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A Black on Black Case Study in Violent Crime
© 2014 James LaFond
JayZee is a 58 year old black female alcoholic. She is a kind soul, but receives little kindness from men, for, at a distance, she appears male. She is light skinned, and walks with a cane, which is required due to an injury resulting from a street beating and/or a drunken fall. JayZee is not homeless, but lives in such cramped squalor that she can be counted on to carry all of her worldly valuables with her. Street people are targeted for violence by thugs at a high rate for three reasons:
1. the cops and press are not sympathetic
2. there is no family to retaliate, otherwise these people would not be on the street
3. street people carry what little money they have on them, as any roommates they may have cannot be trusted
JayZee was drunk—and had hence sinned against American values and deserves what she got and will not be a candidate for liberal sympathies—on October 2nd, walking down Harford Road in a state of inebriation, she was approached by two black teens and attacked. She blacked out. The next thing she recalls is that she came to consciousness over by Chesaco Avenue about a mile away. She was still being attacked and beaten. The black adults just looked on, did and said nothing. Two unaffiliated black teens called the police on their cell phones. The police did not arrive in time to make an arrest—as far as she can remember—and the other teens stood by as witnesses but did not come to her aid.
JayZee spent the next 13 days in the hospital, until the swelling of her face was reduced enough so that she could see. Her eyes are still a mass of broken blood vessels and her cheeks are blue-black on her milk-chocolate toned skin.
Her cane was retrieved by the witnesses so she still has that to hobble around on. JayZee called the police to ask for a report on her case, as she does not even know if there was an arrest and if it is being investigated. The police officer she spoke to said that a copy of the police report would cost her $15.
JayZee won't have any money until her disability check comes out on the first of November. Some employees at the local supermarket are feeding JayZee, purchasing food for her when she comes to the store.
The 'black community' does not advocate for JayZee, does not know she exists, for she does not have a welfare mother to play to the white liberal press on her behalf, and has not been martyred in the phony war against the white police.
The white liberal media does not care about JayZee, or any marginalized person like her, because she has not been attacked by white police, who represent a bastion of political conservatism and right wing sympathy.
Not qualified to be a pawn in the phony race war that simultaneously serves to build liberal coalitions among the electorate and support for military style policing among the marginalized conservative opposition, JayZee will remain undefended, and un-avenged by a society who has no use for her.
Whether you, the reader, are white or black or Latino, liberal or conservative, I wager that you have already found a reason why JayZee deserves her plight. Liberals will note her alcoholism. Conservatives will take exception to a 58 year old drawing disability. The functional genius of the criminal class is that they instinctively cull the least sympathetic from among the human herd. Only when they have the audacity to attack a cow or a calf or stand up to a dominant bull will they be perceived as a menace to the herd.
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