thing is that this "militarization" of society is being advanced by people who have always claimed to oppose "militarization". Then again while most of the Leftists I have conversed with over the past 40 years or so vehemently opposed a military draft they completely supported the idea of conscripting American youth to work at "community service" or other Leftist approved causes. Furthermore, 40 years ago people used to laugh at the idea of a "permanent record", like a military personnel file, that would follow you around in life. Now there is one. So clearly if it is a "revolutionary" army it's cool with the Lefties.

Oh I would be further remiss if I did not mention item #9 of the lessons learned: Seeing the pictures makes all the difference in influencing public opinion. Hearing that Ray Rice knocked his fiancée out did not have as great an impact on public sentiment as did seeing the video of Ray actually striking her and dragging her unconscious form off the elevator like a cement bag. Remember, it was after the video was shown that the Matriarchy decided that Ray should be banished to the wilderness for the rest of his mortal existence and that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell should be made to endure the Communist criticism/self-criticism sessions that pass for press conferences these days (Mr. Goodell, can you explain to the American People why you shouldn’t be whipped with a rattan cane for failing to ask the casino to look at their security video of the incident?).
James     Sep 28, 2014

The most telling thing about this entire tangle is that our female Duplicarchs rule through the physically frail male deceiver known as a lawyer and the socially impotent manly goon known as the law enforcer. Both of these social types are the focus of many TV programs targeting the female audience.
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 27, 2014

Hey James, looks like I came up with enough additional lessons learned for a second part article. So here it is.

White Women Rule the World -Part II.

“Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

-Karl Marx

“Nothing needs reforming so much as other people’s habits.”

-Mark Twain

More lessons learned from the bitch slap seen ‘round the world:

8. Our civilian society has become collectivized to the point that your off duty behavior can and will impact your job status, just like in the military. Committing certain petty offenses (such as DWI or domestic violence) or even expressing certain Un-politically correct sentiments can ruin your chances for promotion on the job and/or get you fired.

9. Seeing the pictures makes all the difference in influencing public opinion. Hearing that Ray Rice knocked his fiancée out did not have as great an impact on public sentiment as did seeing the video of Ray actually striking her and dragging her unconscious form off the elevator like a cement bag. It was then that the Matriarchy decided to get involved and demand that Ray be banished to the wilderness, and further that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell should be subjected to some of the Communist criticism/self-criticism sessions that pass for a press conference these days (Mr. Goodell, can you explain to the American People why you should not be beaten with a rattan cane for failing do more to prevent domestic violence in the NFL?)

10. Yes, you heard that right: “The Matriarchy”. The Establishment is no longer “The Man”; it is now “The Woman”. As in “I’m tired of gettin’ hassled by The Woman”. Tom Brokaw spilled the beans about the country being run by a de facto Matriarchy in his most recent “American Story” radio spot: Naturally “women’s issues” will be given increasingly greater priority in the PC hierarchy of needs. Likewise anyone who does not publically support these “women’s issues” will be demonized and ostracized. Of course this ruling matriarchy will continue to be a sort of a “transvestite” matriarchy (pay no attention to what’s underneath the skirt) because at the very pinnacle of the hierarchy you will still find Liberal white men. For example, when Hillary Clinton is elected President in 2016, everyone will know that Bill will be the real President.

11. Yes, Ray Rice did get singled out because he is black. That is because The Woman has decided that some of the habits of black men are in need of serious reform. Now rest assured that The Woman still loves all Her oppressed children, but She simply can no longer abide all this pimp slapping. It is going to have to stop! So the whole African-American community is going to undergo some behavior modification in the months and years to come, starting with the National Football League. The Sisters are going to have to understand that The Woman has decided that Janay will be better off without Ray (now that he longer has a high paying career it is probably only a matter of time before she leaves him). She will no longer be rich but she’ll have her dignity, and that’s more important…right?

I must imagine that this Matriarchy will continue to grow in power and influence. That is unless and until it is replaced by an even more implacable ruling elite, such as the Islamic Caliphate.
James     Sep 28, 2014

I am encoding your piece on this holiest of days Jeremy.

Jeremy Bentham     Sep 29, 2014

Yes, good point about our female Duplicarchs (an insightful term) ruling through lawyers and the police, James. The preferred modus operandi of the Matriarchy is “soft totalitarianism” to “nudge” people into compliance with its many wishes, generally by withholding privileges or threatening ostracism from polite society. But ultimately these social changes are enforced at gun point. The matriarchy is no less oppressive than the patriarchy; in fact it’s more oppressive, since the Leftist matriarchal nanny state has proven to be a bigger bunch of busy bodies and control freaks than the church people of the old patriarchy ever thought about being. Mom always has more rules of deportment than Dad does. Mom is more risk adverse and concerned about details. Dad is usually compelled to enforce Mom’s wishes upon the children as well (lest he himself suffer ostracism and a withholding of privileges).

Your observation about the Matriarchy’s influence on prime-time television fare is equally prescient. Yes indeed, in 50 years our TV programing has gone from featuring stories about pioneers and men of adventure to melodramas about the lives of people who lie and argue for a living.
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