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Hos, Yos and Mofos
An Excerpt from the Upcoming Book Narco Night Train
© 2014 James LaFond
This week, on three occasions, I have walked by the local bank ATM as a group of youthful black muggers stood like sentinels around it. A group of adult black men drinking malt liquor and minding their own business on a secondary street corner would be rousted by the cops. But these predators are ignored by the cops like lions ignore jackals; two sets of unequally matched predators, one hunting the other scavenging and hunting lesser prey.
I have seen the cops arrest or stop three middle aged white men in this same time period. The muggers and the cops are preying on the same animal, the middle aged stoner or alcoholic, consigned to a life on foot in one of America’s most dangerous cities.
This Sunday morning I was out walking down my street when a hooker approached me from behind. I crossed the street and she sped up and followed, asking for a cigarette. I nodded ‘no’ and ignored her but she came closer and shadowed me like a half naked slave girl living under Sharia law. I was glaring around, ignoring her, looking for the man or men who might be her accomplice in my robbery. I was visualizing hammer-fisting her teeth down her throat before I grabbed her and threw her at the legs of her buck, then she broke my slide into psychopathy with her prematurely gravel-tone voice, “Excuse me. Can I walk with you to the main road? Please sir, you look like you can take care of business. Two males—young black ones—have been robbing women on this street, all the way back to Belair Road. You should let your women know about it. I wouldn’t want it to happen to them.”
I remained silent, but permitted the hooker to walk off my right shoulder. When we got to Harford Road she ran for it, like some English woman running for the subway when the air raid sirens went off during the Battle of Britain.
That was just another Sunday morning in the Narcostate, a world crafted into a twisted corpse of a nation by our masters in their ceaseless war on self-medication. To my dissident mind the war on drugs is a scheme to drug the population and at the same time build a massive police state.
It is what it is. The best I can hope for is to survive for a while in its writhing ruin and leave a record for some member of a hopefully sane world that might rise from the haze of this one when it finally implodes.
-James LaFond, Friday, 10/24/2012
'Is You Stupid White-boy?'
harm city
‘Yo Shorty’
son of a lesser god
sons of arуas
uncle satan
beasts of arуas
logic of steel
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 25, 2014

Yes, law enforcement in our major cities certainly appears to follow an incomprehensible set of priorities these days. Protecting the public can't be one of one of them. It would appear that the police in Baltimore are engaging in "De-policing".

“A Seattle policeman explained de-policing as: "Parking under a shady tree to work on a crossword puzzle is a great alternative to being labeled a racist and being dragged through an inquest, a review board, an FBI and U.S. attorney investigation, and a lawsuit."

Your explanation in "Harm City Shuffle" of how the welfare mammas' needs and wants are the leitmotif for criminal assaults in the Ghetto gives evidence that the HCPD has ample incentive to "de-police" and avoid confrontations with a certain category of youthful offender. The middle-aged substance abusers and the hookers will just have to organize themselves politically if they similarly wish to be left alone by the police. Start out with a "Stoners and Ho's for Justice!" march and some well-publicized candle light vigils for fallen comrades. A catchy marching tune would come in handy as well.
James     Oct 27, 2014

To expand on your point Jeremy, when talking with Quinn recently, the 58-year old black tennis instructor, he noted that these 'ATM boys' the ones that another black friend of mine [a former boxer named Hawk] recently rescued him from, were particularly dangerous in his mind's eye because they come from families with a political stake. The kids in this neighborhood born to blacks have parents who usually work for the municipal, state or federal government, and know people. Just as the rich white man of my youth would never accept that his boys might be out there beating up adults and younger children for pure sport, the employed black parents of youths who they outfit with the latest smartphones [often used to coordinate attacks] choose not to believe that their children are recreational criminals.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 28, 2014

Wow! Yet another fault line within the "monolithic" black community. Truly one needs a program to keep track of the various interest groups competing at cross purposes within the community. It's obvious then that the reason crime is allowed to prosper and promulgate in the Ghetto is because so many disparate groups benefit from it in one way or another. But Wow! I can understand why folks like Quinn then are reluctant to involve the police in their troubles with the youthful muggers. The police have been rendered worse than useless. Not only do they not confront the muggers, they prevent you from defending yourself against them as well. Based on your description of events James, the residents of the Harm City Ghetto would probably be better off if the police were absent entirely. Then they could at least organize a vigilance committee or hire the Seven Samurai or the A Team or something to chase the muggers away from the ATMs. Back in the bad ole' days the police used to break up groups of teenagers loitering on the streets as a matter of policy in order to prevent them from bullying and harassing adults and young children. But I guess that simply isn't done any more Muffy, is it?
James     Oct 28, 2014

I could not have written that with more political incorrectness—you are hired JB!

You're office will be in Detroit—or would you prefer Oakland?

Anyone in the so called black community will tell you that it is anything but. There is ancestral division that goes back to the prevention of a half-caste block as in European slave colonies. Look back to the 60s and 70s to the lineup of Ali's black opponents—dark skinned descendants of field hands and escaped slaves like Frazier's canebrake people, and Ali—beloved by white liberals who are the modern slave masters—the child of half-caste house servants, calling them 'gorilla's and 'acorns' to liberal white applause. That's just one way the Afro-American pie slices open.

The media portrays all blacks in the manner that the poverty pimps prefer. I would have to say that the two major divides are by age and class. Quinn, Hawk, William AKA 'Black Supper Man', and Mister Al are all over 55 years old, and all but Mister Al, who is in his 70s, are college educated. They are 1 income step and 2 educational steps above the whites they drink with at the mixed race sports bar, and have found themselves being preyed upon by the same thugs. The fascinating thing is it is a surprise to them. They believed that crime was caused by poverty, and did not expect it from the children of their younger employed neighbors. Also don't forget Oliver and Mister Bob who detest urban blacks for their trifling rudeness as much as I do suburban whites for their quibbling cravenness.

The hip hop culture and the drug culture have bloomed from a common deceitful verdure into the same rancid urban onion. I will be writing about the 'GQ' mugging, as it is being called, as soon as I finish writing Narco Night Train.
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 29, 2014

Actually James I'd like to have my office in either Detroit or Milwaukee. Detroit Police Chief James Craig and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke are two law enforcement officials I can work with. They both believe that gun control means being able to hit your target.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

In both Detroit and Milwaukee, the county and municipal police departments had their officer strength cut drastically during the past decade. Sheriff Clarke had the honesty and integrity to warn his constituents what the score was with this radio PSA:

"I'm Sheriff David Clarke and I want to talk to you about something personal: your safety. It's no longer a spectator sport; I need you in the game. But are you ready? With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared? Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family."

As you can imagine the Lefties on the county board and in Milwaukee's City Hall were beside themselves with rage that someone dared to expose them for cutting expenditures on public safety in favor of their pet social engineering projects. Anyway it's nice to know that there are still some public safety officials who are concerned about the public's safety.
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