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‘Yo Shorty’
A Whiff of Corporate America’s Agenda
© 2014 James LaFond
I spoke with Maryann yesterday, for the first time on over a year. Maryann is not her real name of course. Rather I chose that moniker for her to pay homage to her stunning resemblance to the petite brunette actress who played Maryann in the ancient sitcom Gilligan’s Island. This young lady worked for The Bank of America and had decided on going to work for a legal firm, largely due to the deteriorating nature of her working conditions for this iconic financial institution. Below is her summary of what the last month on the job was like.
“It had just turned into a customer service job, everybody working eleven to eight manning the phones to speak with irate debtors who seem to savor the C-word as the apogee of verbal expression in English. Dealing with the credit customers once the financial side went down, that has always been bad. What I don’t understand is why management decided to acquire new hires from that same level of society.
“Attire had always been professional. We wore dresses and suits, business casual at worst. Of course, when you require that level of dress you can’t very well pay your people minimum wage. They dropped the dress code and replaced the downsized employees with ghetto people making eight dollars an hour.
“As it was the middle class blacks dressed like whores even with the dress code. With the dress code abolished you can only imagine what these people were wearing in the office. We had employees fist-fighting in the office. One employee defecated in the elevator—and was fired for that. Then two other employees had sex in the elevator, on the clock, doors opening and shutting, people waiting, them getting it on. These two females got into it over a guy and the one hit the other with her car on the lot—hit her, not her car, right in the hip.
“The last straw for me was going to the coffee pot, in my business casual attire, between calls during which I’m being cussed out by these nasty Tennessee rednecks, and having this eighteen year old thug come up behind me—not a stone’s throw from the corporate office—wearing a hooded sweatshirt and whispering in my ear, “Yo Shorty—you cute. How ‘bout yo give me yo numba?”
“Oooo yuck! If that is the kind of employee you want operating your company, then I don’t want to work for you. I am very happy where I am, working for professional ladies and gentlemen who can have a conversation without the C-word, the F-bomb and the B-word which honestly seems to be beyond the ability of most adults in our current society. Really, why cuss constantly? Why is it a must?”
The ‘red flag’ of incivility that Maryann singled out for the focus of her distaste for banking is to me one of the surest signs of a slide in the capacity of our population to think. Most of the adults I know, even those with university degrees, are incapable of speaking a paragraph worth of dialogue without using one of the 7 formerly taboo words that have become the pillars of American expression. I think even George Carlin would be horrified. Last month I counted how many words I would have used in place of the f-words spoken to me in conversations, or overheard in close proximity, over the course of a day and it came to 23words in 71 usages.
That represents a severe restriction in vocabulary, 1 in 23, and I am not exactly Cicero.
Restricted vocabulary indicates restricted thought.
Restricted thought is indicative of a malleable mind. And, a malleable mind, what more does a tyrant need?
Is it an accident that our current tyranny of political correctness seeks to narrow permissible forms of expression, seeks to limit the number and variation of our allowed words?
If so, that does make sense.
What does not make sense is why we would concurrently limit our range of expression at the same time that the most profitable and ubiquitous businesses are personal communications outlets, like the Verizon store that I could barely squeeze into this past Saturday to get my 8 year old cell phone updated.
This pandemic of articulation suicide might just amount to the members of a society in decline emulating the lower class. But could it be something else, something more insidious?
Hos, Yos and Mofos
harm city
Narco State Anatomy
night city
son of a lesser god
into leviathan’s maw
advent america
on combat
graphomaniac archive #1
when you're food
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 28, 2014

Well James, you're on the Island of Doctor Moreau and the Law is no more! So go ahead and spill blood, run on all fours, chase other humans, defecate on the floor and copulate in public. "And as for civility and politeness, how can we expect to find them in one who imagines that such things would make him look effeminate and that they would be a hindrance to his work, especially when he thinks it his duty, instead of talking and looking like other men, to frighten everyone he meets with a volley of oaths and a terrible pair of whiskers?"

The short answer is that the Plan is to cause so much frightening and bewildering chaos in society that eventually the People will implore the very elites who caused the chaos in the first place to rescue them from it and restore order and sanity to society. This restoration of order will only cost the People their liberty, independence and prosperity. And afterwards we will still have the chaos because the elites who unleashed it will have no idea of how to rein it in again. And won't much care about dealing with it anyway since it won't bother them in their gentrified gated communities.
James     Oct 28, 2014

Well said Sir.

The gated communities are the key aren't they JB?
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 28, 2014

Indeed they are James! Because the new American Dream is to be able to afford to isolate yourself from the sort of multicultural "utopia" The Woman has planned for us. Where the Leftie elites intend to shelter themselves. Like Mr. Bob did. Yes, even Mr. Bob, an accomplished black man, didn't want to live in Black Run America (or "BRA"-a wholly owned subsidiary of The Woman) and therefore sought refuge in a Hebrew enclave. Every other suburban neighborhood outside those exclusive gated communities is just one section-eight voucher from turning into the Ghetto, aren't they? Like what happened to Ferguson, MO; the change once started occurs quickly. The general coarsening of the language and manners you described in your community is merely the result of middle class white people reacting to having to interact with Ghetto blacks on a daily basis, people with a proclivity for being hostile and uncivil (AKA keeping it "real"). Is you stupid white boy?

The whites are acting the way they believe they must in order to be understood and to endure in the regime they find themselves living and working under. The Woman considers Ghetto blacks to be a revolutionary street army that can be used to threaten Her political enemies with intolerable chaos. We all know that middle class white people, especially middle class white women, have a very low tolerance of chaos in their lives AND that Ghetto blacks are rather accomplished at creating chaos. So any unenlightened white folks who dare to oppose The Woman back down pretty quickly when threatened with black protestors from the Ghetto (and the supporting Hebrews with suits and briefcases; people who are likewise accomplished at creating chaos in the lives of the people they target). Losing is not an option for The Woman; She is resolved to prevail and have Her way. Currently She is demonstrating that she is willing to risk starting a race war in order to ensure Her Party wins the upcoming national election.

"A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family."

Saul Alinsky

“That perennial question ‘Does the End justify the Means?’ is meaningless as it stands; the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and has always been, “Does this particular end justify this particular means?”

Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals 1971, Of Means and Ends, p. 24.
James     Oct 28, 2014

You are on deck JB!
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